The Weekly Squeak Summary No. 22: Dec 27, 2010 - Jan 30, 2011

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The Weekly Squeak Summary No. 22: Dec 27, 2010 - Jan 30, 2011

Michael Haupt-3
Dear Squeakers,

welcome to this edition of The WeeklySqueakSummary, an (in principle)
monthly but somewhat traffic-dependent report on what's going on in
the world of Squeak based on the WeeklySqueak blog.

The past month only saw three posts in the blog, but each single one
of them is a highlight in itself.

Sean P. DeNigris has achieved something that brings a bit of the
multimedia spirit of Squeak 3.8 back to recent images: movies can be
played again [1]! Sean backported QuickTime support from Sophie.

The lean-and-mean (more lean than mean) Squeak offspring called Cuis
has been released in version 3.0 [2], and I wonder whether the Morphic
enhancements this system supports aren't actually worthwhile for
inclusion in Squeak proper ...

Microsoft's Kinect remote control is now also supported in Squeak [3],
and this was brought to us by Ricardo Moran, who already did
outstanding work on Physical Etoys.

The past month's news items:

[1] Bringing Multimedia (back) to Squeak

[2] Cuis 3.0 released

[3] Welcome to the Real World – Kinect in Squeak

You can find this and much more on The WeeklySqueak blog, the newsblog
dedicated to the world of Squeak:

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