I've been trying to get the Random Stream COM server example to work as I thought it should, and have hit a few difficulties that I /think/ are bugs. First off, deploying the package creates a corandom.dll OK, and that /seems/ to work OK, but I think it's buggy. Specifically, trying to unregister it with regsvr32 /u corandom.dll caused a corandom.ERRORS to be created. I'll append the file, but I think the problem is because the implementation of SessionManager>>queryEndSession sends #asValue, but Object>>asValue is in the 'Dolphin Value Models' package which is not marked as a pre-requisite, and which has therefore been discarded by the stripper. I saw several other hard-to-reproduce errors that I now assume were caused by the same problem. I suspect that this stripping of #asValue is a fairly general problem that may affect other deployed applications' session managers too. Second, and very trivial, the deployment process leaves a 'corandom.tmp' file in the target directory. I was expecting that if I loaded the Random Stream package into my development image (thus allowing the registration code in the post-install script to run), that I could then run the RandomVBClient.exe program and have it connect temporarily to my running image to service the COM requests. The first problem was that that consistently attempted to re-load my dev. image in a new Dolphin session instead of connecting to the existing one. After reading and re-reading (and re-reading ;-) just about every post in the archive (well, that's how it felt), it became clear that I needed to delete the <classid>\'InProcServer32' entry from the registry, leaving just the 'LocalServer32' entry. (Which makes perfect sense in retrospect, but I think it could do to be emphasised in the documentation, even if only in the example package's comment -- the only in-image comment I could find seemed to imply that it just wasn't possible to run that way) However, removing that key didn't fix the problem. As far as I can see, it's because COMRandomStream revokeClassFactories. doesn't fully unwind the effects of: COMRandomStream register; registerClassFactory. The problem is that COMClassFactory>>revokeOn: does not remove the server class from the "Factories" collection. Hence when you next do COMClassFactory>>on:[clisid:] the method sees that the server class is already in the collection and so doesn't "bother" to get the factory re-registered with Windows. I hope that all makes sense -- I know virtually nothing of COM, so I may be misinterpreting... -- chris ************************** Dolphin Virtual Machine Dump Report *************************** 14:55:12, 24/01/2005: True does not understand #asValue *----> VM Context <----* Process: {00D70004:size 122 words, suspended frame 00D70049, priority 5, callbacks 0 last failure 0:nil, FPE mask 3, thread nil} Active Method: AXDllSessionManager>>logError: IP: 00C82D47 (15) SP: 00D70298 BP: 00D70270 (139) ActiveFrame: {00D70274: cf 00D70259, sp 00D70288, bp 00D70270, ip 5, AXDllSessionManager>>logError:} receiver: a AXDllSessionManager arg[0]: a MessageNotUnderstood New Method: VMLibrary>>dump:path:stackDepth:walkbackDepth: Message Selector: #dump:path:stackDepth:walkbackDepth: *----> Stack <----* [00D70298: 149]-->50 [00D70294: 148]-->60 [00D70290: 147]-->nil [00D7028C: 146]-->'True does not understand #asValue' [00D70288: 145]-->a VMLibrary [00D70284: 144]-->7045432 [00D70280: 143]-->AXDllSessionManager>>logError: [00D7027C: 142]-->7045444 [00D70278: 141]-->8 [00D70274: 140]-->7045420 [00D70270: 139]-->a MessageNotUnderstood [00D7026C: 138]-->a AXDllSessionManager [00D70268: 137]-->7045418 [00D70264: 136]-->AXDllSessionManager>>unhandledException: [00D70260: 135]-->7045428 [00D7025C: 134]-->7 [00D70258: 133]-->7045406 [00D70254: 132]-->a MessageNotUnderstood [00D70250: 131]-->a AXDllSessionManager [00D7024C: 130]-->7045404 [00D70248: 129]-->SessionManager>>onUnhandledError: [00D70244: 128]-->7045414 [00D70240: 127]-->3 [00D7023C: 126]-->7045392 [00D70238: 125]-->a MessageNotUnderstood [00D70234: 124]-->a AXDllSessionManager [00D70230: 123]-->7045392 [00D7022C: 122]-->Error>>defaultAction [00D70228: 121]-->7045400 [00D70224: 120]-->8 ... <88 slots omitted> ... [00D700C0: 31]-->a MethodContext for: BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed: frame: d700b1 receiver: [] @ 808006 in nil [00D700BC: 30]-->BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed: [00D700B8: 29]-->7045220 [00D700B4: 28]-->20 [00D700B0: 27]-->7045198 [00D700AC: 26]-->7045194 [00D700A8: 25]-->BlockClosure>>ensure: [00D700A4: 24]-->7045206 [00D700A0: 23]-->7 [00D7009C: 22]-->7045182 [00D70098: 21]-->nil [00D70094: 20]-->[] @ 34 in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: [00D70090: 19]-->[] @ 15 in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: [00D7008C: 18]-->a MethodContext for: ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: frame: d7007d receiver: a ExceptionHandler [00D70088: 17]-->ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: [00D70084: 16]-->7045190 [00D70080: 15]-->42 [00D7007C: 14]-->7045172 [00D70078: 13]-->7045168 [00D70074: 12]-->BlockClosure>>on:do: [00D70070: 11]-->7045180 [00D7006C: 10]-->10 [00D70068: 9]-->7045156 [00D70064: 8]-->[] @ 12 in BlockClosure>>newProcess [00D70060: 7]-->ProcessTermination [00D7005C: 6]-->[] @ 8 in InputState>>forkMain [00D70058: 5]-->[] @ 6 in BlockClosure>>newProcess [00D70054: 4]-->BlockClosure>>newProcess [00D70050: 3]-->7045164 [00D7004C: 2]-->20 [00D70048: 1]-->0 <Bottom of stack> *----> Stack Back Trace <----* {00D70274: cf 00D70259, sp 00D70288, bp 00D70270, ip 5, AXDllSessionManager>>logError:} receiver: a AXDllSessionManager arg[0]: a MessageNotUnderstood {00D70258: cf 00D7023D, sp 00D70268, bp 00D70254, ip 4, AXDllSessionManager>>unhandledException:} receiver: a AXDllSessionManager arg[0]: a MessageNotUnderstood {00D7023C: cf 00D70221, sp 00D7024C, bp 00D70238, ip 4, AXDllSessionManager(SessionManager)>>onUnhandledError:} receiver: a AXDllSessionManager arg[0]: a MessageNotUnderstood {00D70220: cf 00D70209, sp 00D70230, bp 00D70220, ip 5, MessageNotUnderstood(Error)>>defaultAction} receiver: a MessageNotUnderstood {00D70208: cf 00D701F5, sp 00D70218, bp 00C7ADD8, ip 57, MessageNotUnderstood(Exception)>>_propagateFrom:} receiver: a MessageNotUnderstood arg[0]: a ExceptionHandler temp[0]: nil temp[1]: a ExceptionHandler temp[2]: nil temp[3]: a Process('Main' base 00D70000 [ACTIVE] in AXDllSessionManager>>logError: sp=00000000 ip=8 list=nil) temp[4]: nil {00D701F4: cf 00D701D9, sp 00D70204, bp 00D701F0, ip 6, MessageNotUnderstood(Exception)>>_propagate} receiver: a MessageNotUnderstood temp[0]: nil {00D701D8: cf 00D701C1, sp 00D701E8, bp 00D701D8, ip 12, MessageNotUnderstood(Exception)>>signal} receiver: a MessageNotUnderstood {00D701C0: cf 00D701A1, sp 00D701D0, bp 00D701B8, ip 13, MessageNotUnderstood class>>receiver:message:} receiver: MessageNotUnderstood arg[0]: true arg[1]: Message selector: #asValue arguments: a Array {00D701A0: cf 00D70185, sp 00D701B0, bp 00D7019C, ip 5, True(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand:} receiver: true arg[0]: Message selector: #asValue arguments: a Array {00D70184: cf 00D70169, sp 00D70194, bp 00D70180, ip 3, AXDllSessionManager(SessionManager)>>queryEndSession} receiver: a AXDllSessionManager temp[0]: nil {00D70168: cf 00D7014D, sp 00D70178, bp 00D70164, ip 3, AXDllSessionManager(SessionManager)>>onQuit:} receiver: a AXDllSessionManager arg[0]: -1 {00D7014C: cf 00D70131, sp 00D7015C, bp 00D70148, ip 16, InputState>>pumpMessage:} receiver: a InputState arg[0]: a MSG {00D70130: cf 00D70109, sp 00D70140, bp 00D70120, ip 22, InputState>>loopWhile:} receiver: a InputState arg[0]: [] @ 6 in InputState>>mainLoop temp[0]: a MSG temp[1]: true temp[2]: nil {00D70108: cf 00D700F5, sp 00D70118, bp 00C7ADA0, ip 12, InputState>>mainLoop} receiver: a InputState {00D700F4: cf 00D700E1, sp 00D70104, bp 00C7AC18, ip 13, [] in InputState>>forkMain} receiver: a InputState {00D700E0: cf 00D700CD, sp 00D700F0, bp 00C7AD68, ip 11, ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>markAndTry} receiver: a ExceptionHandler temp[0]: nil {00D700CC: cf 00D700B1, sp 00D700DC, bp 00C7ACF8, ip 21, [] in ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>try:} receiver: a ExceptionHandler arg[0]: [] @ 8 in InputState>>forkMain temp[0]: nil temp[1]: nil temp[2]: a Process('Main' base 00D70000 [ACTIVE] in AXDllSessionManager>>logError: sp=00000000 ip=8 list=nil) {00D700B0: cf 00D7009D, sp 00D700C8, bp 00C7AD30, ip 17, BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed:} receiver: [] @ 8421382 in nil arg[0]: [] @ 34 in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: temp[0]: nil temp[1]: nil temp[2]: nil {00D7009C: cf 00D7007D, sp 00D700AC, bp 00D70094, ip 4, BlockClosure>>ensure:} receiver: [] @ 15 in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: arg[0]: [] @ 34 in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: temp[0]: nil {00D7007C: cf 00D70069, sp 00D7008C, bp 00C7ACF8, ip 39, ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>try:} receiver: a ExceptionHandler arg[0]: [] @ 8 in InputState>>forkMain temp[0]: nil temp[1]: nil temp[2]: a Process('Main' base 00D70000 [ACTIVE] in AXDllSessionManager>>logError: sp=00000000 ip=8 list=nil) {00D70068: cf 00D70049, sp 00D70078, bp 00D70060, ip 7, BlockClosure>>on:do:} receiver: [] @ 8 in InputState>>forkMain arg[0]: ProcessTermination arg[1]: [] @ 12 in BlockClosure>>newProcess {00D70048: cf 00000001, sp 00D70058, bp 00C7AC88, ip 17, [] in BlockClosure>>newProcess} receiver: [] @ 8 in InputState>>forkMain temp[0]: nil <Bottom of stack> ***** End of dump ***** |
"Chris Uppal" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]... > Hi, > > I've been trying to get the Random Stream COM server example to work as I > thought it should, and have hit a few difficulties that I /think/ are > bugs. > Thanks Chris. The sample has aged somewhat since it was last looked at in earnest. > First off, deploying the package creates a corandom.dll OK, and that > /seems/ to > work OK, but I think it's buggy. Specifically, trying to unregister it > with > regsvr32 /u corandom.dll > caused a corandom.ERRORS to be created. I'll append the file, but I think > the > problem is because the implementation of SessionManager>>queryEndSession > sends > #asValue, but Object>>asValue is in the 'Dolphin Value Models' package > which is > not marked as a pre-requisite, and which has therefore been discarded by > the > stripper. I saw several other hard-to-reproduce errors that I now assume > were > caused by the same problem. I suspect that this stripping of #asValue is > a > fairly general problem that may affect other deployed applications' > session > managers too. Thanks. This is a known issue for which there is a beta patch: http://object-arts.com/Lib/Update/Dolphin/5.1/1545.st > > Second, and very trivial, the deployment process leaves a 'corandom.tmp' > file > in the target directory. This is deliberate. Its a copy of the stripped image file for debugging purposes. If you don't want it override/modify/delete AXDllImageStripper>>keepImageFile. > > I was expecting that if I loaded the Random Stream package into my > development > image (thus allowing the registration code in the post-install script to > run), > that I could then run the RandomVBClient.exe program and have it connect > temporarily to my running image to service the COM requests. The first > problem > was that that consistently attempted to re-load my dev. image in a new > Dolphin > session instead of connecting to the existing one. After reading and > re-reading (and re-reading ;-) just about every post in the archive (well, > that's how it felt), it became clear that I needed to delete the > <classid>\'InProcServer32' entry from the registry, leaving just the > 'LocalServer32' entry. (Which makes perfect sense in retrospect, but I > think > it could do to be emphasised in the documentation, even if only in the > example > package's comment -- the only in-image comment I could find seemed to > imply > that it just wasn't possible to run that way) There is a draft document which covers this subject in quite some detail. It is available for download from: http://object-arts.com/Lib/Downloads/Misc/DevelopingCOMComponents.pdf See the "Testing & Debugging" section. Any feedback would be welcome. > > However, removing that key didn't fix the problem. As far as I can see, > it's > because > > COMRandomStream revokeClassFactories. > > doesn't fully unwind the effects of: > > COMRandomStream register; registerClassFactory. > It's not intended to. COMInterfaceImp>>unregister and #unregisterClassFactory are the respective complements. >... Regards Blair |
> There is a draft document which covers this subject in quite some detail. > It is available for download from: > > http://object-arts.com/Lib/Downloads/Misc/DevelopingCOMComponents.pdf > > See the "Testing & Debugging" section. Any feedback would be welcome. Thanks for he link. I'm sorry not to have replied before, but I wanted to wait until I had spent some time actually applying the information in the COM guide before commenting. Unfortunately that hasn't happened, but here are a few comments anyway... I found it a good, clear, and helpful guide in general, but there are one or two things that I think would be worth improving. The first is that -- at least for me -- it was organised backwards. The startup sequences -- which explain the /architecture/ and are fundamental to understanding -- right at the end; whereas the nitpicking about understanding COM ref-counting (which I'd hope I /don't/ need to understand for simple cases) was right at the beginning. (BTW, the IPDolphin.DLL could probably do with a bit more introduction, something to say that its part of the Dolphin distribution and lives in the installation directory -- or wherever it does live). Secondly I was never very clear on which uses of the word "register" meant "create an entry in the registry" and which meant to "register with Windows" -- CoRegisterClassObject() or similar (I have the same problem with the code too). Lastly, the document seems to focus on the wrong three out of four cases. The most important case is where I need to understand the architecture for "normal" deployment -- obviously -- and that's covered well. The next most important case (I'd have thought) was when you want to develop/debug by having an external COM client connect to a /running/ Dolphin image -- that doesn't seem to be covered at all well (and isn't well-supported by the code either, as far as I can tell), yet that's exactly what I'd expect to be able to do. And that is certainly the way I /want/ to work (why use Dolphin otherwise ? ;-) The case that I /don't/ want to hear about (because I don't want to be forced to work this way) is for the client COM code to cause a new Dolphin image to start up, yet that case that is covered in detail. The last case is when the client and server code are both in the same image, and that's explained well, but isn't very interesting since, well, I'd expect Smalltalk code to be able to call Smalltalk code... (Yes, I do realise that it's going through some of the COM machinery on the way, but that doesn't really persuade me that my COM component won't turn out to have trivial or fundamental flaws in a more realistic setting). Anyway those are the general comments. The rest of this is from the POV of someone who knows a /little/ bit about COM (I've read Rogerson), but not done any COM programming outside Dolphin. Dolphin seems like a much better environment to start in -- even though I have no great objection to programming 'C'. I don't know whether you feel that its fair to hope to start with COM using just that background plus your guide, but that's the position I was in. From that POV, I think that a couple of basics could have done with a little more explanation. A 1-paragraph summary/reminder of what a CoClass is, for instance. I don't mean a complete rundown of COM, but an overview of the important players in the COM architecture as it applies to Dolphin (in deployed or debug modes). Some of that is there in the later parts of the guide, but I think it would help to bring it forward in the presentation. Another thing that would be worth adding to the guide is a quick example of client code. I was in the unfortunate position that the tutorial example didn't work for me, and I was trying to see what was going wrong when Dolphin wouldn't hang around to be debugged, and the only client I had was the VB application that I couldn't load into VS2003 (maybe I should have been able to -- I've never touched VB before). It would help, I think, if the guide included a small VBScript or JScript program using the Random example, which could act as a standalone example of client code. And, about trying to get the example to work: > > However, removing that key didn't fix the problem. As far as I can see, > > it's > > because > > > > COMRandomStream revokeClassFactories. > > > > doesn't fully unwind the effects of: > > > > COMRandomStream register; registerClassFactory. > > > > It's not intended to. COMInterfaceImp>>unregister and > #unregisterClassFactory are the respective complements. Fair enough, but I think that either the unload script should completely clear up after itself, or it should warn that it doesn't, or you should not refer to the scripts as an example of how to do things. I was trying to make stuff work without properly understanding what I was doing (that was /why/ I was trying to make stuff work -- so I could learn from the working system !), so not having a way to return to a clean position made that very difficult (took me all day). I think that's a problem with the Random example. If I'm understanding it correctly, a clean Dolphin image is in a state (w.r.t the COM example) that one can never return to without changing stuff by hand. The CoClass is registered with Windows, but nothing is in the registry. If you unload the sample package when you first install Dolphin (as I always do) and then load it again when you want to play with it, then stuff gets written to the registry. Also the only way of getting the class factories registered again (before you have a reasonable understanding of how this stuff works) is to unload the package and re-load it. That, again, doesn't return you to the state you were in with a clean install. Also it's unexpected that executing the unload script followed by the load script (without unloading the package) puts the system into a state where it /can't/ work (without more cleanup by hand). -- chris |
You wrote in message news:4211f0a1$0$38038$[hidden email]... > Blair > >> There is a draft document which covers this subject in quite some detail. >> It is available for download from: >> >> http://object-arts.com/Lib/Downloads/Misc/DevelopingCOMComponents.pdf >> >> See the "Testing & Debugging" section. Any feedback would be welcome. > > Thanks for he link. I'm sorry not to have replied before, but I wanted to > wait > until I had spent some time actually applying the information in the COM > guide > before commenting. Unfortunately that hasn't happened, but here are a few > comments anyway... > Thanks for your detailed and constructive comments. These will be taken into account when we are revising the document for release. I agree, BTW, that the scripts associated with the Random stream sample package are probably not doing the right things. We'll look at that as well. Regards Blair |
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