Trait subclassResponsibility

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Trait subclassResponsibility

Ben Coman
I got a critique... Replaces "a >= b and: [a <= c]" by "a between: b and: c.
for my code...  (location >= (1@1) and: [location <= (self size @ self size)])

To test, I tried... (2@2) between: (1@1) and: (5@5)
but got... Instance of Point did not understand #between:and:
which it seems reasonable it should have since Point does define #>= and #<=

I see  #between:and:  defined for TComparable
and thought I maybe that trait could be added to Point, 
except I see also that TComparable has three "subclassReponsibility" methods:  #< ;   #= ;   #hash
and I'm curious what is the effect of such methods being added to a class?

cheers -ben