Transcript after Deployment

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Transcript after Deployment

Howard Oh

I've successfully made a homework program.
For it being a algorithm experimenting program, there is a need
for logging intermediate result to Transcript.

The problem is that Transcript seems to be stripped while deployment

There was also I minor problem that some of my push button handling methods
of the shell was stripped with "remove redundant method" checked. (Without
the check, no problem)

Hwa Jong Oh

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Re: Transcript after Deployment

Ian Bartholomew-3
Hwa Jong Oh

> The problem is that Transcript seems to be stripped while deployment
> process.

There was a thread about this a couple of weeks ago. You have to open up
your own instance of TranscriptShell or create your own simple logging view
(just a shell with an embedded TextEdit)

> There was also I minor problem that some of my push button handling
> of the shell was stripped with "remove redundant method" checked. (Without
> the check, no problem)

Are you still using V3?. In V3 you had to put methods like this into the
"command" category which told the stripper that the method was needed and
shouldn't be stripped.

This shouldn't be needed for the V4 stripper though. From the readme -
"ImageStripper now includes messages sent from view resources in the set of
all sent messages. This means that it is no longer necessary to include
methods that are only referenced from resources in a special no-strip
category (e.g. 'commands')"


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Re: Transcript after Deployment

Howard Oh

> There was a thread about this a couple of weeks ago. You have to open up
> your own instance of TranscriptShell or create your own simple logging
> (just a shell with an embedded TextEdit)

I remember that story. I thought that the goal was slightly different.
Previous issue was how to make a shell that can do thing a Transcript can
What I was hopping for was how to bring up the Transcript unstripped.
However, I can choose to use the Transcript like Shell instead by your

> Are you still using V3?. In V3 you had to put methods like this into the
> "command" category which told the stripper that the method was needed and
> shouldn't be stripped.
> This shouldn't be needed for the V4 stripper though. From the readme -
> "ImageStripper now includes messages sent from view resources in the set
> all sent messages. This means that it is no longer necessary to include
> methods that are only referenced from resources in a special no-strip
> category (e.g. 'commands')"

Yes I'm using V3. Aside with my being a lazy upgrader, new features in V4
really attracks me. One feature I appreiciate in V4 is Html control. But
that isn't
related to any of my projects so I can overlook that one, too.

PS:Any news about published Dolphin Smalltalk Book?

Best Regards
Hwa Jong Oh

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Dolphin book (was: Transcript after Deployment)

Ted Bracht-2
Hwa Jong Oh,

> PS:Any news about published Dolphin Smalltalk Book?

A beginners book will be in the shops by July 2001
