Today 27/03/2020: Pharo Sprint!

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Today 27/03/2020: Pharo Sprint!

Guillermo Polito
Hi all,

Today we are having a dematerialized Pharo sprint.

# What is this sprint thingy?

We join. We fix bugs. We discuss about fixing bugs.
We add documentation. We review issues and pull requests.

We make Pharo better for us and for everybody else :).

# How is this sprint thing going on?

In discord we have a text and a voice channel dedicated to #sprint.

Please feel free to join and ask questions

# What can I do to help?

## Get some knowledge => Read a couple of issues

We have > 500 open issues.
Some of them are difficult to reproduce, or the instructions are not clear enough, or maybe were already fixed but the issue was never closed.
If everybody takes 3 issues at random and makes a review, we will be in much better shape for the next sprint!!

Reviewing an issue is as easy as asking yourself the questions:
 - are there reproduction instructions?
 - it is specified the version / commit?
 - can I reproduce it?

If some of those check fails, put a comment :)

## Get some action => Fix an easy issue

In this morning (europe time) I’ve taken some time doing a pass on issues, and I’ve identified a list of potentially easy ones.

I’ve also categorised several of them as bugs, enhancements, new features and cleanups.
Within those, you’ll see 
  - super-easy (like adding a comment), 
  - medium-easy (like changing some code following the analysis on the issue) and 
  - hard-easy like a cleanup refactoring

So if somebody wants to do a contribution for the first time, this list of 26 issues is probably a good place to look at.

## Get to know other people involved in Pharo => Discuss with us in discord

And have fun :)
