Tips for automating ToGo deployment?

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Tips for automating ToGo deployment?

Tim M
Anyone have any tips on automating .exe deployment?

Currently I have:

ApplicationDeploymentWizard new model: (CCLogViewerSessionManager owningPackage
aspectValue: #imageStripper); deploy

Which seems to start out correctly, but I get an OK message box at the end
prompting about the deployment image must close. Is there anyway to override
that or not show it at all?


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Re: Tips for automating ToGo deployment?

Andy Bower

> Currently I have:
> ApplicationDeploymentWizard new model: (CCLogViewerSessionManager
> owningPackage aspectValue: #imageStripper); deploy
> Which seems to start out correctly, but I get an OK message box at
> the end prompting about the deployment image must close. Is there
> anyway to override that or not show it at all?

This has come up a couple of times in the past. I've raised an
enhancement request (#2197) to optionally remove the final message box
so it should be addressed shortly.

Best regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support

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Re: Tips for automating ToGo deployment?

Stefan Schmiedl
In reply to this post by Tim M
On Tue, 05 Sep 2006 15:50:20 +0000, Tim M wrote:

> Anyone have any tips on automating .exe deployment?
> Currently I have:
> ApplicationDeploymentWizard new model: (CCLogViewerSessionManager owningPackage
> aspectValue: #imageStripper); deploy


I have a deployment image which is basically a fresh install
plus the following package. I've switched off the option for
saving the image before deployment, too.

What I do save, is the package I'm working on, so that I can
load it into the clean image with containing

|pkg mgr app|
[(Delay forSeconds: 1) wait.
app := 'kursfilter-csv'.
mgr := PackageManager current.
mgr deployPackage: app from: 'b:\xss\',app,'.pac'] fork

This allows time for completely starting the application
before loading the application package.


| package |
package := Package name: 'deployment'.
package paxVersion: 0; basicComment: ''.

package methodNames
        add: #PackageManager -> #deployPackage:;
        add: #PackageManager -> #deployPackage:from:;
        add: #PackageManager -> #reinstallPackage:;
        add: #PackageManager -> #uninstallPackage:;

package binaryGlobalNames: (Set new yourself).

package globalAliases: (Set new yourself).

package allResourceNames: (Set new yourself).

package setPrerequisites: (IdentitySet new
        add: '..\deploy\Object Arts\Dolphin\Lagoon\Application Deployment Kit';
        add: '..\deploy\Object Arts\Dolphin\Base\Dolphin';


"Class Definitions"!

"Global Aliases"!

"Loose Methods"!

!PackageManager methodsFor!

deployPackage: aPackageName
        self deployPackage: aPackageName
       from: (self packageNamed: aPackageName) packageFileName!

deployPackage: aPackageName from: aPath
        | pkg |
        pkg := self packageNamed: aPackageName ifNone: [(self install: aPath) last].
        [self uninstall: pkg] ensure:
                                createOn: ((self install: aPath) last
           aspectValue: #imageStripper)) deploy]!

reinstallPackage: aPackageName
        | pkg path |
        pkg := self packageNamed: aPackageName.
        path := pkg packageFileName.
        [self uninstall: pkg] ensure: [self install: path]!

uninstallPackage: aPackageName
        | pkg |
        pkg := self packageNamed: aPackageName ifNone: [^self].
        self uninstall: pkg! !
!PackageManager categoriesFor: #deployPackage:!public! !
!PackageManager categoriesFor: #deployPackage:from:!public! !
!PackageManager categoriesFor: #reinstallPackage:!public! !
!PackageManager categoriesFor: #uninstallPackage:!public! !

"End of package definition"!

"Source Globals"!


"Binary Globals"!


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Re: Tips for automating ToGo deployment?

Tim M
Hi Stefan,

> I have a deployment image which is basically a fresh install plus the
> following package. I've switched off the option for saving the image
> before deployment, too.

Thanks, that looks slightly similar to what I have (so I'm on the right track)
- however how do you get around the prompt at the end saying the the development
image will close?

I recall someone commenting that this might have appeared in D6 - is this
something you run in D6 or is it from D5?

Andy commented that the next D6 patch might resolve this - as a workaround
if I could find where this happens and modify it - but its lower down on
my priority queue.

As an aside - I almost have all of this assembled into something I will release
under the banner - SmallCruise, a series of packages and instructions about
running with for automating continous builds in Dolphin.

I've shied away from using using - as I like the syntax checking
in the main environment however I might revisit that decision - I think the
trick is to get it packaged up and see if anyone else finds it useful.


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Re: Tips for automating ToGo deployment?

Stefan Schmiedl
On Wed, 06 Sep 2006 10:47:52 +0000, Tim M wrote:

> Hi Stefan,
>> I have a deployment image which is basically a fresh install plus the
>> following package. I've switched off the option for saving the image
>> before deployment, too.
> Thanks, that looks slightly similar to what I have (so I'm on the right
> track) - however how do you get around the prompt at the end saying the the
> development image will close?

heh... I took the code from the wrong folder :-)
I have another package somewhere which replaces the method
opening the dialog.

Do a search for methods containing the text of the dialog box
("will now exit" did it for me, IIRC) and just delete the code
creating the window.

> I recall someone commenting that this might have appeared in D6 - is this
> something you run in D6 or is it from D5?

The "will now exit" message was already in D5, my automation code
has started to grow after switching to D6.
