The rendering context XHTML document is nil on page refresh

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The rendering context XHTML document is nil on page refresh

Damien Cassou-3

sometimes, when I hit the refresh button of my web browser, I get the
following stack trace from Seaside. It seems the WARenderingContext
has a document which is nil. I'm using
pharo1.0beta-10401web09.07.5.image which contains Seaside

Can somebody help me please?

Thank you

2 August 2009 1:09:39 pm

VM: Win32 - IX86 - NT - Squeak3.10.2 of '5 June 2008' [latest update: #7179]
Image: Pharo1.0beta [Latest update: #10401]

SecurityManager state:
Restricted: false
FileAccess: true
SocketAccess: true
Working Dir E:\Squeak VM 3.11.3 pharo 9.7.5
Trusted Dir E:\Squeak VM 3.11.3 pharo 9.7.5\Parents2
Untrusted Dir C:\Documents and Settings\Parents2\Mes documents\My Squeak

UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #openTag:attributes:closed:
        Receiver: nil
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aMessage: openTag: 'div' attributes: a WAHtmlAttributes closed: false
                exception: MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of
"openTag:attributes:closed:" is ni...etc...
                resumeValue: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:

        Receiver: a WADivTag
        Arguments and temporary variables:

        Receiver's instance variables:
                canvas: a WARenderCanvas
                parent: nil
                closed: false
                attributes: a WAHtmlAttributes

        Receiver: a WADivTag
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anObject: [closure] in GdoHeader>>renderContentOn:
        Receiver's instance variables:
                canvas: a WARenderCanvas
                parent: nil
                closed: false
                attributes: a WAHtmlAttributes

        Receiver: a GdoHeader
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                html: a WARenderCanvas
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a GdoHeader
                titre: 'Gestion des opérations'
                search: a GdoHeaderRecherches
                chainesARechercher: nil
                identif: nil
                gdoMain: a GdoMain

        Receiver: a GdoHeader
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aRenderingContext: a WARenderingContext
                html: a WARenderCanvas
                callbacks: a WACallbackRegistry
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a GdoHeader
                titre: 'Gestion des opérations'
                search: a GdoHeaderRecherches
                chainesARechercher: nil
                identif: nil
                gdoMain: a GdoMain

[] in GdoHeader(WAComponent)>>renderOn:
        Receiver: a GdoHeader
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aRenderer: a GdoHeader
                each: a WARenderCanvas
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a GdoHeader
                titre: 'Gestion des opérations'
                search: a GdoHeaderRecherches
                chainesARechercher: nil
                identif: nil
                gdoMain: a GdoMain

        Receiver: a GdoHeader
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [closure] in GdoHeader(WAComponent)>>renderOn:
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a GdoHeader
                titre: 'Gestion des opérations'
                search: a GdoHeaderRecherches
                chainesARechercher: nil
                identif: nil
                gdoMain: a GdoMain

        Receiver: a GdoHeader
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aRenderer: a WARenderCanvas
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a GdoHeader
                titre: 'Gestion des opérations'
                search: a GdoHeaderRecherches
                chainesARechercher: nil
                identif: nil
                gdoMain: a GdoMain

        Receiver: a WARenderCanvas
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anObject: a GdoHeader
        Receiver's instance variables:
                currentBrush: nil
                parentBrush: nil
                context: a WARenderingContext
                callbacks: a WACallbackRegistry

[] in GdoMain>>renderContentOn:
        Receiver: a GdoMain
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                html: a WARenderCanvas
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a GdoMain
                gdo: a Gdo
                chainesEnCours: nil
                collectOperations: nil
                mesPreferences: a Dictionary('gdoActionDefaut'->'Initialisation'
                equipe: an Equipe
                collectOpRecherchees: nil
                msgStatus: nil
                dicoForms: a Dictionary(#bandeau->a GdoHeader #barreOutils->a
                dicoBools: a Dictionary(#boolIdent->false #chainesARechercher->nil
                dicoIdent: a Dictionary(#chaineIdent->nil #identifiant->'Cassou'

        Receiver: [closure] in GdoMain>>renderContentOn:
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aRenderer: a WARenderCanvas
        Receiver's instance variables:
                outerContext: GdoMain>>renderContentOn:
                startpc: 111
                numArgs: 0

[] in WAFormTag(WATagBrush)>>with:
        Receiver: a WAFormTag
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anObject: [closure] in GdoMain>>renderContentOn:
        Receiver's instance variables:
                canvas: a WARenderCanvas
                parent: nil
                closed: true
                attributes: a WAHtmlAttributes
                defaultAction: nil

        Receiver: [closure] in WAFormTag(WATagBrush)>>with:
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aRenderer: a WARenderCanvas
        Receiver's instance variables:
                outerContext: WAFormTag(WATagBrush)>>with:
                startpc: 46
                numArgs: 0

        Receiver: a WARenderCanvas
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [closure] in WAFormTag(WATagBrush)>>with:
        Receiver's instance variables:
                currentBrush: nil
                parentBrush: nil
                context: a WARenderingContext
                callbacks: a WACallbackRegistry

        Receiver: a WAFormTag
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [closure] in WAFormTag(WATagBrush)>>with:
        Receiver's instance variables:
                canvas: a WARenderCanvas
                parent: nil
                closed: true
                attributes: a WAHtmlAttributes
                defaultAction: nil

        Receiver: a WAFormTag
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anObject: [closure] in GdoMain>>renderContentOn:
        Receiver's instance variables:
                canvas: a WARenderCanvas
                parent: nil
                closed: true
                attributes: a WAHtmlAttributes
                defaultAction: nil

        Receiver: a WARenderCanvas
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [closure] in GdoMain>>renderContentOn:
        Receiver's instance variables:
                currentBrush: nil
                parentBrush: nil
                context: a WARenderingContext
                callbacks: a WACallbackRegistry

        Receiver: a GdoMain
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                html: a WARenderCanvas
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a GdoMain
                gdo: a Gdo
                chainesEnCours: nil
                collectOperations: nil
                mesPreferences: a Dictionary('gdoActionDefaut'->'Initialisation'
                equipe: an Equipe
                collectOpRecherchees: nil
                msgStatus: nil
                dicoForms: a Dictionary(#bandeau->a GdoHeader #barreOutils->a
                dicoBools: a Dictionary(#boolIdent->false #chainesARechercher->nil
                dicoIdent: a Dictionary(#chaineIdent->nil #identifiant->'Cassou'

        Receiver: a GdoMain
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aRenderingContext: a WARenderingContext
                html: a WARenderCanvas
                callbacks: a WACallbackRegistry
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a GdoMain
                gdo: a Gdo
                chainesEnCours: nil
                collectOperations: nil
                mesPreferences: a Dictionary('gdoActionDefaut'->'Initialisation'
                equipe: an Equipe
                collectOpRecherchees: nil
                msgStatus: nil
                dicoForms: a Dictionary(#bandeau->a GdoHeader #barreOutils->a
                dicoBools: a Dictionary(#boolIdent->false #chainesARechercher->nil
                dicoIdent: a Dictionary(#chaineIdent->nil #identifiant->'Cassou'

[] in GdoMain(WAComponent)>>renderOn:
        Receiver: a GdoMain
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aRenderer: a GdoMain
                each: a WARenderCanvas
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a GdoMain
                gdo: a Gdo
                chainesEnCours: nil
                collectOperations: nil
                mesPreferences: a Dictionary('gdoActionDefaut'->'Initialisation'
                equipe: an Equipe
                collectOpRecherchees: nil
                msgStatus: nil
                dicoForms: a Dictionary(#bandeau->a GdoHeader #barreOutils->a
                dicoBools: a Dictionary(#boolIdent->false #chainesARechercher->nil
                dicoIdent: a Dictionary(#chaineIdent->nil #identifiant->'Cassou'

        Receiver: a GdoMain
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [closure] in GdoMain(WAComponent)>>renderOn:
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a GdoMain
                gdo: a Gdo
                chainesEnCours: nil
                collectOperations: nil
                mesPreferences: a Dictionary('gdoActionDefaut'->'Initialisation'
                equipe: an Equipe
                collectOpRecherchees: nil
                msgStatus: nil
                dicoForms: a Dictionary(#bandeau->a GdoHeader #barreOutils->a
                dicoBools: a Dictionary(#boolIdent->false #chainesARechercher->nil
                dicoIdent: a Dictionary(#chaineIdent->nil #identifiant->'Cassou'

        Receiver: a GdoMain
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aRenderer: a WARenderCanvas
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a GdoMain
                gdo: a Gdo
                chainesEnCours: nil
                collectOperations: nil
                mesPreferences: a Dictionary('gdoActionDefaut'->'Initialisation'
                equipe: an Equipe
                collectOpRecherchees: nil
                msgStatus: nil
                dicoForms: a Dictionary(#bandeau->a GdoHeader #barreOutils->a
                dicoBools: a Dictionary(#boolIdent->false #chainesARechercher->nil
                dicoIdent: a Dictionary(#chaineIdent->nil #identifiant->'Cassou'

        Receiver: a WARenderCanvas
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anObject: a GdoMain
        Receiver's instance variables:
                currentBrush: nil
                parentBrush: nil
                context: a WARenderingContext
                callbacks: a WACallbackRegistry

[] in [] in WAToolFrame>>renderChildOn:
        Receiver: a WAToolFrame
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                html: a WARenderCanvas
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolFrame
                root: a GdoMain
                plugins: a SortedCollection(a WANewSessionToolPlugin a
WAConfigureToolPlugin a ...etc...
                showHalos: a WAValueHolder contents: false
                processTime: nil
                renderTime: 344
                deprecated: a Set()

        Receiver: [closure] in [] in WAToolFrame>>renderChildOn:
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                exception: WADeprecatedApi
                handlerAction: [closure] in WAToolFrame>>withDeprecatedHandlerDo:
                handlerActive: true
        Receiver's instance variables:
                outerContext: [] in WAToolFrame>>renderChildOn:
                startpc: 86
                numArgs: 0

        Receiver: a WAToolFrame
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [closure] in [] in WAToolFrame>>renderChildOn:
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolFrame
                root: a GdoMain
                plugins: a SortedCollection(a WANewSessionToolPlugin a
WAConfigureToolPlugin a ...etc...
                showHalos: a WAValueHolder contents: false
                processTime: nil
                renderTime: 344
                deprecated: a Set()

[] in WAToolFrame>>renderChildOn:
        Receiver: a WAToolFrame
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                html: a WARenderCanvas
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolFrame
                root: a GdoMain
                plugins: a SortedCollection(a WANewSessionToolPlugin a
WAConfigureToolPlugin a ...etc...
                showHalos: a WAValueHolder contents: false
                processTime: nil
                renderTime: 344
                deprecated: a Set()

Time class>>millisecondsToRun:
        Receiver: Time
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                timedBlock: [closure] in WAToolFrame>>renderChildOn:
                initialMilliseconds: 17986803
        Receiver's instance variables:
                superclass: Magnitude
                methodDict: a MethodDictionary(#<->a CompiledMethod (2992) #=->a
                format: 134
                instanceVariables: #('seconds' 'nanos')
                organization: ('ansi protocol' < = duration hash hour hour12 hour24
                subclasses: nil
                name: #Time
                classPool: nil
                sharedPools: an OrderedCollection(ChronologyConstants)
                environment: Smalltalk
                category: #'Kernel-Chronology'
                traitComposition: nil
                localSelectors: nil

        Receiver: a WAToolFrame
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                html: a WARenderCanvas
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolFrame
                root: a GdoMain
                plugins: a SortedCollection(a WANewSessionToolPlugin a
WAConfigureToolPlugin a ...etc...
                showHalos: a WAValueHolder contents: false
                processTime: nil
                renderTime: 344
                deprecated: a Set()

        Receiver: a WAToolFrame
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                html: a WARenderCanvas
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolFrame
                root: a GdoMain
                plugins: a SortedCollection(a WANewSessionToolPlugin a
WAConfigureToolPlugin a ...etc...
                showHalos: a WAValueHolder contents: false
                processTime: nil
                renderTime: 344
                deprecated: a Set()

        Receiver: a WAToolFrame
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aRenderingContext: a WARenderingContext
                html: a WARenderCanvas
                callbacks: a WACallbackRegistry
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolFrame
                root: a GdoMain
                plugins: a SortedCollection(a WANewSessionToolPlugin a
WAConfigureToolPlugin a ...etc...
                showHalos: a WAValueHolder contents: false
                processTime: nil
                renderTime: 344
                deprecated: a Set()

[] in WARenderContinuation>>processRendering:
        Receiver: a WARenderContinuation
        Arguments and temporary variables:
<<error during printing>
        Receiver's instance variables:
                root: a WAToolFrame
                states: a WASnapshot
                context: a WARenderingContext

        Receiver: a WAToolFrame
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [closure] in WARenderContinuation>>processRendering:
        Receiver's instance variables:
                decoration: a WAValueHolder contents: a WAToolFrame
                root: a GdoMain
                plugins: a SortedCollection(a WANewSessionToolPlugin a
WAConfigureToolPlugin a ...etc...
                showHalos: a WAValueHolder contents: false
                processTime: nil
                renderTime: 344
                deprecated: a Set()

        Receiver: a WARenderContinuation
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aResponse: a WAResponse 200
                document: a WAHtmlStreamDocument
                htmlRoot: a WAHtmlRoot
        Receiver's instance variables:
                root: a WAToolFrame
                states: a WASnapshot
                context: a WARenderingContext

[] in WARenderContinuation>>render
        Receiver: a WARenderContinuation
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                response: a WAResponse 200
        Receiver's instance variables:
                root: a WAToolFrame
                states: a WASnapshot
                context: a WARenderingContext

        Receiver: a WARenderContinuation
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [closure] in WARenderContinuation>>render
                response: a WAResponse 200
        Receiver's instance variables:
                root: a WAToolFrame
                states: a WASnapshot
                context: a WARenderingContext

        Receiver: a WARenderContinuation
        Arguments and temporary variables:

        Receiver's instance variables:
                root: a WAToolFrame
                states: a WASnapshot
                context: a WARenderingContext

[] in WARenderContinuation>>run
        Receiver: a WARenderContinuation
        Arguments and temporary variables:

        Receiver's instance variables:
                root: a WAToolFrame
                states: a WASnapshot
                context: a WARenderingContext

        Receiver: [closure] in WARenderContinuation>>run
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                exception: an ExceptionSet
                handlerAction: [closure] in WARenderContinuation>>withNotificationHandler:
                handlerActive: true
        Receiver's instance variables:
                outerContext: WARenderContinuation>>run
                startpc: 26
                numArgs: 0

--- The full stack ---
UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #openTag:attributes:closed:
[] in GdoHeader(WAComponent)>>renderOn:
[] in GdoMain>>renderContentOn:
[] in WAFormTag(WATagBrush)>>with:
[] in GdoMain(WAComponent)>>renderOn:
[] in [] in WAToolFrame>>renderChildOn:
[] in WAToolFrame>>renderChildOn:
Time class>>millisecondsToRun:
[] in WARenderContinuation>>processRendering:
[] in WARenderContinuation>>render
[] in WARenderContinuation>>run
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                        - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[] in WASession>>performRequest:
[] in [] in [] in WASession>>responseForRequest:
[] in WASession>>withErrorHandler:
[] in [] in WASession>>responseForRequest:
WACurrentSession class(WADynamicVariable class)>>use:during:
[] in WASession>>responseForRequest:
[] in WASession>>withEscapeContinuation:
EscapeContinuation class(Continuation class)>>currentDo:
[] in WASession>>incomingRequest:
[] in [] in [] in WAProcessMonitor>>critical:ifError:
[] in [] in WAProcessMonitor>>critical:ifError:
[] in BlockClosure>>newProcess

Damien Cassou

"Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them
popular by not having them." James Iry
seaside mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: The rendering context XHTML document is nil on page refresh

Julian Fitzell-2
Can you show GdoHeader>>renderContentOn: ?

Can you define "sometimes"? Do you mean certain pages do it and
certain pages don't or, on any given page, sometimes it happens and
sometimes not?


On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 4:20 AM, Damien Cassou<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> sometimes, when I hit the refresh button of my web browser, I get the
> following stack trace from Seaside. It seems the WARenderingContext
> has a document which is nil. I'm using
> pharo1.0beta-10401web09.07.5.image which contains Seaside
> 2.8a1-pmm.593.
> Can somebody help me please?
> Thank you
seaside mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: The rendering context XHTML document is nil on page refresh

Damien Cassou-3
Hi Julian,

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 3:04 AM, Julian Fitzell<[hidden email]> wrote:
> Can you show GdoHeader>>renderContentOn: ?

renderContentOn: html
       html div
                       id: 'bdGlobal';
                               [ html div
                                       id: 'bdTitre';
                                       with: [ html heading with: titre ].
                               self renderRecherche: html.
                               self renderLogo: html ]

renderLogo: html
       html div
               id: 'bdIdentLogoGlobal';
                       [ html div
                               id: 'bdLogo';
                                       [ html image
                                               url: (GdoFileLibrary
urlOf: #logoLP390x80Png);
                                               altText: 'LaPoste' ]]

renderRecherche: html
       html div
               id: 'bdRechGlobal';
                       [ html div
                               id: 'bdNomRechGlobal';
                               with: [ html render: self recherches ] ]

       chainesARechercher = '#none#' ifTrue: [^ nil].
       ^ search ifNil:
               [ search := GdoHeaderRecherches new
                       chainesARechercher: chainesARechercher;
                       gdoMain: gdoMain;
                       yourself ]

       ^ {self recherches}

> Can you define "sometimes"? Do you mean certain pages do it and
> certain pages don't or, on any given page, sometimes it happens and
> sometimes not?

1) The first page displays correctly the first time
2) If I hit refresh then I get the error message
3) If instead I go to another page, I never get the message again when
clicking on refresh, even if I go back to the first page and hit

Does that help?

Damien Cassou

"Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them
popular by not having them." James Iry
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Re: The rendering context XHTML document is nil on page refresh

Karsten Kusche
Hi Damien,

if i remember correctly this might have something to do with ajax callbacks but i just can't remember the details. The RenderContext's document is nil, probably because it was released.

Maybe that info helps.

Damien Cassou wrote:
Hi Julian,

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 3:04 AM, Julian Fitzell[hidden email] wrote:
Can you show GdoHeader>>renderContentOn: ?

renderContentOn: html
       html div
                       id: 'bdGlobal';
                               [ html div
                                       id: 'bdTitre';
                                       with: [ html heading with: titre ].
                               self renderRecherche: html.
                               self renderLogo: html ]

renderLogo: html
       html div
               id: 'bdIdentLogoGlobal';
                       [ html div
                               id: 'bdLogo';
                                       [ html image
                                               url: (GdoFileLibrary
urlOf: #logoLP390x80Png);
                                               altText: 'LaPoste' ]]

renderRecherche: html
       html div
               id: 'bdRechGlobal';
                       [ html div
                               id: 'bdNomRechGlobal';
                               with: [ html render: self recherches ] ]

       chainesARechercher = '#none#' ifTrue: [^ nil].
       ^ search ifNil:
               [ search := GdoHeaderRecherches new
                       chainesARechercher: chainesARechercher;
                       gdoMain: gdoMain;
                       yourself ]

       ^ {self recherches}

Can you define "sometimes"? Do you mean certain pages do it and
certain pages don't or, on any given page, sometimes it happens and
sometimes not?

1) The first page displays correctly the first time
2) If I hit refresh then I get the error message
3) If instead I go to another page, I never get the message again when
clicking on refresh, even if I go back to the first page and hit

Does that help?


Karsten Kusche - Dipl.Inf. - [hidden email]
Tel: +49 3496 21 43 29
Georg Heeg eK - Köthen
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Dortmund A 12812

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Re: The rendering context XHTML document is nil on page refresh

Julian Fitzell-2
In reply to this post by Damien Cassou-3
Hi Damien,

I don't see an obvious problem, I'm afraid. As Karsten mentions, a
RequestContext has its variables nil'ed out when it is finished and
its response is returned, and that's the most likely cause of the
document being nil, but I certainly don't see anything in the code you
posted that would explain that. Usually that is caused by somebody
storing the canvas and using it again in another request (like, an
ajax rendering callback).

So make sure you're not storing the canvas or request context anywhere
and that any ajax callbacks are using the rendering that is passed to
the block, and not the one in the rendering method (Slime checks for
the latter). If neither of those is your problem, try stripping your
code down to the simplest example that demonstrates the problem and
someone will take a look at it.


On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 2:00 AM, Damien Cassou<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi Julian,
> On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 3:04 AM, Julian Fitzell<[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Can you show GdoHeader>>renderContentOn: ?
> renderContentOn: html
>       html div
>                       id: 'bdGlobal';
>                       with:
>                               [ html div
>                                       id: 'bdTitre';
>                                       with: [ html heading with: titre ].
>                               self renderRecherche: html.
>                               self renderLogo: html ]
> renderLogo: html
>       html div
>               id: 'bdIdentLogoGlobal';
>               with:
>                       [ html div
>                               id: 'bdLogo';
>                               with:
>                                       [ html image
>                                               url: (GdoFileLibrary
> urlOf: #logoLP390x80Png);
>                                               altText: 'LaPoste' ]]
> renderRecherche: html
>       html div
>               id: 'bdRechGlobal';
>               with:
>                       [ html div
>                               id: 'bdNomRechGlobal';
>                               with: [ html render: self recherches ] ]
> recherches
>       chainesARechercher = '#none#' ifTrue: [^ nil].
>       ^ search ifNil:
>               [ search := GdoHeaderRecherches new
>                       chainesARechercher: chainesARechercher;
>                       gdoMain: gdoMain;
>                       yourself ]
> children
>       ^ {self recherches}
>> Can you define "sometimes"? Do you mean certain pages do it and
>> certain pages don't or, on any given page, sometimes it happens and
>> sometimes not?
> 1) The first page displays correctly the first time
> 2) If I hit refresh then I get the error message
> 3) If instead I go to another page, I never get the message again when
> clicking on refresh, even if I go back to the first page and hit
> refresh
> Does that help?
> --
> Damien Cassou
> "Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them
> popular by not having them." James Iry
> _______________________________________________
> seaside mailing list
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Re: The rendering context XHTML document is nil on page refresh

Damien Cassou-3

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 6:34 PM, Julian Fitzell<[hidden email]> wrote:
> I don't see an obvious problem, I'm afraid. As Karsten mentions, a
> RequestContext has its variables nil'ed out when it is finished and
> its response is returned, and that's the most likely cause of the
> document being nil, but I certainly don't see anything in the code you
> posted that would explain that. Usually that is caused by somebody
> storing the canvas and using it again in another request (like, an
> ajax rendering callback).

Thank you and Karsten for you explanations. I will come back to you
later with the solution or a small piece of code.

Thank you

Damien Cassou

"Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them
popular by not having them." James Iry
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Re: The rendering context XHTML document is nil on page refresh

Damien Cassou-3

On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 11:03 AM, Damien Cassou<[hidden email]> wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 6:34 PM, Julian Fitzell<[hidden email]> wrote:
>> I don't see an obvious problem, I'm afraid. As Karsten mentions, a
>> RequestContext has its variables nil'ed out when it is finished and
>> its response is returned, and that's the most likely cause of the
>> document being nil, but I certainly don't see anything in the code you
>> posted that would explain that. Usually that is caused by somebody
>> storing the canvas and using it again in another request (like, an
>> ajax rendering callback).
> Thank you and Karsten for you explanations. I will come back to you
> later with the solution or a small piece of code.

I finally found the problem: part of my code was changing state and
manipulating cookies outside callbacks.

Thank you very much

Damien Cassou

"Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them
popular by not having them." James Iry
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Re: The rendering context XHTML document is nil on page refresh

Julian Fitzell-2
On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 1:49 AM, Damien Cassou<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 11:03 AM, Damien Cassou<[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 6:34 PM, Julian Fitzell<[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> I don't see an obvious problem, I'm afraid. As Karsten mentions, a
>>> RequestContext has its variables nil'ed out when it is finished and
>>> its response is returned, and that's the most likely cause of the
>>> document being nil, but I certainly don't see anything in the code you
>>> posted that would explain that. Usually that is caused by somebody
>>> storing the canvas and using it again in another request (like, an
>>> ajax rendering callback).
>> Thank you and Karsten for you explanations. I will come back to you
>> later with the solution or a small piece of code.
> I finally found the problem: part of my code was changing state and
> manipulating cookies outside callbacks.
> Thank you very much

Aha - good, glad you found it.

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