Using Pharo 8.0 64-bit, I ran this from the TinyBlog book:
Metacello new baseline:'TinyBlog';
repository: 'github://LucFabresse/TinyBlog/src';
onConflict: [ :ex | ex useLoaded ];
When I load the page and login as ‘admin’ and password, the page displays:
Debug Full Stack
thisContextOrderedCollection(Object)>>errorSubscriptBounds:selfan OrderedCollection()
thisContextOrderedCollection>>at:selfan OrderedCollection()
thisContextOrderedCollection(SequenceableCollection)>>firstselfan OrderedCollection()
thisContextOrderedCollection(SequenceableCollection)>>anyOneselfan OrderedCollection()
thisContextTBPostsReport class>>from:selfTBPostsReport
aBloga TBBlogreportnilblogPostsnil
Why is that, and what is the correction fir it? Thanks
Clicking on debug, it return in Pharo:
errorSubscriptBounds: index
"Create an error notification that an improper integer was used as an index."
SubscriptOutOfBounds signalFor: index