TilingWM - layout policies

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TilingWM - layout policies

laurent laffont
Thanks to Stefan, Serge, Patrick and Estelle now you can choose a Layout Strategy in settings.

Actually there's Horizontal (default) and Vertical (last used windows fills all remaining space) strategies.

To add your own just subclass TWMLayoutStrategy and implement #tileWindows:


Laurent Laffont - @lolgzs

Pharo Smalltalk Screencasts: http://www.pharocasts.com/
Blog: http://magaloma.blogspot.com/
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Re: TilingWM - layout policies

Stéphane Ducasse
You know wht I would love to have is a simple browser

        method body

so that I can till my methods :)


On May 31, 2011, at 10:58 PM, laurent laffont wrote:

> Thanks to Stefan, Serge, Patrick and Estelle now you can choose a Layout Strategy in settings.
> Actually there's Horizontal (default) and Vertical (last used windows fills all remaining space) strategies.
> To add your own just subclass TWMLayoutStrategy and implement #tileWindows:
> Cheers,
> Laurent Laffont - @lolgzs
> Pharo Smalltalk Screencasts: http://www.pharocasts.com/
> Blog: http://magaloma.blogspot.com/
> Developer group: http://cara74.seasidehosting.st

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Re: TilingWM - layout policies

laurent laffont
On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 7:27 AM, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:
You know wht I would love to have is a simple browser

       method body

so that I can till my methods :)

An idea is that when we double click on a method in the browser (or use a key shorcut) it opens a new window with just an editor with class>>method as title. So we can open several editors that don't eat space.

Then we can add a TWM Layout strategy that put only one browser on top and all editor windows tiled below.

Another way is that browsing panes can be hidden by default (add a setting for this behavior) so it shows only method / class definition. Add a button to toggle browsing panes visibility (may be easier to do this).




On May 31, 2011, at 10:58 PM, laurent laffont wrote:

> Thanks to Stefan, Serge, Patrick and Estelle now you can choose a Layout Strategy in settings.
> Actually there's Horizontal (default) and Vertical (last used windows fills all remaining space) strategies.
> To add your own just subclass TWMLayoutStrategy and implement #tileWindows:
> Cheers,
> Laurent Laffont - @lolgzs
> Pharo Smalltalk Screencasts: http://www.pharocasts.com/
> Blog: http://magaloma.blogspot.com/
> Developer group: http://cara74.seasidehosting.st