Trapping oracle11g password about to expire warnings (ora-28002 and 28011) in AbtOracle8DatabaseConnection on login

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Trapping oracle11g password about to expire warnings (ora-28002 and 28011) in AbtOracle8DatabaseConnection on login
We are having trouble with password expiry in oracle 11g. On connect and disconnect, the user will get an ora-28002 or ora-28011 respectively, if the user's account has entered the grace period for expiry.  These messages are warnings only.

In the AbtOracle8DatabaseConnection class, the connection happens in #connectUsing: aDataSourceName id: aUserId pw: aPassword ifError: errorBlock and the return code is checked by #verifyReturnCode: rc ifError: errorBlock.  There is a hard-coded test for two return codes - no data found and fetch past end of cursor.  Any other sql code results in a AbtError being passed to the errorblock and so the connection is not made.

I can fix this by patching AbtOracle8DatabaseConnection to allow for the two 'warning' codes. But I was wondering if there was anything in the pipeline (maybe an AbtOracle11DatabaseConnection class?) that may handle this?

Or if anyone else has a neat solution, would they like to pass it on?


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