Tobias Pape uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Tools-topa.555 Author: topa Time: 18 March 2015, 10:33:54.342 am UUID: 1abeab8b-ed1d-4a14-aaee-8f0c6e25a28d Ancestors: Tools-topa.554 Move methods from Kernel to Tools/Morphic for basic Models (1/3) Load this first =============== Diff against Tools-topa.554 =============== Item was added: + ----- Method: Model>>arrowKey:from: (in category '*Tools-keyboard') ----- + arrowKey: aChar from: view + "backstop; all the PluggableList* classes actually handle arrow keys, and the models handle other keys." + ^false! Item was added: + ----- Method: Model>>perform:orSendTo: (in category '*Tools-menus') ----- + perform: selector orSendTo: otherTarget + "Selector was just chosen from a menu by a user. If can respond, then perform it on myself. If not, send it to otherTarget, presumably the editPane from which the menu was invoked." + + "default is that the editor does all" + ^ otherTarget perform: selector.! Item was added: + ----- Method: Model>>selectedClass (in category '*Tools') ----- + selectedClass + "All owners of TextViews are asked this during a doIt" + ^ nil! Item was added: + ----- Method: Model>>trash (in category '*Tools-menus') ----- + trash + "What should be displayed if a trash pane is restored to initial state" + + ^ ''! Item was added: + ----- Method: Model>>trash: (in category '*Tools-menus') ----- + trash: ignored + "Whatever the user submits to the trash, it need not be saved." + + ^ true! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>buildClassListWith: (in category 'toolbuilder') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>buildClassListWith: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- buildClassListWith: builder | listSpec | listSpec := builder pluggableListSpec new. listSpec model: self; list: #classList; getIndex: #classListIndex; setIndex: #classListIndex:; keyPress: #arrowKey:from:. ^listSpec ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>buildEditViewWith: (in category 'toolbuilder') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>buildEditViewWith: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- buildEditViewWith: builder | textSpec | textSpec := builder pluggableInputFieldSpec new. textSpec model: self; getText: #contents; setText: #contents:notifying:; selection: #contentsSelection; menu: #codePaneMenu:shifted:. ^textSpec! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>buildExamplePaneWith: (in category 'toolbuilder') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>buildExamplePaneWith: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- buildExamplePaneWith: builder | textSpec | textSpec := builder pluggableTextSpec new. textSpec model: self; getText: #byExample; setText: #byExample:; selection: #contentsSelection; menu: #codePaneMenu:shifted:. ^textSpec! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>buildMessageListWith: (in category 'toolbuilder') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>buildMessageListWith: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- buildMessageListWith: builder | listSpec | listSpec := builder pluggableListSpec new. listSpec model: self; list: #messageList; getIndex: #messageListIndex; setIndex: #messageListIndex:; menu: #selectorMenu:; keyPress: #messageListKey:from:. ^listSpec ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>buildWith: (in category 'toolbuilder') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>buildWith: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- buildWith: builder "Create a Browser that lets you type part of a selector, shows a list of selectors, shows the classes of the one you chose, and spawns a full browser on it. Answer the window SelectorBrowser new open " | windowSpec | selectorIndex := classListIndex := 0. windowSpec := self buildWindowWith: builder specs: { (0@0 corner: 0.5@0.14) -> [self buildEditViewWith: builder]. (0@0.14 corner: 0.5@0.6) -> [self buildMessageListWith: builder]. (0.5@0 corner: 1@0.6) -> [self buildClassListWith: builder]. (0@0.6 corner: 1@1) -> [self buildExamplePaneWith: builder]. }. ^builder build: windowSpec! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>byExample (in category 'example pane') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>byExample (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- byExample "The comment in the bottom pane" false ifTrue: [MethodFinder methodFor: #( (4 3) 7 (0 5) 5 (5 5) 10)]. "to keep the method methodFor: from being removed from the system" ^ 'Type a fragment of a selector in the top pane. Accept it. Or, use an example to find a method in the system. Type receiver, args, and answer in the top pane with periods between the items. 3. 4. 7 Or, in this pane, use examples to find a method in the system. Select the line of code and choose "print it". MethodFinder methodFor: #( (4 3) 7 (0 5) 5 (5 5) 10). This will discover (data1 + data2). You supply inputs and answers and the system will find the method. Each inner array is a list of inputs. It contains the receiver and zero or more arguments. For Booleans and any computed arguments, use brace notation. MethodFinder methodFor: { {1. 3}. true. {20. 10}. false}. This will discover the expressions (data1 < data2), (data2 > data1), and many others. MethodFinder methodFor: { {''29 Apr 1999'' asDate}. ''Thursday''. {''30 Apr 1999'' asDate}. ''Friday'' }. This will discover the expression (data1 weekday) Receiver and arguments do not have to be in the right order. See MethodFinder.verify for more examples.'! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>byExample: (in category 'example pane') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>byExample: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- byExample: newText "Don't save it" ^ true! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>classList (in category 'class list') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>classList (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- classList ^ classList! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>classListIndex (in category 'class list') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>classListIndex (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- classListIndex ^ classListIndex! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>classListIndex: (in category 'class list') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>classListIndex: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- classListIndex: anInteger classListIndex := anInteger. classListIndex > 0 ifTrue: [self changed: #startNewBrowser. "MVC view will terminate control to prepare for new browser" Browser fullOnClass: self selectedClass selector: self selectedMessageName. "classListIndex := 0"] ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>classListSelectorTitle (in category 'class list') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>classListSelectorTitle (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- classListSelectorTitle ^ 'Class List Menu'! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>contents:notifying: (in category 'example pane') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>contents:notifying: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- contents: aString notifying: aController "Take what the user typed and find all selectors containing it" | tokens | contents := aString. classList := #(). classListIndex := 0. selectorIndex := 0. tokens := contents asString findTokens: ' .'. selectorList := Cursor wait showWhile: [ tokens size = 1 ifTrue: [(Symbol selectorsContaining: contents asString) asArray sort: [:x :y | x asLowercase <= y asLowercase]] ifFalse: [self quickList]]. "find selectors from a single example of data" self changed: #messageList. self changed: #classList. ^ true! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>implementors (in category 'selector functions') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>implementors (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- implementors | aSelector | (aSelector := self selectedMessageName) ifNotNil: [self systemNavigation browseAllImplementorsOf: aSelector]! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>initialExtent (in category 'message list') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>initialExtent (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- initialExtent ^ 350@250 ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>listFromResult: (in category 'selector finding') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>listFromResult: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- listFromResult: resultOC "ResultOC is of the form #('(data1 op data2)' '(...)'). Answer a sorted array." (resultOC first beginsWith: 'no single method') ifTrue: [^ #()]. ^ resultOC sortBy: [:a :b | (a copyFrom: 6 to: a size) < (b copyFrom: 6 to: b size)]. ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>markMatchingClasses (in category 'message list') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>markMatchingClasses (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- markMatchingClasses "If an example is used, mark classes matching the example instance with an asterisk." | unmarkedClassList firstPartOfSelector receiverString receiver | self flag: #mref. "allows for old-fashioned style" "Only 'example' queries can be marked." (contents asString includes: $.) ifFalse: [^ self]. unmarkedClassList := classList copy. "Get the receiver object of the selected statement in the message list." firstPartOfSelector := (Scanner new scanTokens: (selectorList at: selectorIndex)) second. receiverString := (ReadStream on: (selectorList at: selectorIndex)) upToAll: firstPartOfSelector. receiver := Compiler evaluate: receiverString. unmarkedClassList do: [ :classAndMethod | | class | (classAndMethod isKindOf: MethodReference) ifTrue: [ (receiver isKindOf: classAndMethod actualClass) ifTrue: [ classAndMethod stringVersion: '*', classAndMethod stringVersionDefault. ] ] ifFalse: [ class := Compiler evaluate: ((ReadStream on: classAndMethod) upToAll: firstPartOfSelector). (receiver isKindOf: class) ifTrue: [ classList add: '*', classAndMethod. classList remove: classAndMethod ] ]. ]. ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>messageList (in category 'message list') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>messageList (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- messageList "Find all the selectors containing what the user typed in." ^ selectorList! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>messageListIndex (in category 'message list') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>messageListIndex (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- messageListIndex "Answer the index of the selected message selector." ^ selectorIndex! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>messageListIndex: (in category 'message list') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>messageListIndex: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- messageListIndex: anInteger "Set the selected message selector to be the one indexed by anInteger. Find all classes it is in." selectorIndex := anInteger. selectorIndex = 0 ifTrue: [^ self]. classList := self systemNavigation allImplementorsOf: self selectedMessageName. self markMatchingClasses. classListIndex := 0. self changed: #messageListIndex. "update my selection" self changed: #classList! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>messageListKey:from: (in category 'message list') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>messageListKey:from: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- messageListKey: aChar from: view "Respond to a command key. Handle (m) and (n) here, else defer to the StringHolder behaviour." aChar == $m ifTrue: [^ self implementors]. aChar == $n ifTrue: [^ self senders]. super messageListKey: aChar from: view ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>open (in category 'toolbuilder') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>open (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- open "Create a Browser that lets you type part of a selector, shows a list of selectors, shows the classes of the one you chose, and spwns a full browser on it. SelectorBrowser new open " ^ToolBuilder open: self! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>quickList (in category 'selector finding') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>quickList (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- quickList "Compute the selectors for the single example of receiver and args, in the very top pane" | data result resultArray dataStrings mf dataObjects aa statements | data := contents asString withBlanksTrimmed. mf := MethodFinder new. data := mf cleanInputs: data. "remove common mistakes" dataObjects := Compiler evaluate: '{', data, '}'. "#( data1 data2 result )" statements := (Compiler new parse: 'zort ' , data in: Object notifying: nil) body statements select: [:each | (each isKindOf: ReturnNode) not]. dataStrings := statements collect: [:node | String streamContents: [:strm | (node isMessage) ifTrue: [strm nextPut: $(]. node shortPrintOn: strm. (node isMessage) ifTrue: [strm nextPut: $)].]]. dataObjects size < 2 ifTrue: [self inform: 'If you are giving an example of receiver, \args, and result, please put periods between the parts.\Otherwise just type one selector fragment' withCRs. ^#()]. dataObjects := Array with: dataObjects allButLast with: dataObjects last. "#( (data1 data2) result )" result := mf load: dataObjects; findMessage. (result first beginsWith: 'no single method') ifFalse: [ aa := self testObjects: dataObjects strings: dataStrings. dataObjects := aa second. dataStrings := aa third]. resultArray := self listFromResult: result. resultArray isEmpty ifTrue: [self inform: result first]. dataStrings size = (dataObjects first size + 1) ifTrue: [resultArray := resultArray collect: [:expression | | newExp | newExp := expression. dataObjects first withIndexDo: [:lit :i | newExp := newExp copyReplaceAll: 'data', i printString with: (dataStrings at: i)]. newExp, ' --> ', dataStrings last]]. ^ resultArray! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>searchResult: (in category 'example pane') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>searchResult: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- searchResult: anExternalSearchResult self contents: ''. classList := #(). classListIndex := 0. selectorIndex := 0. selectorList := self listFromResult: anExternalSearchResult. self changed: #messageList. self changed: #classList. self changed: #contents ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>selectedClass (in category 'class list') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>selectedClass (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- selectedClass "Answer the currently selected class." | pairString | self flag: #mref. "allows for old-fashioned style" classListIndex = 0 ifTrue: [^nil]. pairString := classList at: classListIndex. (pairString isKindOf: MethodReference) ifTrue: [ ^pairString actualClass ]. (pairString includes: $*) ifTrue: [pairString := pairString allButFirst]. MessageSet parse: pairString toClassAndSelector: [:cls :sel | ^ cls].! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>selectedClassName (in category 'accessing') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>selectedClassName (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- selectedClassName "Answer the name of the currently selected class." classListIndex = 0 ifTrue: [^nil]. ^ self selectedClass name! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>selectedMessageName (in category 'accessing') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>selectedMessageName (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- selectedMessageName "Answer the name of the currently selected message." | example tokens | selectorIndex = 0 ifTrue: [^nil]. example := selectorList at: selectorIndex. tokens := Scanner new scanTokens: example. tokens size = 1 ifTrue: [^ tokens first]. tokens first == #'^' ifTrue: [^ nil]. (tokens second includes: $:) ifTrue: [^ example findSelector]. Symbol hasInterned: tokens second ifTrue: [:aSymbol | ^ aSymbol]. ^ nil! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>selectorList: (in category 'selector list') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>selectorList: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- selectorList: anExternalList self contents: ''. classList := #(). classListIndex := 0. selectorIndex := 0. selectorList := anExternalList. self changed: #messageList. self changed: #classList. self changed: #contents ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>selectorMenu: (in category 'selector list') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>selectorMenu: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- selectorMenu: aMenu ^ aMenu labels: 'senders (n) implementors (m) copy selector to clipboard' lines: #() selections: #(senders implementors copyName)! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>selectorMenuTitle (in category 'selector list') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>selectorMenuTitle (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- selectorMenuTitle ^ self selectedMessageName ifNil: ['<no selection>']! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>senders (in category 'selector functions') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>senders (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- senders | aSelector | (aSelector := self selectedMessageName) ifNotNil: [self systemNavigation browseAllCallsOn: aSelector]! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>testObjects:strings: (in category 'selector finding') ----- - ----- Method: SelectorBrowser>>testObjects:strings: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- testObjects: dataObjects strings: dataStrings | dataObjs dataStrs selectors classes didUnmodifiedAnswer | "Try to make substitutions in the user's inputs and search for the selector again. 1 no change to answer. 2 answer Array -> OrderedCollection. 2 answer Character -> String 4 answer Symbol or String of len 1 -> Character For each of these, try straight, and try converting args: Character -> String Symbol or String of len 1 -> Character Return array with result, dataObjects, dataStrings. Don't ever do a find on the same set of data twice." dataObjs := dataObjects. dataStrs := dataStrings. selectors := {#asString. #first. #asOrderedCollection}. classes := {Character. String. Array}. didUnmodifiedAnswer := false. selectors withIndexDo: [:ansSel :ansInd | | ds do result answerMod | "Modify the answer object" answerMod := false. do := dataObjs copyTwoLevel. ds := dataStrs copy. (dataObjs last isKindOf: (classes at: ansInd)) ifTrue: [ ((ansSel ~~ #first) or: [dataObjs last size = 1]) ifTrue: [ do at: do size put: (do last perform: ansSel). "asString" ds at: ds size put: ds last, ' ', ansSel. result := MethodFinder new load: do; findMessage. (result first beginsWith: 'no single method') ifFalse: [ "found a selector!!" ^ Array with: result first with: do with: ds]. answerMod := true]]. selectors allButLast withIndexDo: [:argSel :argInd | | ddo dds | "Modify an argument object" "for args, no reason to do Array -> OrderedCollection. Identical protocol." didUnmodifiedAnswer not | answerMod ifTrue: [ ddo := do copyTwoLevel. dds := ds copy. dataObjs first withIndexDo: [:arg :ind | (arg isKindOf: (classes at: argInd)) ifTrue: [ ((argSel ~~ #first) or: [arg size = 1]) ifTrue: [ ddo first at: ind put: ((ddo first at: ind) perform: argSel). "asString" dds at: ind put: (dds at: ind), ' ', argSel. result := MethodFinder new load: ddo; findMessage. (result first beginsWith: 'no single method') ifFalse: [ "found a selector!!" ^ Array with: result first with: ddo with: dds] . didUnmodifiedAnswer not & answerMod not ifTrue: [ didUnmodifiedAnswer := true]. ]]]]]. ]. ^ Array with: 'no single method does that function' with: dataObjs with: dataStrs! Item was added: + ----- Method: StringHolder class>>codePaneMenu:shifted: (in category '*Tools-yellow button menu') ----- + codePaneMenu: aMenu shifted: shifted + "Utility method for the 'standard' codePane menu" + aMenu addList: (shifted + ifTrue:[self shiftedYellowButtonMenuItems] + ifFalse:[self yellowButtonMenuItems]). + ^aMenu! Item was added: + ----- Method: StringHolder class>>shiftedYellowButtonMenuItems (in category '*Tools-yellow button menu') ----- + shiftedYellowButtonMenuItems + "Returns the standard yellow button menu items" + | entries | + entries := OrderedCollection withAll: + { + {'explain' translated. #explain}. + {'pretty print' translated. #prettyPrint}. + {'pretty print with color' translated. #prettyPrintWithColor}. + {'file it in (G)' translated. #fileItIn}. + {'spawn (o)' translated. #spawn}. + #-. + {'browse it (b)' translated. #browseIt}. + {'senders of it (n)' translated. #sendersOfIt}. + {'implementors of it (m)' translated. #implementorsOfIt}. + {'references to it (N)' translated. #referencesToIt}. + #-. + {'selectors containing it (W)' translated. #methodNamesContainingIt}. + {'method strings with it (E)' translated. #methodStringsContainingit}. + {'method source with it' translated. #methodSourceContainingIt}. + {'class names containing it' translated. #classNamesContainingIt}. + {'class comments with it' translated. #classCommentsContainingIt}. + {'change sets with it' translated. #browseChangeSetsWithSelector}. + #-. + {'save contents to file...' translated. #saveContentsInFile}. + {'send contents to printer' translated. #sendContentsToPrinter}. + {'printer setup' translated. #printerSetup}. + #-. + }. + Smalltalk isMorphic ifFalse: [ entries add: + {'special menu...' translated. #presentSpecialMenu}.]. + entries add: + {'more...' translated. #yellowButtonActivity}. + ^ entries! Item was added: + ----- Method: StringHolder class>>yellowButtonMenuItems (in category '*Tools-yellow button menu') ----- + yellowButtonMenuItems + "Returns the standard yellow button menu items" + ^{ + {'set font... (k)' translated. #offerFontMenu}. + {'set style... (K)' translated. #changeStyle}. + {'set alignment... (u)' translated. #chooseAlignment}. + #-. + {'make project link (P)' translated. #makeProjectLink}. + #-. + {'find...(f)' translated. #find}. + {'find again (g)' translated. #findAgain}. + {'set search string (h)' translated. #setSearchString}. + #-. + {'do again (j)' translated. #again}. + {'undo (z)' translated. #undo}. + #-. + {'copy (c)' translated. #copySelection}. + {'cut (x)' translated. #cut}. + {'paste (v)' translated. #paste}. + {'paste...' translated. #pasteRecent}. + #-. + {'do it (d)' translated. #doIt}. + {'print it (p)' translated. #printIt}. + {'inspect it (i)' translated. #inspectIt}. + {'explore it (I)' translated. #exploreIt}. + {'debug it' translated. #debugIt}. + {'button for it' translated. #buttonForIt}. + {'tally it' translated. #tallyIt}. + #-. + {'accept (s)' translated. #accept}. + {'cancel (l)' translated. #cancel}. + #-. + {'show bytecodes' translated. #showBytecodes}. + #-. + {'copy html' translated. #copyHtml}. + #-. + {'more...' translated. #shiftedTextPaneMenuRequest}. + }! Item was added: + ----- Method: StringHolder>>codePaneMenu:shifted: (in category '*Tools-code pane menu') ----- + codePaneMenu: aMenu shifted: shifted + "Fill in the given menu with additional items. The menu is prepoulated with the 'standard' text commands that the editor supports. Note that unless we override perform:orSendTo:, the editor will respond to all menu items in a text pane" + ^self class codePaneMenu: aMenu shifted: shifted! Item was added: + ----- Method: StringHolder>>contents:notifying: (in category '*Tools-code pane menu') ----- + contents: aString notifying: aController + "Accept text" + ^self acceptContents: aString! Item was added: + ----- Method: StringHolder>>menuHook:named:shifted: (in category '*Tools-code pane menu') ----- + menuHook: aMenu named: aSymbol shifted: aBool + "Provide a hook for supplemental menu items. Answer the appropriately-enhanced menu." + ^ aMenu! Item was added: + ----- Method: StringHolder>>perform:orSendTo: (in category '*Tools-code pane menu') ----- + perform: selector orSendTo: otherTarget + "Selector was just chosen from a menu by a user. If can respond, then + perform it on myself. If not, send it to otherTarget, presumably the + editPane from which the menu was invoked." + + (self respondsTo: selector) + ifTrue: [^ self perform: selector] + ifFalse: [^ otherTarget perform: selector]! Item was added: + ----- Method: StringHolder>>showBytecodes (in category '*Tools-code pane menu') ----- + showBytecodes + "We don't know how to do this" + + ^ self changed: #flash! Item was added: + ----- Method: StringHolder>>wantsAnnotationPane (in category '*Tools-optional panes') ----- + wantsAnnotationPane + "Answer whether the receiver, seen in some browser window, would like to have the so-called annotationpane included. By default, various browsers defer to the global preference 'optionalButtons' -- but individual subclasses can insist to the contrary." + + ^ Preferences annotationPanes! Item was added: + ----- Method: StringHolder>>wantsOptionalButtons (in category '*Tools-optional panes') ----- + wantsOptionalButtons + "Answer whether the receiver, seen in some browser window, would like to have the so-called optional button pane included. By default, various browsers defer to the global preference 'optionalButtons' -- but individual subclasses can insist to the contrary." + + ^ Preferences optionalButtons! |
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