Timeouts when trying to use Albatross unit testing

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Timeouts when trying to use Albatross unit testing

Matthias Berth-2

I have installed Albatross [1] and the prerequisites. However, when I
try to run the example unit test APierTest that comes with it, I get
timeout errors like the one attached below. It happens in
ABrowser>>receiveOrTimeout which is sent from setUp:

        | handler |
        handler := ARequestHandler default reset; yourself.
        AComponentWrapper initializeWith: self subjectApplication for: self.
        browser := handler browser
                applicationUrl: 'http://localhost:9090/seaside/albatross'
                driverUrl: 'http://localhost:9090/seaside/driver'.
        browser timeout: 10.
        browser open.
        browser timeout: 5.
        browser receiveOrTimeout.

I see the Pier web page appear in my web browser. I am running Squeak
3.9 under Windows, with Albatross-al.211 and Seaside2.8a1-mb.465
(Sept. 2007).

Any hints on how to get this working, or on how to isolate the problem
would be greatly appreciated :-)



[1] http://www.squeaksource.com/Albatross.html

VM: Win32 - a SmalltalkImage
Image: Squeak3.9 [latest update: #7067]

SecurityManager state:
Restricted: false
FileAccess: true
SocketAccess: true

        Receiver: an ABrowser
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aString: 'Timed out receiving reply'
        Receiver's instance variables:
                inQueue: a SharedQueue
                outQueue: a SharedQueue
                applicationUrl: 'http://localhost:9090/seaside/albatross'
                driverUrl: 'http://localhost:9090/seaside/driver'
                resultType: nil

        Receiver: an ABrowser
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                proc: a Process in [] in BlockContext>>newProcess {[self value.
Processor term...etc...
                result: nil
                sem: a Semaphore()
                typedResult: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                inQueue: a SharedQueue
                outQueue: a SharedQueue
                applicationUrl: 'http://localhost:9090/seaside/albatross'
                driverUrl: 'http://localhost:9090/seaside/driver'
                resultType: nil

        Receiver: APierTest>>#testEditPage {testing}
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                handler: an ARequestHandler named: 'driver'
        Receiver's instance variables:
                testSelector: #testEditPage
                browser: an ABrowser
                testComponent: nil

[] in APierTest(TestCase)>>runCase {[self setUp.  self performTest]}
        Arguments and temporary variables:

--- The full stack ---
[] in APierTest(TestCase)>>runCase {[self setUp.  self performTest]}
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[] in APierTest(TestCase)>>debug {[(self class selector: testSelector) runCase]}
[] in APierTest(TestCase)>>debug {[[(self class selector:
testSelector) runCase]   on: Error   do: [:ex | Unha...]}
[] in TestRunner>>debugSuite: {[:each | each debug]}
[] in TestRunner>>basicRunSuite:do: {[aTestSuite name isEmptyOrNil
ifTrue: [aTestSuite tests do: aBlock]   ifFa...]}
[] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: {[ActiveHand := self.
ActiveEvent := anEvent.  result := focusHolder     han...]}
[] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: {[aBlock value]}
[] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: {[:h |  ActiveHand := h.  h
processEvents.  capturingGesture := capturingGest...]}
[] in Project class>>spawnNewProcess {[[World doOneCycle.  Processor
yield.  false] whileFalse.  nil]}
[] in BlockContext>>newProcess {[self value.  Processor terminateActive]}
seaside mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Timeouts when trying to use Albatross unit testing

Adrian Lienhard
Hi Matthias,

Hm, hard to tell...
Do the other example tests that come with Albatross work? Are there  
any JavaScript libraries that could not be loaded or are there  
JavaScript errors? What browser do you use?

You might also want to try out the pre-installed Albatross image,  
which is linked from http://www.squeaksource.com/Albatross.html.


On Feb 26, 2008, at 15:30 , Matthias Berth wrote:

> Hello,
> I have installed Albatross [1] and the prerequisites. However, when I
> try to run the example unit test APierTest that comes with it, I get
> timeout errors like the one attached below. It happens in
> ABrowser>>receiveOrTimeout which is sent from setUp:
>  ATestCase>>setUp
> | handler |
> handler := ARequestHandler default reset; yourself.
> AComponentWrapper initializeWith: self subjectApplication for: self.
> browser := handler browser
> applicationUrl: 'http://localhost:9090/seaside/albatross'
> driverUrl: 'http://localhost:9090/seaside/driver'.
> browser timeout: 10.
> browser open.
> browser timeout: 5.
> browser receiveOrTimeout.
> I see the Pier web page appear in my web browser. I am running Squeak
> 3.9 under Windows, with Albatross-al.211 and Seaside2.8a1-mb.465
> (Sept. 2007).
> Any hints on how to get this working, or on how to isolate the problem
> would be greatly appreciated :-)
> Cheers
> Matthias
> [1] http://www.squeaksource.com/Albatross.html
> *********
> VM: Win32 - a SmalltalkImage
> Image: Squeak3.9 [latest update: #7067]
> SecurityManager state:
> Restricted: false
> FileAccess: true
> SocketAccess: true
> ABrowser(Object)>>error:
> Receiver: an ABrowser
> Arguments and temporary variables:
> aString: 'Timed out receiving reply'
> Receiver's instance variables:
> inQueue: a SharedQueue
> outQueue: a SharedQueue
> applicationUrl: 'http://localhost:9090/seaside/albatross'
> driverUrl: 'http://localhost:9090/seaside/driver'
> resultType: nil
> ABrowser>>receiveOrTimeout
> Receiver: an ABrowser
> Arguments and temporary variables:
> proc: a Process in [] in BlockContext>>newProcess {[self value.
> Processor term...etc...
> result: nil
> sem: a Semaphore()
> typedResult: nil
> Receiver's instance variables:
> inQueue: a SharedQueue
> outQueue: a SharedQueue
> applicationUrl: 'http://localhost:9090/seaside/albatross'
> driverUrl: 'http://localhost:9090/seaside/driver'
> resultType: nil
> APierTest(ATestCase)>>setUp
> Receiver: APierTest>>#testEditPage {testing}
> Arguments and temporary variables:
> handler: an ARequestHandler named: 'driver'
> Receiver's instance variables:
> testSelector: #testEditPage
> browser: an ABrowser
> testComponent: nil
> [] in APierTest(TestCase)>>runCase {[self setUp.  self performTest]}
> Arguments and temporary variables:
> --- The full stack ---
> ABrowser(Object)>>error:
> ABrowser>>receiveOrTimeout
> APierTest(ATestCase)>>setUp
> [] in APierTest(TestCase)>>runCase {[self setUp.  self performTest]}
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> BlockContext>>ensure:
> APierTest(TestCase)>>runCase
> [] in APierTest(TestCase)>>debug {[(self class selector:  
> testSelector) runCase]}
> BlockContext>>on:do:
> [] in APierTest(TestCase)>>debug {[[(self class selector:
> testSelector) runCase]   on: Error   do: [:ex | Unha...]}
> BlockContext>>ensure:
> APierTest(TestCase)>>debug
> [] in TestRunner>>debugSuite: {[:each | each debug]}
> Set>>do:
> [] in TestRunner>>basicRunSuite:do: {[aTestSuite name isEmptyOrNil
> ifTrue: [aTestSuite tests do: aBlock]   ifFa...]}
> BlockContext>>ensure:
> TestRunner>>basicRunSuite:do:
> TestRunner>>debugSuite:
> TestRunner>>debug:
> TestRunner>>errorSelected:
> PluggableListMorphPlus(PluggableListMorph)>>changeModelSelection:
> PluggableListMorphPlus(PluggableListMorph)>>mouseUp:
> PluggableListMorphPlus(Morph)>>handleMouseUp:
> MouseButtonEvent>>sentTo:
> PluggableListMorphPlus(Morph)>>handleEvent:
> PluggableListMorphPlus(Morph)>>handleFocusEvent:
> [] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: {[ActiveHand := self.
> ActiveEvent := anEvent.  result := focusHolder     han...]}
> [] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: {[aBlock value]}
> BlockContext>>on:do:
> PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
> HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear:
> HandMorph>>sendEvent:focus:clear:
> HandMorph>>sendMouseEvent:
> HandMorph>>handleEvent:
> HandMorph>>processEvents
> [] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: {[:h |  ActiveHand := h.  h
> processEvents.  capturingGesture := capturingGest...]}
> Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do:
> WorldState>>handsDo:
> WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
> WorldState>>doOneCycleFor:
> PasteUpMorph>>doOneCycle
> [] in Project class>>spawnNewProcess {[[World doOneCycle.  Processor
> yield.  false] whileFalse.  nil]}
> [] in BlockContext>>newProcess {[self value.  Processor  
> terminateActive]}
> _______________________________________________
> seaside mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside

seaside mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Timeouts when trying to use Albatross unit testing

Matthias Berth-2
Hi Adrian,

thanks a lot for your help. I have tried the pre-installed Albatross
image, on different browsers:

1) On firefox 2 everything went fine (i.e. APierTest,
AScriptaculousTest, ASeasideTests run without errors) after I
deactivated all addon modules. Also I noticed that tests went faster,
so maybe it was a real timeout due to an addon module that slowed
firefox down.

2) Internet Explorer 6 still has timeouts for everything except
APierTest. I have tried to make the timeouts 10sec longer (in setUp),
no success.

So I will now write my own tests, using firefox, that should do it for
now. I'll be happy to provide assistance in getting it right for IE
(but maybe its just for my slow machine?)



On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 9:13 PM, Adrian Lienhard <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi Matthias,
>  Hm, hard to tell...
>  Do the other example tests that come with Albatross work? Are there
>  any JavaScript libraries that could not be loaded or are there
>  JavaScript errors? What browser do you use?
>  You might also want to try out the pre-installed Albatross image,
>  which is linked from http://www.squeaksource.com/Albatross.html.
>  Cheers,
>  Adrian
>  On Feb 26, 2008, at 15:30 , Matthias Berth wrote:
>  > Hello,
>  >
>  >
>  > I have installed Albatross [1] and the prerequisites. However, when I
>  > try to run the example unit test APierTest that comes with it, I get
>  > timeout errors like the one attached below. It happens in
>  > ABrowser>>receiveOrTimeout which is sent from setUp:
>  >
>  >  ATestCase>>setUp
>  >       | handler |
>  >       handler := ARequestHandler default reset; yourself.
>  >       AComponentWrapper initializeWith: self subjectApplication for: self.
>  >
>  >       browser := handler browser
>  >               applicationUrl: 'http://localhost:9090/seaside/albatross'
>  >               driverUrl: 'http://localhost:9090/seaside/driver'.
>  >
>  >       browser timeout: 10.
>  >       browser open.
>  >       browser timeout: 5.
>  >       browser receiveOrTimeout.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > I see the Pier web page appear in my web browser. I am running Squeak
>  > 3.9 under Windows, with Albatross-al.211 and Seaside2.8a1-mb.465
>  > (Sept. 2007).
>  >
>  > Any hints on how to get this working, or on how to isolate the problem
>  > would be greatly appreciated :-)
>  >
>  > Cheers
>  >
>  > Matthias
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > [1] http://www.squeaksource.com/Albatross.html
>  >
>  > *********
>  > VM: Win32 - a SmalltalkImage
>  > Image: Squeak3.9 [latest update: #7067]
>  >
>  > SecurityManager state:
>  > Restricted: false
>  > FileAccess: true
>  > SocketAccess: true
>  >
>  >
>  > ABrowser(Object)>>error:
>  >       Receiver: an ABrowser
>  >       Arguments and temporary variables:
>  >               aString:        'Timed out receiving reply'
>  >       Receiver's instance variables:
>  >               inQueue:        a SharedQueue
>  >               outQueue:       a SharedQueue
>  >               applicationUrl:         'http://localhost:9090/seaside/albatross'
>  >               driverUrl:      'http://localhost:9090/seaside/driver'
>  >               resultType:     nil
>  >
>  > ABrowser>>receiveOrTimeout
>  >       Receiver: an ABrowser
>  >       Arguments and temporary variables:
>  >               proc:   a Process in [] in BlockContext>>newProcess {[self value.
>  > Processor term...etc...
>  >               result:         nil
>  >               sem:    a Semaphore()
>  >               typedResult:    nil
>  >       Receiver's instance variables:
>  >               inQueue:        a SharedQueue
>  >               outQueue:       a SharedQueue
>  >               applicationUrl:         'http://localhost:9090/seaside/albatross'
>  >               driverUrl:      'http://localhost:9090/seaside/driver'
>  >               resultType:     nil
>  >
>  > APierTest(ATestCase)>>setUp
>  >       Receiver: APierTest>>#testEditPage {testing}
>  >       Arguments and temporary variables:
>  >               handler:        an ARequestHandler named: 'driver'
>  >       Receiver's instance variables:
>  >               testSelector:   #testEditPage
>  >               browser:        an ABrowser
>  >               testComponent:  nil
>  >
>  > [] in APierTest(TestCase)>>runCase {[self setUp.  self performTest]}
>  >       Arguments and temporary variables:
>  >
>  >
>  > --- The full stack ---
>  > ABrowser(Object)>>error:
>  > ABrowser>>receiveOrTimeout
>  > APierTest(ATestCase)>>setUp
>  > [] in APierTest(TestCase)>>runCase {[self setUp.  self performTest]}
>  > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>  > BlockContext>>ensure:
>  > APierTest(TestCase)>>runCase
>  > [] in APierTest(TestCase)>>debug {[(self class selector:
>  > testSelector) runCase]}
>  > BlockContext>>on:do:
>  > [] in APierTest(TestCase)>>debug {[[(self class selector:
>  > testSelector) runCase]   on: Error   do: [:ex | Unha...]}
>  > BlockContext>>ensure:
>  > APierTest(TestCase)>>debug
>  > [] in TestRunner>>debugSuite: {[:each | each debug]}
>  > Set>>do:
>  > [] in TestRunner>>basicRunSuite:do: {[aTestSuite name isEmptyOrNil
>  > ifTrue: [aTestSuite tests do: aBlock]   ifFa...]}
>  > BlockContext>>ensure:
>  > TestRunner>>basicRunSuite:do:
>  > TestRunner>>debugSuite:
>  > TestRunner>>debug:
>  > TestRunner>>errorSelected:
>  > PluggableListMorphPlus(PluggableListMorph)>>changeModelSelection:
>  > PluggableListMorphPlus(PluggableListMorph)>>mouseUp:
>  > PluggableListMorphPlus(Morph)>>handleMouseUp:
>  > MouseButtonEvent>>sentTo:
>  > PluggableListMorphPlus(Morph)>>handleEvent:
>  > PluggableListMorphPlus(Morph)>>handleFocusEvent:
>  > [] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: {[ActiveHand := self.
>  > ActiveEvent := anEvent.  result := focusHolder     han...]}
>  > [] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: {[aBlock value]}
>  > BlockContext>>on:do:
>  > PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
>  > HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear:
>  > HandMorph>>sendEvent:focus:clear:
>  > HandMorph>>sendMouseEvent:
>  > HandMorph>>handleEvent:
>  > HandMorph>>processEvents
>  > [] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: {[:h |  ActiveHand := h.  h
>  > processEvents.  capturingGesture := capturingGest...]}
>  > Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do:
>  > WorldState>>handsDo:
>  > WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
>  > WorldState>>doOneCycleFor:
>  > PasteUpMorph>>doOneCycle
>  > [] in Project class>>spawnNewProcess {[[World doOneCycle.  Processor
>  > yield.  false] whileFalse.  nil]}
>  > [] in BlockContext>>newProcess {[self value.  Processor
>  > terminateActive]}
>  > _______________________________________________
>  > seaside mailing list
>  > [hidden email]
>  > http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside
>  _______________________________________________
>  seaside mailing list
>  [hidden email]
>  http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside
seaside mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Timeouts when trying to use Albatross unit testing

Adrian Lienhard
Hi Matthias,

I tested Albatross with MS XP and IE6 and it worked. So, it might be  
your machine or some problem with IE6.

Let me know how it goes...
And continue to submit improvements! ;)


On Feb 27, 2008, at 11:29 , Matthias Berth wrote:

> Hi Adrian,
> thanks a lot for your help. I have tried the pre-installed Albatross
> image, on different browsers:
> 1) On firefox 2 everything went fine (i.e. APierTest,
> AScriptaculousTest, ASeasideTests run without errors) after I
> deactivated all addon modules. Also I noticed that tests went faster,
> so maybe it was a real timeout due to an addon module that slowed
> firefox down.
> 2) Internet Explorer 6 still has timeouts for everything except
> APierTest. I have tried to make the timeouts 10sec longer (in setUp),
> no success.
> So I will now write my own tests, using firefox, that should do it for
> now. I'll be happy to provide assistance in getting it right for IE
> (but maybe its just for my slow machine?)
> Cheers
> Matthias
> On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 9:13 PM, Adrian Lienhard <[hidden email]>  
> wrote:
>> Hi Matthias,
>> Hm, hard to tell...
>> Do the other example tests that come with Albatross work? Are there
>> any JavaScript libraries that could not be loaded or are there
>> JavaScript errors? What browser do you use?
>> You might also want to try out the pre-installed Albatross image,
>> which is linked from http://www.squeaksource.com/Albatross.html.
>> Cheers,
>> Adrian
>> On Feb 26, 2008, at 15:30 , Matthias Berth wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have installed Albatross [1] and the prerequisites. However,  
>>> when I
>>> try to run the example unit test APierTest that comes with it, I get
>>> timeout errors like the one attached below. It happens in
>>> ABrowser>>receiveOrTimeout which is sent from setUp:
>>> ATestCase>>setUp
>>>     | handler |
>>>     handler := ARequestHandler default reset; yourself.
>>>     AComponentWrapper initializeWith: self subjectApplication for:  
>>> self.
>>>     browser := handler browser
>>>             applicationUrl: 'http://localhost:9090/seaside/ 
>>> albatross'
>>>             driverUrl: 'http://localhost:9090/seaside/driver'.
>>>     browser timeout: 10.
>>>     browser open.
>>>     browser timeout: 5.
>>>     browser receiveOrTimeout.
>>> I see the Pier web page appear in my web browser. I am running  
>>> Squeak
>>> 3.9 under Windows, with Albatross-al.211 and Seaside2.8a1-mb.465
>>> (Sept. 2007).
>>> Any hints on how to get this working, or on how to isolate the  
>>> problem
>>> would be greatly appreciated :-)
>>> Cheers
>>> Matthias
>>> [1] http://www.squeaksource.com/Albatross.html
>>> *********
>>> VM: Win32 - a SmalltalkImage
>>> Image: Squeak3.9 [latest update: #7067]
>>> SecurityManager state:
>>> Restricted: false
>>> FileAccess: true
>>> SocketAccess: true
>>> ABrowser(Object)>>error:
>>>     Receiver: an ABrowser
>>>     Arguments and temporary variables:
>>>             aString:        'Timed out receiving reply'
>>>     Receiver's instance variables:
>>>             inQueue:        a SharedQueue
>>>             outQueue:       a SharedQueue
>>>             applicationUrl:         'http://localhost:9090/seaside/albatross'
>>>             driverUrl:      'http://localhost:9090/seaside/driver'
>>>             resultType:     nil
>>> ABrowser>>receiveOrTimeout
>>>     Receiver: an ABrowser
>>>     Arguments and temporary variables:
>>>             proc:   a Process in [] in BlockContext>>newProcess  
>>> {[self value.
>>> Processor term...etc...
>>>             result:         nil
>>>             sem:    a Semaphore()
>>>             typedResult:    nil
>>>     Receiver's instance variables:
>>>             inQueue:        a SharedQueue
>>>             outQueue:       a SharedQueue
>>>             applicationUrl:         'http://localhost:9090/seaside/albatross'
>>>             driverUrl:      'http://localhost:9090/seaside/driver'
>>>             resultType:     nil
>>> APierTest(ATestCase)>>setUp
>>>     Receiver: APierTest>>#testEditPage {testing}
>>>     Arguments and temporary variables:
>>>             handler:        an ARequestHandler named: 'driver'
>>>     Receiver's instance variables:
>>>             testSelector:   #testEditPage
>>>             browser:        an ABrowser
>>>             testComponent:  nil
>>> [] in APierTest(TestCase)>>runCase {[self setUp.  self performTest]}
>>>     Arguments and temporary variables:
>>> --- The full stack ---
>>> ABrowser(Object)>>error:
>>> ABrowser>>receiveOrTimeout
>>> APierTest(ATestCase)>>setUp
>>> [] in APierTest(TestCase)>>runCase {[self setUp.  self performTest]}
>>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>> BlockContext>>ensure:
>>> APierTest(TestCase)>>runCase
>>> [] in APierTest(TestCase)>>debug {[(self class selector:
>>> testSelector) runCase]}
>>> BlockContext>>on:do:
>>> [] in APierTest(TestCase)>>debug {[[(self class selector:
>>> testSelector) runCase]   on: Error   do: [:ex | Unha...]}
>>> BlockContext>>ensure:
>>> APierTest(TestCase)>>debug
>>> [] in TestRunner>>debugSuite: {[:each | each debug]}
>>> Set>>do:
>>> [] in TestRunner>>basicRunSuite:do: {[aTestSuite name isEmptyOrNil
>>> ifTrue: [aTestSuite tests do: aBlock]   ifFa...]}
>>> BlockContext>>ensure:
>>> TestRunner>>basicRunSuite:do:
>>> TestRunner>>debugSuite:
>>> TestRunner>>debug:
>>> TestRunner>>errorSelected:
>>> PluggableListMorphPlus(PluggableListMorph)>>changeModelSelection:
>>> PluggableListMorphPlus(PluggableListMorph)>>mouseUp:
>>> PluggableListMorphPlus(Morph)>>handleMouseUp:
>>> MouseButtonEvent>>sentTo:
>>> PluggableListMorphPlus(Morph)>>handleEvent:
>>> PluggableListMorphPlus(Morph)>>handleFocusEvent:
>>> [] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: {[ActiveHand := self.
>>> ActiveEvent := anEvent.  result := focusHolder     han...]}
>>> [] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: {[aBlock value]}
>>> BlockContext>>on:do:
>>> PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
>>> HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear:
>>> HandMorph>>sendEvent:focus:clear:
>>> HandMorph>>sendMouseEvent:
>>> HandMorph>>handleEvent:
>>> HandMorph>>processEvents
>>> [] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: {[:h |  ActiveHand := h.  h
>>> processEvents.  capturingGesture := capturingGest...]}
>>> Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do:
>>> WorldState>>handsDo:
>>> WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
>>> WorldState>>doOneCycleFor:
>>> PasteUpMorph>>doOneCycle
>>> [] in Project class>>spawnNewProcess {[[World doOneCycle.  Processor
>>> yield.  false] whileFalse.  nil]}
>>> [] in BlockContext>>newProcess {[self value.  Processor
>>> terminateActive]}
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