The future of Dolphin 2.1

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The future of Dolphin 2.1

Andy Bower

We have made a decision to to formally discontinue support for the free
version of Dolphin Smalltalk (2.1 or 98) within the next few weeks. The
download will remain available but a link to it will not appear prominently
on the Object Arts website. We have no plans to remove the download from the
site completely so you may continue to link to it if you wish.

There are several reasons for this decision, but perhaps the most
significant is that we no longer feel that Dolphin 2.1 is a good
advertisment for the commercial product (which is, after all, what we are in
the business of selling) since it has not been upgraded for the past two
years or more. The free version has effectively been in "maintenance mode"
(actually slightly below this) for two years now so the change should
actually make little real difference. The perception of there being a free
version of Dolphin out there will probably disappear fairly soon, however.

On the flip side, to replace the idea of a completely free offering, we are
intending to release a 30 day trial version of the Dolphin Value Edition
(which is our entry level version 4 product). We believe that this, coupled
with the low price ($69.95) of DVE will be sufficient to attract those
people who have a genuine interesting in learning, or playing with,

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Object Arts Ltd.

"Not all addictions are bad for you"