Time milliseconds

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Time milliseconds

Steve Alan Waring

Could Time (class)>>readFrom: recognise $. as a valid separator between
seconds and milliseconds, and read the milliseconds as a real value?

This parses as one millisecond;
    (Time fromString: '00:00:00:1') milliseconds

This does not;
    (Time fromString: '00:00:00.001') milliseconds

The Locale time format string can not print milliseconds, but I see the
second format more commonly used, and it would be useful to be
able to parse it.

[hidden email]

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Re: Time milliseconds

Ian Bartholomew-13

> Could Time (class)>>readFrom: recognise $. as a valid separator between
> seconds and milliseconds, and read the milliseconds as a real value?

As a workaround you could go through Duration (one of my goodies).

(DurationToText new convertFromRightToLeft: '00:00:00.1') milliseconds
    ==> 100

(DurationToText new convertFromRightToLeft: '00:00:00.01') milliseconds
    ==> 10

(DurationToText new convertFromRightToLeft: '00:00:00.001') milliseconds
    ==> 1

(DurationToText new convertFromRightToLeft: '00:00:00.0001') milliseconds
    ==> 0

You would also need to implement a Duration>>asTime or Time>>fromDuration
method that answers an instantiated Time but that won't be to difficult - I
probably should have implemented it myself.  You can also add a method that
answers the millisecond value to it's full precision (max 10e-6 of a second)
if needed.

NB: It doesn't work with the other format you mentioned - '00:00:00:123'
would be parsed as 123 seconds.


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Re: Time milliseconds

Blair McGlashan
In reply to this post by Steve Alan Waring
"Steve Waring" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:acvao8$slps9$[hidden email]...
> Hi,
> Could Time (class)>>readFrom: recognise $. as a valid separator between
> seconds and milliseconds, and read the milliseconds as a real value?

Sure. Recorded as #956 for the next patch.

