To get started with Gtoolkit and bloc

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To get started with Gtoolkit and bloc


Is there any document to get start with bloc and gtoolkit?



Dr. Geo

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Re: To get started with Gtoolkit and bloc

Peter Uhnak

you can start with the Bloc booklet ... it is probably a bit outdated, but I think the API hasn't changed that much.
and then in the image itself there is a "Bloc-Examples" package that contains hundreds (thousands?) of examples.


On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 2:58 PM Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:

Is there any document to get start with bloc and gtoolkit?



Dr. Geo

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Re: To get started with Gtoolkit and bloc



Le 13/09/2018 à 18:35, Peter Uhnak a écrit :

> Hi,
> you can start with the Bloc
> booklet
> ... it is probably a bit outdated, but I think the API hasn't changed
> that much.
> and then in the image itself there is a "Bloc-Examples" package that
> contains hundreds (thousands?) of examples.
> Peter

Dr. Geo

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Re: To get started with Gtoolkit and bloc

In reply to this post by Peter Uhnak
Play a bit with the examples. Help me to write some code in the playground

Several examples are not actionable and seems to be part of some things
bigger. Am I missing somethings?

I see this pragma <script: > Is it intended to be search-able from the
finder or another tool?

By the way, once Bloc was installed on the image, the image does not
save. Crash dump included.


Le 13/09/2018 à 18:35, Peter Uhnak a écrit :
> and then in the image itself there is a "Bloc-Examples" package that
> contains hundreds (thousands?) of examples.

Dr. Geo

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Re: To get started with Gtoolkit and bloc


Le 15/09/2018 à 10:10, Hilaire a écrit :
> By the way, once Bloc was installed on the image, the image does not
> save. Crash dump included.

Dr. Geo

crash.dmp (139K) Download Attachment
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Re: To get started with Gtoolkit and bloc

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
Hi Hilaire,

We are aware of this issue. Current workaround is to save and then quit without saving.


> On Sep 15, 2018, at 14:27, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Le 15/09/2018 à 10:10, Hilaire a écrit :
>> By the way, once Bloc was installed on the image, the image does not
>> save. Crash dump included.
> --
> Dr. Geo
> <crash.dmp>

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Re: To get started with Gtoolkit and bloc

Tudor Girba-2
In reply to this post by HilaireFernandes

Thanks for trying.

The examples are found in methods annotated with <gtExample>. What do you mean that "Several examples are not actionable”? Could you provide examples of that to find out what the problem is?


> On Sep 15, 2018, at 10:10 AM, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Play a bit with the examples. Help me to write some code in the playground
> Several examples are not actionable and seems to be part of some things
> bigger. Am I missing somethings?
> I see this pragma <script: > Is it intended to be search-able from the
> finder or another tool?
> By the way, once Bloc was installed on the image, the image does not
> save. Crash dump included.
> Hilaire
> Le 13/09/2018 à 18:35, Peter Uhnak a écrit :
>> and then in the image itself there is a "Bloc-Examples" package that
>> contains hundreds (thousands?) of examples.
> --
> Dr. Geo


"Don't give to get. Just give."

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Re: To get started with Gtoolkit and bloc

In reply to this post by Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
Ok, thanks for the tip.


Le 16/09/2018 à 00:02, Juraj Kubelka via Pharo-users a écrit :
> We are aware of this issue. Current workaround is to save and then quit without saving.

Dr. Geo

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Re: To get started with Gtoolkit and bloc

In reply to this post by Tudor Girba-2
Le 16/09/2018 à 08:00, Tudor Girba a écrit :
> The examples are found in methods annotated with <gtExample>. What do you mean that "Several examples are not actionable”? Could you provide examples of that to find out what the problem is?

For examples, in those classes I don't know what to do:
*BlDragExamples or in categories, Bloc-Example>Events

These are code you can read, but no clue what to do with it.
No actionable examples to experiment with to visualize, to edit the code
in live to learn how this work, etc.
It looks like the same for most examples.


Dr. Geo

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Re: To get started with Gtoolkit and bloc

Tudor Girba-2

I see where the issue comes from.

The <gtExample> are like test methods that return an object. That object serves as example, but it is not necessarily a user facing object.

Look at the picture below showing BlDragExamples>>#draggableInParent.

BlDragExamples>>#draggableInParent calls several other methods that are marked as <gtExample>. In the second pane in the inspector you can see these inner methods being unfolded. These examples show how to setup the inner part, and how the pieces fit together.

In this case, the outmost example is indeed an element that can be played with (you see it here on the third pane), but the inner objects can be as interesting through the various custom views.

This way of working replaces testing and bridges the gap with documentation.

You can learn about it here:

Or if you load the full GToolkit, you can follow tutorials live in the environment by inspecting:

GtInspector openOn: (GtDocumenter editorForPillar: (IceRepository repositoriesLocation / 'feenkcom'/ 'gtoolkit-examples' / 'doc' / 'tutorial' / 'examples-tutorial.pillar’))


On Sep 16, 2018, at 11:08 AM, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:

Le 16/09/2018 à 08:00, Tudor Girba a écrit :
The examples are found in methods annotated with <gtExample>. What do you mean that "Several examples are not actionable”? Could you provide examples of that to find out what the problem is?

For examples, in those classes I don't know what to do:
*BlDragExamples or in categories, Bloc-Example>Events

These are code you can read, but no clue what to do with it.
No actionable examples to experiment with to visualize, to edit the code
in live to learn how this work, etc.
It looks like the same for most examples.


Dr. Geo


"We can create beautiful models in a vacuum.
But, to get them effective we have to deal with the inconvenience of reality."

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Re: To get started with Gtoolkit and bloc

Thanks for the example and the article.

How do you know to start with #draggableInParent?

I will look more deeply at the links you gave.

I like the story telling in your screenshot. This gives inspiration to
apply to other domain.


Le 17/09/2018 à 09:02, Tudor Girba a écrit :
> I see where the issue comes from.
> The <gtExample> are like test methods that return an object. That
> object serves as example, but it is not necessarily a user facing object.
> Look at the picture below showing BlDragExamples>>#draggableInParent.

Dr. Geo