Hello Marco,
In the current version of the CurlPlugin is is not possible to set or change a header field and I don't think the way Google Data authentication works is covered by one of the standard authentication methods (Basic, Digest, ...). The libcurl library contains the required function but the CurlPlugin doesn't make it accessible from Smalltalk.
I also need this functionality for the Cloudfork-AWS library I am working on. I am currently trying to figure out how to extend the CurlPlugin.
2009/5/24 Carlos Crosetti
<[hidden email]>
Squeak HTTPSocket does this and I tested also with Pharo, only in HTTP mode no
(HTTPSocket httpPost: anUrl
args: #()
user: (self user) passwd: (self password)).
replace "self user" and "self password" wih the methods or instVars you
have to retrieve your auth attributes
-----Mensaje original-----
[hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]]En nombre de Marco
Enviado el: Domingo, 24 de Mayo de 2009 06:09
Para: [hidden email]
[Pharo-project] Tip for using CurlPlugin against GData services
Has someone tried to use the CurlPlugin against an
google data service?
I'm searching for a feature/method to set the authentication field inside
the HTTP-Header.
I have no glue what method to use from the class Curl...
Has someone a recipe/tip for me?
Thanks in advance
Marco Schmidt
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