Tonel class comments

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Tonel class comments

Guillermo Polito
Hi all,

Since people have been asking how to use Tonel, I've took a look at it and have written down two class comments for both the reader and the writer. I'll push them to Tonel and schedule soon a patch release with it. Here are the class comments so people can see them/discusses them.
Please, report any enhancements as pull requests in 

[hidden email]:pharo-vcs/tonel.git

! TonelReader

I'm a monticello reader for tonel format repositories. I read
 - a package per directory
 - a class per file
 - a set of extensions to a single class per file (for example, all extensions of a package to String will be in a single file)

I'm created on a file reference to a directory where the package will be read and the name of the package to read.

TonelReader on: 'someDirectoryWithTonelPackages' asFileReference filename: 'MyPackageName'

My main method is
- ==#definitions== reads and parses the tonel file, returns a list of monticello definitions.
- ==#snapshot== returns a monticello snapshot with the read definitions.
- ==#version== returns a monticello version with the read snapshot.

!! Implementation details

The monticello versions I return do have artificial information. Since I'm just meant to read versions from a directory, this directory has no information such as commit message, commit time, author, or ancestors. Check the method ==#loadVersionInfo== for more information.

! TonelWriter

I'm a monticello writer for tonel format, writing
 - a package per directory
 - a class per file
 - a set of extensions to a single class per file (for example, all extensions of a package to String will be in a single file)

I'm created on a file reference to a directory where the package will be written.

TonelWriter on: ('someDirectory' asFileReference ensureCreateDirectory)

My main methods are
- ==#writeVersion:== that receives as argument a monticello version to write, from where I'll extract the corresponding monticello snapshot.
- ==#writeSnapshot:== that receives as argument a monticello snapshot to write, from where I'll write all the contained definitions.

!! Implementation details

Notice that while writing, if the written package/snapshot already exists in the directory I'll overwrite it (i.e., remove it and recreate it).



Guille Polito

Research Engineer

Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille

CRIStAL - UMR 9189

French National Center for Scientific Research -


Phone: +33 06 52 70 66 13