Totally Objects News Server Update

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Totally Objects News Server Update

Long Haired David
Because of an upstream news server failure, this message did not get out of
our system yesterday.
Also, to avoid any more comments with regard to disk space that we are
looking to dedicate to this, 100MB is about 1 year. I expect that we will
keep going at that point as, personally, I would like to see a real
archive - not just the text ones we have been providing for the last few
To those of you who wonder about disk space and the cheapness of it, please
remember that we are in the UK and our server is in New Jersey. Just
slapping a new drive in is not that easy over that distance.

Good Luck!!

"David Pennington" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
 At long last we have our problems resolved.
 We now have a new push feed (IHAVE for those who follow these things).
 This means that we can now post locally and not have the posts duplicated.

 The following is now the situation: is nor running on a unlimited user licence for its
 server so you should not have any trouble connecting.
 The server is connected to the Internet via a T1 line so you should get
 response (most who have commented state that it is faster than any other
 news feed they have).
 We are now able to create local news groups for special interests (although
 these must still be within the basic framework of being of interest to the
 Smalltalk world). It is possible that some of the current special interests
 that are being met with mailing lists might be better served by moving to a
 local group on our server.

 Local newsgroups:
 We have had a request from Cincom to provide
 comp.lang.smalltalk.objectstudio. This is now up and running. To see it you
 must generally make your news reader refresh its list of newsgroups from
 server (please ignore alt.test - it is purely there to enable us to test
 system). If you have an interest in this product, please have a look and

 We are opening up a voting list for suggestions for new local newsgroups.
 Please go to and follow the links to the
 voting form. We shall publish the results as we go, both to the NG and on
 our web site. Our decision will be final with regard to any news group

 Other news groups
 It is possible that we could be persuaded to add other mainline news groups
 to our server. Please send e-mail to [hidden email] if you think
 that we have missed on of interest. Again, please consider the relevance to
 Smalltalk when making your suggestions. As above, our decisions will be
 final with regard to any changes.

 Article life
 As stated when we started this process, we see no current reason why we
 should expire any messages (each month represents about 7-8MB of disk) as
 have plenty of disk space available on our server. Thus, unless the news
 server software decides to expire messages when it shouldn't (as happened
 about a week ago with the developers of the software unable to explain the
 reason - ho hum!), you should find a good archive of news building up.

 David Pennington
 [hidden email]

Totally Objects
Doing Smalltalk since 1989