Tree/Outliners of playgrounds, markdown inside comments and some quick medium size dreams for Pharo/Smalltalk

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Tree/Outliners of playgrounds, markdown inside comments and some quick medium size dreams for Pharo/Smalltalk


As I said, I have trying to find my way to keep Pharo relevant in my
computing experience. Most of it happens on IPython/web2py for
practical/aesthetic reasons, but I think that things with Roassal, Moose
and Pharo are falling into place with data Narratives and visualization
(on [1] and [2] I have writing some examples/details).


I'm a newbie on Smalltalk/Pharo but I would like to start with practical
examples from my own needs, so I have started with my idea of making an
outliner/tree of playgrounds. For the moment I'm reading/learning with
Deep Into Pharo and the chapter on Glamour (which by the way is a really
good book) and after I finished with the examples in the doc, I would
like to start trying to write my own outliner.

The first idea that comes to mind is using STON for storage nodes and
tree information, so I can interchange it with the flatland files world
and keep it readable. Sounds that reasonable?

The second thing I would like to do is to add pandoc's markdown inside
comments, but I don't like the syntax of comments in Smalltalk because
single quotes are fairly easy to find in light markup language like
markdown. Is difficult to change it to create something more like python
(with """) or Lua (with -[]- )?

The last thing I would like to quick mention that I think that there is
a place for a light/live Open Notebook environment for Open/Garage
Science and Data Visualization made in Pharo Smalltalk and
Trees/Outliners of Playgrounds could be the emergent way to explore that
space and I would like to help with that, even being a newbie. I think
that is a place I can be comfortable and write/teach about in my blog
and local hackerspace, so any idea or guidance about how to proceed
would be greatly appreciated.

I will keep you posted this time (seriously!)



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Re: Tree/Outliners of playgrounds, markdown inside comments and some quick medium size dreams for Pharo/Smalltalk

Damien Cassou
On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 2:47 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
<[hidden email]> wrote:
> The first idea that comes to mind is using STON for storage nodes and tree
> information, so I can interchange it with the flatland files world and keep
> it readable. Sounds that reasonable?

without more information, it is hard to stay. Try with STON and change
if that does not work :-). We have XML and JSON generators as well.

> The second thing I would like to do is to add pandoc's markdown inside
> comments, but I don't like the syntax of comments in Smalltalk because
> single quotes are fairly easy to find in light markup language like
> markdown. Is difficult to change it to create something more like python
> (with """) or Lua (with -[]- )?

There is only one syntax for comments in Pharo. Instead of Markdown,
you might want to have a look at Pillar which is implemented in Pharo
and can generate Markdown (and html, and pdf) :

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm."
Winston Churchill

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Re: Tree/Outliners of playgrounds, markdown inside comments and some quick medium size dreams for Pharo/Smalltalk

Hi Damien,

Thanks for your answer. Comments below.

On 07/21/2014 11:09 AM, Damien Cassou wrote:

> On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 2:47 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> The first idea that comes to mind is using STON for storage nodes and tree
>> information, so I can interchange it with the flatland files world and keep
>> it readable. Sounds that reasonable?
> without more information, it is hard to stay. Try with STON and change
> if that does not work :-). We have XML and JSON generators as well.

This is a kind of raw preview of I'm talking about:

Of course in this case, it is just a Help browser with a Playground
window over it, but I would like to have something like Playgrounds
inside the help browser. I was trying to build a custom browser with
Glamour, but seems that Help Browser already has the machinery I'm
looking for.

So my first question is how to use the Help Browser class as a template
for my outliner class? And can I put a Playground where the plain text
is located right now?

>> The second thing I would like to do is to add pandoc's markdown inside
>> comments, but I don't like the syntax of comments in Smalltalk because
>> single quotes are fairly easy to find in light markup language like
>> markdown. Is difficult to change it to create something more like python
>> (with """) or Lua (with -[]- )?
> There is only one syntax for comments in Pharo. Instead of Markdown,
> you might want to have a look at Pillar which is implemented in Pharo
> and can generate Markdown (and html, and pdf) :

I have seen Pillar. Seems really interesting, but Pandocs markdown
support academic citation in several formats and I have already long
docs wrote on that format integrated in my workflow from Zotero and even
there is a growing community working on Scholarly Markdown[1][2] so I
would like to stick with it as much as I can for my own writing.
That being said. I would like also a better integration between
Smalltalk outliners and all the academic publication work flow,
including working better with pandoc as a external library.


Thanks again, this conversation with people in the community is very
valuable to me,


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Re: Tree/Outliners of playgrounds, markdown inside comments and some quick medium size dreams for Pharo/Smalltalk

Hi again,

I will be using this thread to update my advances and questions about
how to build an outliner in Pharo Smalltalk. If there is a better method
like starting a new thread for particular questions, or a less narrative
style, please let me know.

The idea is to use the tools provided by Moose to build a quick outliner
that can be extended to suit my needs on academical writing. This is
kind of a strange approach in the sense that I'm not following the
tutorials with a predefined problems (make a game and so) but trying to
start with a real (in the sense of closer) problem (making an outliner)
and to see which knowledge I need to solve this necessity. In that sense
is more like the Freire's alphabetization of adults in Brazil.

So, the things I have done so far was to search for a good model to
start with. Something already done that can be used as scaffolding for
my outliner. The Help System seems like a good start for an outliner (in
fact it is already one), so I have taken the Help-Core system and start
to use it as a base for my project.

After that I have used the Moose browsers to build a simple interface,
as seen here:

The part I want to deal with is this:


explorer := GLMTabulator new
                                title: (mainTree header).
explorer column: #tree;
                        column: #body.
explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
                a tree
                        display: mainTree children ].

explorer openOn: mainTree.


So, instead of "display: mainTree children" I need something that takes
the get names (headers) of the two nodes and the contents in the right
panel. For that I think that I need to learn some iterators. I have
already a "header" method for the nodes. Any clue would be appreciated
and I will keep you posted on my advances.



On 07/21/2014 12:58 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

> Hi Damien,
> Thanks for your answer. Comments below.
> On 07/21/2014 11:09 AM, Damien Cassou wrote:
>> On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 2:47 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> The first idea that comes to mind is using STON for storage nodes and
>>> tree
>>> information, so I can interchange it with the flatland files world
>>> and keep
>>> it readable. Sounds that reasonable?
>> without more information, it is hard to stay. Try with STON and change
>> if that does not work :-). We have XML and JSON generators as well.
> This is a kind of raw preview of I'm talking about:
> Of course in this case, it is just a Help browser with a Playground
> window over it, but I would like to have something like Playgrounds
> inside the help browser. I was trying to build a custom browser with
> Glamour, but seems that Help Browser already has the machinery I'm
> looking for.
> So my first question is how to use the Help Browser class as a template
> for my outliner class? And can I put a Playground where the plain text
> is located right now?
>>> The second thing I would like to do is to add pandoc's markdown inside
>>> comments, but I don't like the syntax of comments in Smalltalk because
>>> single quotes are fairly easy to find in light markup language like
>>> markdown. Is difficult to change it to create something more like python
>>> (with """) or Lua (with -[]- )?
>> There is only one syntax for comments in Pharo. Instead of Markdown,
>> you might want to have a look at Pillar which is implemented in Pharo
>> and can generate Markdown (and html, and pdf) :
> I have seen Pillar. Seems really interesting, but Pandocs markdown
> support academic citation in several formats and I have already long
> docs wrote on that format integrated in my workflow from Zotero and even
> there is a growing community working on Scholarly Markdown[1][2] so I
> would like to stick with it as much as I can for my own writing.
> That being said. I would like also a better integration between
> Smalltalk outliners and all the academic publication work flow,
> including working better with pandoc as a external library.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> Thanks again, this conversation with people in the community is very
> valuable to me,
> Offray

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Re: [Moose-dev] Tree/Outliners of playgrounds, markdown inside comments and some quick medium size dreams for Pharo/Smalltalk

Hi Offray,

Something that I usually do, is to simply subclass MooseEntity to create the hierarchy of my domain. I can then enjoy the moose panel to browse my model.


On Jul 27, 2014, at 10:59 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> Answering to myself: I have solved the code that selects the headers of the main tree. The key is to create a new collection containing only node names. Here is the code:
> "*************************"
> | mainTree node1 node2 explorer headers  |
> mainTree := UbakyeNode
> header: 'Arbol raíz'
> body: ''.
> node1 := UbakyeNode
> header: 'Nodo 1'
> body:  'Texto 1'.
> node2 := UbakyeNode
> header: 'Nodo 2'
> body:  'Texto 2'.
> mainTree
> addNode: node1;
> addNode: node2.
> explorer := GLMTabulator new
> title: (mainTree header).
> explorer column: #tree;
> column: #body.
> headers := (mainTree children)
> collect: [:node |  node header].
> explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
> a tree
> display: headers].
> explorer openOn: mainTree.
> "*************************"
> Now I need to make the children sellectable, and that all the contents of the tree can be updated with a shortcut.
> I will keep you posted.
> Cheers,
> Offray
> On 07/26/2014 09:01 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>> Hi again,
>> I will be using this thread to update my advances and questions about
>> how to build an outliner in Pharo Smalltalk. If there is a better method
>> like starting a new thread for particular questions, or a less narrative
>> style, please let me know.
>> The idea is to use the tools provided by Moose to build a quick outliner
>> that can be extended to suit my needs on academical writing. This is
>> kind of a strange approach in the sense that I'm not following the
>> tutorials with a predefined problems (make a game and so) but trying to
>> start with a real (in the sense of closer) problem (making an outliner)
>> and to see which knowledge I need to solve this necessity. In that sense
>> is more like the Freire's alphabetization of adults in Brazil.
>> So, the things I have done so far was to search for a good model to
>> start with. Something already done that can be used as scaffolding for
>> my outliner. The Help System seems like a good start for an outliner (in
>> fact it is already one), so I have taken the Help-Core system and start
>> to use it as a base for my project.
>> After that I have used the Moose browsers to build a simple interface,
>> as seen here:
>> The part I want to deal with is this:
>> ===============
>> explorer := GLMTabulator new
>>                 title: (mainTree header).
>> explorer column: #tree;
>>             column: #body.
>> explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
>>         a tree
>>             display: mainTree children ].
>> explorer openOn: mainTree.
>> ===============
>> So, instead of "display: mainTree children" I need something that takes
>> the get names (headers) of the two nodes and the contents in the right
>> panel. For that I think that I need to learn some iterators. I have
>> already a "header" method for the nodes. Any clue would be appreciated
>> and I will keep you posted on my advances.
>> Cheers,
>> Offray
>> On 07/21/2014 12:58 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>>> Hi Damien,
>>> Thanks for your answer. Comments below.
>>> On 07/21/2014 11:09 AM, Damien Cassou wrote:
>>>> On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 2:47 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
>>>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>> The first idea that comes to mind is using STON for storage nodes and
>>>>> tree
>>>>> information, so I can interchange it with the flatland files world
>>>>> and keep
>>>>> it readable. Sounds that reasonable?
>>>> without more information, it is hard to stay. Try with STON and change
>>>> if that does not work :-). We have XML and JSON generators as well.
>>> This is a kind of raw preview of I'm talking about:
>>> Of course in this case, it is just a Help browser with a Playground
>>> window over it, but I would like to have something like Playgrounds
>>> inside the help browser. I was trying to build a custom browser with
>>> Glamour, but seems that Help Browser already has the machinery I'm
>>> looking for.
>>> So my first question is how to use the Help Browser class as a template
>>> for my outliner class? And can I put a Playground where the plain text
>>> is located right now?
>>>>> The second thing I would like to do is to add pandoc's markdown inside
>>>>> comments, but I don't like the syntax of comments in Smalltalk because
>>>>> single quotes are fairly easy to find in light markup language like
>>>>> markdown. Is difficult to change it to create something more like
>>>>> python
>>>>> (with """) or Lua (with -[]- )?
>>>> There is only one syntax for comments in Pharo. Instead of Markdown,
>>>> you might want to have a look at Pillar which is implemented in Pharo
>>>> and can generate Markdown (and html, and pdf) :
>>> I have seen Pillar. Seems really interesting, but Pandocs markdown
>>> support academic citation in several formats and I have already long
>>> docs wrote on that format integrated in my workflow from Zotero and even
>>> there is a growing community working on Scholarly Markdown[1][2] so I
>>> would like to stick with it as much as I can for my own writing.
>>> That being said. I would like also a better integration between
>>> Smalltalk outliners and all the academic publication work flow,
>>> including working better with pandoc as a external library.
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]
>>> Thanks again, this conversation with people in the community is very
>>> valuable to me,
>>> Offray
> _______________________________________________
> Moose-dev mailing list
> [hidden email]

Alexandre Bergel

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How to upload code from local cache to SmalltalkHub (It was Tree/Outliners of playgrounds, markdown inside comments and some quick medium size dreams for Pharo/Smalltalk)

Hi Alexandre,

Thanks for your answer. I would see the Moose option as soon as I have
proper access (these days this site and Tudor's home page are having

Meanwhile I have another questions for the community. I have created a
local repository in the cache and I have setup an empty project on
Smalltalk Hub. How can I synchronize them both?



On 07/27/2014 11:13 AM, Alexandre Bergel wrote:

> Hi Offray,
> Something that I usually do, is to simply subclass MooseEntity to create the hierarchy of my domain. I can then enjoy the moose panel to browse my model.
> Cheers,
> Alexandre
> On Jul 27, 2014, at 10:59 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Answering to myself: I have solved the code that selects the headers of the main tree. The key is to create a new collection containing only node names. Here is the code:
>> "*************************"
>> | mainTree node1 node2 explorer headers  |
>> mainTree := UbakyeNode
>> header: 'Arbol raíz'
>> body: ''.
>> node1 := UbakyeNode
>> header: 'Nodo 1'
>> body:  'Texto 1'.
>> node2 := UbakyeNode
>> header: 'Nodo 2'
>> body:  'Texto 2'.
>> mainTree
>> addNode: node1;
>> addNode: node2.
>> explorer := GLMTabulator new
>> title: (mainTree header).
>> explorer column: #tree;
>> column: #body.
>> headers := (mainTree children)
>> collect: [:node |  node header].
>> explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
>> a tree
>> display: headers].
>> explorer openOn: mainTree.
>> "*************************"
>> Now I need to make the children sellectable, and that all the contents of the tree can be updated with a shortcut.
>> I will keep you posted.
>> Cheers,
>> Offray
>> On 07/26/2014 09:01 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>>> Hi again,
>>> I will be using this thread to update my advances and questions about
>>> how to build an outliner in Pharo Smalltalk. If there is a better method
>>> like starting a new thread for particular questions, or a less narrative
>>> style, please let me know.
>>> The idea is to use the tools provided by Moose to build a quick outliner
>>> that can be extended to suit my needs on academical writing. This is
>>> kind of a strange approach in the sense that I'm not following the
>>> tutorials with a predefined problems (make a game and so) but trying to
>>> start with a real (in the sense of closer) problem (making an outliner)
>>> and to see which knowledge I need to solve this necessity. In that sense
>>> is more like the Freire's alphabetization of adults in Brazil.
>>> So, the things I have done so far was to search for a good model to
>>> start with. Something already done that can be used as scaffolding for
>>> my outliner. The Help System seems like a good start for an outliner (in
>>> fact it is already one), so I have taken the Help-Core system and start
>>> to use it as a base for my project.
>>> After that I have used the Moose browsers to build a simple interface,
>>> as seen here:
>>> The part I want to deal with is this:
>>> ===============
>>> explorer := GLMTabulator new
>>>                  title: (mainTree header).
>>> explorer column: #tree;
>>>              column: #body.
>>> explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
>>>          a tree
>>>              display: mainTree children ].
>>> explorer openOn: mainTree.
>>> ===============
>>> So, instead of "display: mainTree children" I need something that takes
>>> the get names (headers) of the two nodes and the contents in the right
>>> panel. For that I think that I need to learn some iterators. I have
>>> already a "header" method for the nodes. Any clue would be appreciated
>>> and I will keep you posted on my advances.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Offray
>>> On 07/21/2014 12:58 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>>>> Hi Damien,
>>>> Thanks for your answer. Comments below.
>>>> On 07/21/2014 11:09 AM, Damien Cassou wrote:
>>>>> On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 2:47 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
>>>>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>>> The first idea that comes to mind is using STON for storage nodes and
>>>>>> tree
>>>>>> information, so I can interchange it with the flatland files world
>>>>>> and keep
>>>>>> it readable. Sounds that reasonable?
>>>>> without more information, it is hard to stay. Try with STON and change
>>>>> if that does not work :-). We have XML and JSON generators as well.
>>>> This is a kind of raw preview of I'm talking about:
>>>> Of course in this case, it is just a Help browser with a Playground
>>>> window over it, but I would like to have something like Playgrounds
>>>> inside the help browser. I was trying to build a custom browser with
>>>> Glamour, but seems that Help Browser already has the machinery I'm
>>>> looking for.
>>>> So my first question is how to use the Help Browser class as a template
>>>> for my outliner class? And can I put a Playground where the plain text
>>>> is located right now?
>>>>>> The second thing I would like to do is to add pandoc's markdown inside
>>>>>> comments, but I don't like the syntax of comments in Smalltalk because
>>>>>> single quotes are fairly easy to find in light markup language like
>>>>>> markdown. Is difficult to change it to create something more like
>>>>>> python
>>>>>> (with """) or Lua (with -[]- )?
>>>>> There is only one syntax for comments in Pharo. Instead of Markdown,
>>>>> you might want to have a look at Pillar which is implemented in Pharo
>>>>> and can generate Markdown (and html, and pdf) :
>>>> I have seen Pillar. Seems really interesting, but Pandocs markdown
>>>> support academic citation in several formats and I have already long
>>>> docs wrote on that format integrated in my workflow from Zotero and even
>>>> there is a growing community working on Scholarly Markdown[1][2] so I
>>>> would like to stick with it as much as I can for my own writing.
>>>> That being said. I would like also a better integration between
>>>> Smalltalk outliners and all the academic publication work flow,
>>>> including working better with pandoc as a external library.
>>>> [1]
>>>> [2]
>>>> [3]
>>>> Thanks again, this conversation with people in the community is very
>>>> valuable to me,
>>>> Offray
>> _______________________________________________
>> Moose-dev mailing list
>> [hidden email]

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Re: [Moose-dev] Re: Tree/Outliners of playgrounds, markdown inside comments and some quick medium size dreams for Pharo/Smalltalk

Tudor Girba-2
In reply to this post by Offray

You probably need this:

explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
                a tree
                        display: headers;
                        children: [:eachNode | eachNode theMessageYouUseToGoToTheChildrenOfANode ]].

A tree is a recursive structure, and to describe it you need:
- a way to construct the root elements. This is the result of applying display: to the input object. So, display: either takes a collection or a block that will return a collection when executed.
- a way to define the children for each node. This is the result of applying children:

You should also take a look at the examples from:
GLMBasicExamples open

Does this help now?


On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 4:59 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]> wrote:

Answering to myself: I have solved the code that selects the headers of the main tree. The key is to create a new collection containing only node names. Here is the code:

| mainTree node1 node2 explorer headers  |

mainTree := UbakyeNode
        header: 'Arbol raíz'
        body: ''.
node1 := UbakyeNode
        header: 'Nodo 1'
        body:  'Texto 1'.
node2 := UbakyeNode
        header: 'Nodo 2'
        body:  'Texto 2'.
        addNode: node1;
        addNode: node2.

explorer := GLMTabulator new
                title: (mainTree header).
explorer column: #tree;
         column: #body.

headers := (mainTree children)
        collect: [:node |  node header].

explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
                a tree
                        display: headers].

explorer openOn: mainTree.


Now I need to make the children sellectable, and that all the contents of the tree can be updated with a shortcut.

I will keep you posted.



On 07/26/2014 09:01 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
Hi again,

I will be using this thread to update my advances and questions about
how to build an outliner in Pharo Smalltalk. If there is a better method
like starting a new thread for particular questions, or a less narrative
style, please let me know.

The idea is to use the tools provided by Moose to build a quick outliner
that can be extended to suit my needs on academical writing. This is
kind of a strange approach in the sense that I'm not following the
tutorials with a predefined problems (make a game and so) but trying to
start with a real (in the sense of closer) problem (making an outliner)
and to see which knowledge I need to solve this necessity. In that sense
is more like the Freire's alphabetization of adults in Brazil.

So, the things I have done so far was to search for a good model to
start with. Something already done that can be used as scaffolding for
my outliner. The Help System seems like a good start for an outliner (in
fact it is already one), so I have taken the Help-Core system and start
to use it as a base for my project.

After that I have used the Moose browsers to build a simple interface,
as seen here:

The part I want to deal with is this:


explorer := GLMTabulator new
                 title: (mainTree header).
explorer column: #tree;
             column: #body.

explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
         a tree
             display: mainTree children ].

explorer openOn: mainTree.


So, instead of "display: mainTree children" I need something that takes
the get names (headers) of the two nodes and the contents in the right
panel. For that I think that I need to learn some iterators. I have
already a "header" method for the nodes. Any clue would be appreciated
and I will keep you posted on my advances.



On 07/21/2014 12:58 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
Hi Damien,

Thanks for your answer. Comments below.

On 07/21/2014 11:09 AM, Damien Cassou wrote:
On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 2:47 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
<[hidden email]> wrote:
The first idea that comes to mind is using STON for storage nodes and
information, so I can interchange it with the flatland files world
and keep
it readable. Sounds that reasonable?

without more information, it is hard to stay. Try with STON and change
if that does not work :-). We have XML and JSON generators as well.

This is a kind of raw preview of I'm talking about:

Of course in this case, it is just a Help browser with a Playground
window over it, but I would like to have something like Playgrounds
inside the help browser. I was trying to build a custom browser with
Glamour, but seems that Help Browser already has the machinery I'm
looking for.

So my first question is how to use the Help Browser class as a template
for my outliner class? And can I put a Playground where the plain text
is located right now?

The second thing I would like to do is to add pandoc's markdown inside
comments, but I don't like the syntax of comments in Smalltalk because
single quotes are fairly easy to find in light markup language like
markdown. Is difficult to change it to create something more like
(with """) or Lua (with -[]- )?

There is only one syntax for comments in Pharo. Instead of Markdown,
you might want to have a look at Pillar which is implemented in Pharo
and can generate Markdown (and html, and pdf) :

I have seen Pillar. Seems really interesting, but Pandocs markdown
support academic citation in several formats and I have already long
docs wrote on that format integrated in my workflow from Zotero and even
there is a growing community working on Scholarly Markdown[1][2] so I
would like to stick with it as much as I can for my own writing.
That being said. I would like also a better integration between
Smalltalk outliners and all the academic publication work flow,
including working better with pandoc as a external library.


Thanks again, this conversation with people in the community is very
valuable to me,


Moose-dev mailing list
[hidden email]


"Every thing has its own flow"
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Re: [Moose-dev] Re: Tree/Outliners of playgrounds, markdown inside comments and some quick medium size dreams for Pharo/Smalltalk

Hi Doru and Community :-),

In the screenshot at [1] you can see my explorations. I took the code
from treeWithChildrenByeLevel in the GLMBasicExamples and modified it
until I got this:


So I have now a browser which shows a tree made of UbakyeNodes (a tree
like data structure I defined), but I would like not to show the Ubakye
Nodes, but the titles of each node (headers) and the contents (bodies)
of them when selected. With your help I have understood that I need to
pass the collection of all children (not just the headers of them), but
I don't know who to sellect something particular in that collection to
be shown on the browser, like headers of nodes in the #tree panel or
bodies in the #body panel.

I would like to change also the size of each panel to be more like the
shown in the screenshot, instead of the default one and be relative to
window size. Is this possible?



Below is the code, for easiness of reading:

Another exploration of Outliners provided by Glamorous Toolkit
and browsers. This code was obtained by running 'GLMBasicExamples open'
and then browsing until 'treeWithChildrenByLevel'. Some
code was modified to open explicitely the browser on the world
and starting to hack on it.

        | browser mainTree |
        mainTree := UbakyeNode new.
        mainTree becomeDefaultTree.
        browser := GLMTabulator new.
                column: #tree;
                column: [ :c |
                                                row: #body;
                                                row: #plugins ].
        (browser transmit)
                to: #tree;
                andShow: [ :a |
                                        (a tree)
                                                title: mainTree header;
                                                children: [ :eachNode |
                                                                        eachNode children. ] "Children must return a collection" ].
        (browser transmit)
                to: #body;
                from: #tree;
                andShow: [ :a | a text title: 'Cuerpo | Body ' ].
        (browser transmit)
                to: #plugins;
                from: #tree port: #selectionPath;
                andShow: [ :a | a text title: 'Plugins | Extensiones' ].
        browser openOn: mainTree children.

On 08/05/2014 12:19 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:

> Hi,
> You probably need this:
> explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
>                   a tree
>                           display: headers;
> *children: [:eachNode | eachNode theMessageYouUseToGoToTheChildrenOfANode ]*].
> A tree is a recursive structure, and to describe it you need:
> - a way to construct the root elements. This is the result of applying display:
> to the input object. So, display: either takes a collection or a block that will
> return a collection when executed.
> - a way to define the children for each node. This is the result of applying
> children:
> You should also take a look at the examples from:
> GLMBasicExamples open
> Does this help now?
> Cheers,
> Doru
> On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 4:59 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
> <[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:
>      Hi,
>      Answering to myself: I have solved the code that selects the headers of the
>      main tree. The key is to create a new collection containing only node names.
>      Here is the code:
>      "*************************"
>      | mainTree node1 node2 explorer headers  |
>      mainTree := UbakyeNode
>               header: 'Arbol raíz'
>               body: ''.
>      node1 := UbakyeNode
>               header: 'Nodo 1'
>               body:  'Texto 1'.
>      node2 := UbakyeNode
>               header: 'Nodo 2'
>               body:  'Texto 2'.
>      mainTree
>               addNode: node1;
>               addNode: node2.
>      explorer := GLMTabulator new
>                       title: (mainTree header).
>      explorer column: #tree;
>                column: #body.
>      headers := (mainTree children)
>               collect: [:node |  node header].
>      explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
>                       a tree
>                               display: headers].
>      explorer openOn: mainTree.
>      "*************************"
>      Now I need to make the children sellectable, and that all the contents of
>      the tree can be updated with a shortcut.
>      I will keep you posted.
>      Cheers,
>      Offray
>      On 07/26/2014 09:01 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>          Hi again,
>          I will be using this thread to update my advances and questions about
>          how to build an outliner in Pharo Smalltalk. If there is a better method
>          like starting a new thread for particular questions, or a less narrative
>          style, please let me know.
>          The idea is to use the tools provided by Moose to build a quick outliner
>          that can be extended to suit my needs on academical writing. This is
>          kind of a strange approach in the sense that I'm not following the
>          tutorials with a predefined problems (make a game and so) but trying to
>          start with a real (in the sense of closer) problem (making an outliner)
>          and to see which knowledge I need to solve this necessity. In that sense
>          is more like the Freire's alphabetization of adults in Brazil.
>          So, the things I have done so far was to search for a good model to
>          start with. Something already done that can be used as scaffolding for
>          my outliner. The Help System seems like a good start for an outliner (in
>          fact it is already one), so I have taken the Help-Core system and start
>          to use it as a base for my project.
>          After that I have used the Moose browsers to build a simple interface,
>          as seen here:
>          <>
>          The part I want to deal with is this:
>          ===============
>          explorer := GLMTabulator new
>                            title: (mainTree header).
>          explorer column: #tree;
>                        column: #body.
>          explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
>                    a tree
>                        display: mainTree children ].
>          explorer openOn: mainTree.
>          ===============
>          So, instead of "display: mainTree children" I need something that takes
>          the get names (headers) of the two nodes and the contents in the right
>          panel. For that I think that I need to learn some iterators. I have
>          already a "header" method for the nodes. Any clue would be appreciated
>          and I will keep you posted on my advances.
>          Cheers,
>          Offray
>          On 07/21/2014 12:58 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>              Hi Damien,
>              Thanks for your answer. Comments below.
>              On 07/21/2014 11:09 AM, Damien Cassou wrote:
>                  On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 2:47 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
>                  <[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:
>                      The first idea that comes to mind is using STON for storage
>                      nodes and
>                      tree
>                      information, so I can interchange it with the flatland files
>                      world
>                      and keep
>                      it readable. Sounds that reasonable?
>                  without more information, it is hard to stay. Try with STON and
>                  change
>                  if that does not work :-). We have XML and JSON generators as well.
>              This is a kind of raw preview of I'm talking about:
>              <>
>              Of course in this case, it is just a Help browser with a Playground
>              window over it, but I would like to have something like Playgrounds
>              inside the help browser. I was trying to build a custom browser with
>              Glamour, but seems that Help Browser already has the machinery I'm
>              looking for.
>              So my first question is how to use the Help Browser class as a template
>              for my outliner class? And can I put a Playground where the plain text
>              is located right now?
>                      The second thing I would like to do is to add pandoc's
>                      markdown inside
>                      comments, but I don't like the syntax of comments in
>                      Smalltalk because
>                      single quotes are fairly easy to find in light markup
>                      language like
>                      markdown. Is difficult to change it to create something more
>                      like
>                      python
>                      (with """) or Lua (with -[]- )?
>                  There is only one syntax for comments in Pharo. Instead of Markdown,
>                  you might want to have a look at Pillar which is implemented in
>                  Pharo
>                  and can generate Markdown (and html, and pdf) :
>                  <>
>              I have seen Pillar. Seems really interesting, but Pandocs markdown
>              support academic citation in several formats and I have already long
>              docs wrote on that format integrated in my workflow from Zotero and even
>              there is a growing community working on Scholarly Markdown[1][2] so I
>              would like to stick with it as much as I can for my own writing.
>              That being said. I would like also a better integration between
>              Smalltalk outliners and all the academic publication work flow,
>              including working better with pandoc as a external library.
>              [1]
>              <>
>              [2]
>              <>
>              [3]
>              http://programminghistorian.__org/lessons/sustainable-__authorship-in-plain-text-__using-pandoc-and-markdown
>              <>
>              Thanks again, this conversation with people in the community is very
>              valuable to me,
>              Offray
>      _________________________________________________
>      Moose-dev mailing list
>      [hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>
>      <>
> --
> <>
> "Every thing has its own flow"

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Rephrasing my question on Stackoverflow (Re: [Moose-dev] Re: Tree/Outliners of playgrounds, markdown inside comments and some quick medium size dreams for Pharo/Smalltalk)

Hi again,

I'm testing my luck in Stackoverflow to see if I can get more eyes and
keep the conversation going:

This community is very responsive but I feel I'm not understanding
quickly/properly enough the main logic of tree-like browsers on Moose.
So, any extra help is welcomed.



On 08/07/2014 03:28 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

> Hi Doru and Community :-),
> In the screenshot at [1] you can see my explorations. I took the code
> from treeWithChildrenByeLevel in the GLMBasicExamples and modified it
> until I got this:
> [1]
> So I have now a browser which shows a tree made of UbakyeNodes (a tree
> like data structure I defined), but I would like not to show the Ubakye
> Nodes, but the titles of each node (headers) and the contents (bodies)
> of them when selected. With your help I have understood that I need to
> pass the collection of all children (not just the headers of them), but
> I don't know who to sellect something particular in that collection to
> be shown on the browser, like headers of nodes in the #tree panel or
> bodies in the #body panel.
> I would like to change also the size of each panel to be more like the
> shown in the screenshot, instead of the default one and be relative to
> window size. Is this possible?
> Thanks,
> Offray
> Below is the code, for easiness of reading:
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> "
> Another exploration of Outliners provided by Glamorous Toolkit
> and browsers. This code was obtained by running 'GLMBasicExamples open'
> and then browsing until 'treeWithChildrenByLevel'. Some
> code was modified to open explicitely the browser on the world
> and starting to hack on it.
> "
>      | browser mainTree |
>      mainTree := UbakyeNode new.
>      mainTree becomeDefaultTree.
>      browser := GLMTabulator new.
>      browser
>          column: #tree;
>          column: [ :c |
>                      c
>                          row: #body;
>                          row: #plugins ].
>      (browser transmit)
>          to: #tree;
>          andShow: [ :a |
>                      (a tree)
>                          title: mainTree header;
>                          children: [ :eachNode |
>                                      eachNode children. ]    "Children
> must return a collection" ].
>      (browser transmit)
>          to: #body;
>          from: #tree;
>          andShow: [ :a | a text title: 'Cuerpo | Body ' ].
>      (browser transmit)
>          to: #plugins;
>          from: #tree port: #selectionPath;
>          andShow: [ :a | a text title: 'Plugins | Extensiones' ].
>      browser openOn: mainTree children.
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> On 08/05/2014 12:19 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You probably need this:
>> explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
>>                   a tree
>>                           display: headers;
>> *children: [:eachNode | eachNode
>> theMessageYouUseToGoToTheChildrenOfANode ]*].
>> A tree is a recursive structure, and to describe it you need:
>> - a way to construct the root elements. This is the result of applying
>> display:
>> to the input object. So, display: either takes a collection or a block
>> that will
>> return a collection when executed.
>> - a way to define the children for each node. This is the result of
>> applying
>> children:
>> You should also take a look at the examples from:
>> GLMBasicExamples open
>> Does this help now?
>> Cheers,
>> Doru
>> On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 4:59 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
>> <[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:
>>      Hi,
>>      Answering to myself: I have solved the code that selects the
>> headers of the
>>      main tree. The key is to create a new collection containing only
>> node names.
>>      Here is the code:
>>      "*************************"
>>      | mainTree node1 node2 explorer headers  |
>>      mainTree := UbakyeNode
>>               header: 'Arbol raíz'
>>               body: ''.
>>      node1 := UbakyeNode
>>               header: 'Nodo 1'
>>               body:  'Texto 1'.
>>      node2 := UbakyeNode
>>               header: 'Nodo 2'
>>               body:  'Texto 2'.
>>      mainTree
>>               addNode: node1;
>>               addNode: node2.
>>      explorer := GLMTabulator new
>>                       title: (mainTree header).
>>      explorer column: #tree;
>>                column: #body.
>>      headers := (mainTree children)
>>               collect: [:node |  node header].
>>      explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
>>                       a tree
>>                               display: headers].
>>      explorer openOn: mainTree.
>>      "*************************"
>>      Now I need to make the children sellectable, and that all the
>> contents of
>>      the tree can be updated with a shortcut.
>>      I will keep you posted.
>>      Cheers,
>>      Offray
>>      On 07/26/2014 09:01 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>>          Hi again,
>>          I will be using this thread to update my advances and
>> questions about
>>          how to build an outliner in Pharo Smalltalk. If there is a
>> better method
>>          like starting a new thread for particular questions, or a
>> less narrative
>>          style, please let me know.
>>          The idea is to use the tools provided by Moose to build a
>> quick outliner
>>          that can be extended to suit my needs on academical writing.
>> This is
>>          kind of a strange approach in the sense that I'm not
>> following the
>>          tutorials with a predefined problems (make a game and so) but
>> trying to
>>          start with a real (in the sense of closer) problem (making an
>> outliner)
>>          and to see which knowledge I need to solve this necessity. In
>> that sense
>>          is more like the Freire's alphabetization of adults in Brazil.
>>          So, the things I have done so far was to search for a good
>> model to
>>          start with. Something already done that can be used as
>> scaffolding for
>>          my outliner. The Help System seems like a good start for an
>> outliner (in
>>          fact it is already one), so I have taken the Help-Core system
>> and start
>>          to use it as a base for my project.
>>          After that I have used the Moose browsers to build a simple
>> interface,
>>          as seen here:
>> <>
>>          The part I want to deal with is this:
>>          ===============
>>          explorer := GLMTabulator new
>>                            title: (mainTree header).
>>          explorer column: #tree;
>>                        column: #body.
>>          explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
>>                    a tree
>>                        display: mainTree children ].
>>          explorer openOn: mainTree.
>>          ===============
>>          So, instead of "display: mainTree children" I need something
>> that takes
>>          the get names (headers) of the two nodes and the contents in
>> the right
>>          panel. For that I think that I need to learn some iterators.
>> I have
>>          already a "header" method for the nodes. Any clue would be
>> appreciated
>>          and I will keep you posted on my advances.
>>          Cheers,
>>          Offray
>>          On 07/21/2014 12:58 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>>              Hi Damien,
>>              Thanks for your answer. Comments below.
>>              On 07/21/2014 11:09 AM, Damien Cassou wrote:
>>                  On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 2:47 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna
>> Cárdenas
>>                  <[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:
>>                      The first idea that comes to mind is using STON
>> for storage
>>                      nodes and
>>                      tree
>>                      information, so I can interchange it with the
>> flatland files
>>                      world
>>                      and keep
>>                      it readable. Sounds that reasonable?
>>                  without more information, it is hard to stay. Try
>> with STON and
>>                  change
>>                  if that does not work :-). We have XML and JSON
>> generators as well.
>>              This is a kind of raw preview of I'm talking about:
>> <>
>>              Of course in this case, it is just a Help browser with a
>> Playground
>>              window over it, but I would like to have something like
>> Playgrounds
>>              inside the help browser. I was trying to build a custom
>> browser with
>>              Glamour, but seems that Help Browser already has the
>> machinery I'm
>>              looking for.
>>              So my first question is how to use the Help Browser class
>> as a template
>>              for my outliner class? And can I put a Playground where
>> the plain text
>>              is located right now?
>>                      The second thing I would like to do is to add
>> pandoc's
>>                      markdown inside
>>                      comments, but I don't like the syntax of comments in
>>                      Smalltalk because
>>                      single quotes are fairly easy to find in light
>> markup
>>                      language like
>>                      markdown. Is difficult to change it to create
>> something more
>>                      like
>>                      python
>>                      (with """) or Lua (with -[]- )?
>>                  There is only one syntax for comments in Pharo.
>> Instead of Markdown,
>>                  you might want to have a look at Pillar which is
>> implemented in
>>                  Pharo
>>                  and can generate Markdown (and html, and pdf) :
>>                  <>
>>              I have seen Pillar. Seems really interesting, but Pandocs
>> markdown
>>              support academic citation in several formats and I have
>> already long
>>              docs wrote on that format integrated in my workflow from
>> Zotero and even
>>              there is a growing community working on Scholarly
>> Markdown[1][2] so I
>>              would like to stick with it as much as I can for my own
>> writing.
>>              That being said. I would like also a better integration
>> between
>>              Smalltalk outliners and all the academic publication work
>> flow,
>>              including working better with pandoc as a external library.
>>              [1]
>>              <>
>>              [2]
>> <>
>>              [3]
>> http://programminghistorian.__org/lessons/sustainable-__authorship-in-plain-text-__using-pandoc-and-markdown
>> <>
>>              Thanks again, this conversation with people in the
>> community is very
>>              valuable to me,
>>              Offray
>>      _________________________________________________
>>      Moose-dev mailing list
>>      [hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>
>>      <>
>> --
>> <>
>> "Every thing has its own flow"

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Re: Rephrasing my question on Stackoverflow (Re: [Moose-dev] Re: Tree/Outliners of playgrounds, markdown inside comments and some quick medium size dreams for Pharo/Smalltalk)

Peter Kenny
Hi Offray

Well, none of the experts has come forward to help, so maybe I can comment as almost a complete beginner. I think you need two additional bits of specification in your example to get the output you want:

a. To show the node titles in the #tree pane, you need to add a format: clause, which is a block taking the node as argument and returning the text to be output.

b. To show the body of the selected tree node in the #body pane, you need a display: clause, which is a similar block generating the body details that you want.

To give you a specific example, here is some code I have used. I am using a GlamorousBrowser to examine the tree representation of an HTML page generated by Todd Blanchard's superb HTMLCSS parser. The browser I produce is similar to yours, but without the #plugins pane.

domBrowser := GLMTabulator new.
  column:  #details;
        column: #nodeDetails.
domBrowser transmit to: #details; andShow: [ :a |
   a tree
      display: [ :model | model nodesSelect: [ :each | each tag = 'html'] ];
      children: [ :node | node children ];
      format: [ :node ||nid| node tag,' ', ((nid := node id) isNil ifTrue:[''] ifFalse:['id=',nid,' '])] ].
domBrowser transmit from: #details; to: #nodeDetails;
                 andShow: [ :each| each text display: [:node| node innerContents ]].
domBrowser title: 'Browse HTML'.

I hope this makes it clear; if not, ask again.

Best wishes

Peter Kenny

-----Original Message-----
From: Pharo-users [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
Sent: 09 August 2014 05:08
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [Pharo-users] Rephrasing my question on Stackoverflow (Re: [Moose-dev] Re: Tree/Outliners of playgrounds, markdown inside comments and some quick medium size dreams for Pharo/Smalltalk)

Hi again,

I'm testing my luck in Stackoverflow to see if I can get more eyes and keep the conversation going:

This community is very responsive but I feel I'm not understanding quickly/properly enough the main logic of tree-like browsers on Moose.
So, any extra help is welcomed.



On 08/07/2014 03:28 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

> Hi Doru and Community :-),
> In the screenshot at [1] you can see my explorations. I took the code
> from treeWithChildrenByeLevel in the GLMBasicExamples and modified it
> until I got this:
> [1]
> So I have now a browser which shows a tree made of UbakyeNodes (a tree
> like data structure I defined), but I would like not to show the
> Ubakye Nodes, but the titles of each node (headers) and the contents
> (bodies) of them when selected. With your help I have understood that
> I need to pass the collection of all children (not just the headers of
> them), but I don't know who to sellect something particular in that
> collection to be shown on the browser, like headers of nodes in the
> #tree panel or bodies in the #body panel.
> I would like to change also the size of each panel to be more like the
> shown in the screenshot, instead of the default one and be relative to
> window size. Is this possible?
> Thanks,
> Offray
> Below is the code, for easiness of reading:
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> "
> Another exploration of Outliners provided by Glamorous Toolkit and
> browsers. This code was obtained by running 'GLMBasicExamples open'
> and then browsing until 'treeWithChildrenByLevel'. Some code was
> modified to open explicitely the browser on the world and starting to
> hack on it.
> "
>      | browser mainTree |
>      mainTree := UbakyeNode new.
>      mainTree becomeDefaultTree.
>      browser := GLMTabulator new.
>      browser
>          column: #tree;
>          column: [ :c |
>                      c
>                          row: #body;
>                          row: #plugins ].
>      (browser transmit)
>          to: #tree;
>          andShow: [ :a |
>                      (a tree)
>                          title: mainTree header;
>                          children: [ :eachNode |
>                                      eachNode children. ]    "Children
> must return a collection" ].
>      (browser transmit)
>          to: #body;
>          from: #tree;
>          andShow: [ :a | a text title: 'Cuerpo | Body ' ].
>      (browser transmit)
>          to: #plugins;
>          from: #tree port: #selectionPath;
>          andShow: [ :a | a text title: 'Plugins | Extensiones' ].
>      browser openOn: mainTree children.
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> On 08/05/2014 12:19 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You probably need this:
>> explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
>>                   a tree
>>                           display: headers;
>> *children: [:eachNode | eachNode
>> theMessageYouUseToGoToTheChildrenOfANode ]*].
>> A tree is a recursive structure, and to describe it you need:
>> - a way to construct the root elements. This is the result of
>> applying
>> display:
>> to the input object. So, display: either takes a collection or a
>> block that will return a collection when executed.
>> - a way to define the children for each node. This is the result of
>> applying
>> children:
>> You should also take a look at the examples from:
>> GLMBasicExamples open
>> Does this help now?
>> Cheers,
>> Doru
>> On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 4:59 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
>> <[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:
>>      Hi,
>>      Answering to myself: I have solved the code that selects the
>> headers of the
>>      main tree. The key is to create a new collection containing only
>> node names.
>>      Here is the code:
>>      "*************************"
>>      | mainTree node1 node2 explorer headers  |
>>      mainTree := UbakyeNode
>>               header: 'Arbol raíz'
>>               body: ''.
>>      node1 := UbakyeNode
>>               header: 'Nodo 1'
>>               body:  'Texto 1'.
>>      node2 := UbakyeNode
>>               header: 'Nodo 2'
>>               body:  'Texto 2'.
>>      mainTree
>>               addNode: node1;
>>               addNode: node2.
>>      explorer := GLMTabulator new
>>                       title: (mainTree header).
>>      explorer column: #tree;
>>                column: #body.
>>      headers := (mainTree children)
>>               collect: [:node |  node header].
>>      explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
>>                       a tree
>>                               display: headers].
>>      explorer openOn: mainTree.
>>      "*************************"
>>      Now I need to make the children sellectable, and that all the
>> contents of
>>      the tree can be updated with a shortcut.
>>      I will keep you posted.
>>      Cheers,
>>      Offray
>>      On 07/26/2014 09:01 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>>          Hi again,
>>          I will be using this thread to update my advances and
>> questions about
>>          how to build an outliner in Pharo Smalltalk. If there is a
>> better method
>>          like starting a new thread for particular questions, or a
>> less narrative
>>          style, please let me know.
>>          The idea is to use the tools provided by Moose to build a
>> quick outliner
>>          that can be extended to suit my needs on academical writing.
>> This is
>>          kind of a strange approach in the sense that I'm not
>> following the
>>          tutorials with a predefined problems (make a game and so)
>> but trying to
>>          start with a real (in the sense of closer) problem (making
>> an
>> outliner)
>>          and to see which knowledge I need to solve this necessity.
>> In that sense
>>          is more like the Freire's alphabetization of adults in Brazil.
>>          So, the things I have done so far was to search for a good
>> model to
>>          start with. Something already done that can be used as
>> scaffolding for
>>          my outliner. The Help System seems like a good start for an
>> outliner (in
>>          fact it is already one), so I have taken the Help-Core
>> system and start
>>          to use it as a base for my project.
>>          After that I have used the Moose browsers to build a simple
>> interface,
>>          as seen here:
>> akye-browser.jpg
>> <
>> e-browser.jpg>
>>          The part I want to deal with is this:
>>          ===============
>>          explorer := GLMTabulator new
>>                            title: (mainTree header).
>>          explorer column: #tree;
>>                        column: #body.
>>          explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
>>                    a tree
>>                        display: mainTree children ].
>>          explorer openOn: mainTree.
>>          ===============
>>          So, instead of "display: mainTree children" I need something
>> that takes
>>          the get names (headers) of the two nodes and the contents in
>> the right
>>          panel. For that I think that I need to learn some iterators.
>> I have
>>          already a "header" method for the nodes. Any clue would be
>> appreciated
>>          and I will keep you posted on my advances.
>>          Cheers,
>>          Offray
>>          On 07/21/2014 12:58 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>>              Hi Damien,
>>              Thanks for your answer. Comments below.
>>              On 07/21/2014 11:09 AM, Damien Cassou wrote:
>>                  On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 2:47 AM, Offray Vladimir
>> Luna Cárdenas
>>                  <[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:
>>                      The first idea that comes to mind is using STON
>> for storage
>>                      nodes and
>>                      tree
>>                      information, so I can interchange it with the
>> flatland files
>>                      world
>>                      and keep
>>                      it readable. Sounds that reasonable?
>>                  without more information, it is hard to stay. Try
>> with STON and
>>                  change
>>                  if that does not work :-). We have XML and JSON
>> generators as well.
>>              This is a kind of raw preview of I'm talking about:
>> <>
>>              Of course in this case, it is just a Help browser with a
>> Playground
>>              window over it, but I would like to have something like
>> Playgrounds
>>              inside the help browser. I was trying to build a custom
>> browser with
>>              Glamour, but seems that Help Browser already has the
>> machinery I'm
>>              looking for.
>>              So my first question is how to use the Help Browser
>> class as a template
>>              for my outliner class? And can I put a Playground where
>> the plain text
>>              is located right now?
>>                      The second thing I would like to do is to add
>> pandoc's
>>                      markdown inside
>>                      comments, but I don't like the syntax of comments in
>>                      Smalltalk because
>>                      single quotes are fairly easy to find in light
>> markup
>>                      language like
>>                      markdown. Is difficult to change it to create
>> something more
>>                      like
>>                      python
>>                      (with """) or Lua (with -[]- )?
>>                  There is only one syntax for comments in Pharo.
>> Instead of Markdown,
>>                  you might want to have a look at Pillar which is
>> implemented in
>>                  Pharo
>>                  and can generate Markdown (and html, and pdf) :
>> <>
>>              I have seen Pillar. Seems really interesting, but
>> Pandocs markdown
>>              support academic citation in several formats and I have
>> already long
>>              docs wrote on that format integrated in my workflow from
>> Zotero and even
>>              there is a growing community working on Scholarly
>> Markdown[1][2] so I
>>              would like to stick with it as much as I can for my own
>> writing.
>>              That being said. I would like also a better integration
>> between
>>              Smalltalk outliners and all the academic publication
>> work flow,
>>              including working better with pandoc as a external library.
>>              [1]
>>              <>
>>              [2]
>> kdown/
>> <>
>>              [3]
>> http://programminghistorian.__org/lessons/sustainable-__authorship-in
>> -plain-text-__using-pandoc-and-markdown
>> <
>> ain-text-using-pandoc-and-markdown>
>>              Thanks again, this conversation with people in the
>> community is very
>>              valuable to me,
>>              Offray
>>      _________________________________________________
>>      Moose-dev mailing list
>>      [hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>
>>      <>
>> --
>> <>
>> "Every thing has its own flow"

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Re: Rephrasing my question on Stackoverflow (Re: [Moose-dev] Re: Tree/Outliners of playgrounds, markdown inside comments and some quick medium size dreams for Pharo/Smalltalk)

Hi Peter and community,

First thanks Perter for your quick answer and sorry for my late one.
Your advice worked like a charm and now I can see node information
(headers and body in any panel I want). The only thing is that I get a
lot of error message in a stack. They're referred to:

- NonBooleanReceiver: proceed for truth
- MessageNotUnderstood: AnObsoleteGLMPagerCircleButtonMorph >> isFocused
(I got this one twice).

I don't know how to debug the stacks and, at the beginning I was
thinking that they're related with how to deal with empty values while
traversing the tree, so I put some ifTrue, ifFalse messages to deal with
them. Still I get the same errors. The main difference with the
structure of Peter's code is that I'm not using "display:" keyword, but
I don't see it used either on the treeWithChildrenByLevel example.

Anyway I will replace my current GUI implementation with this code that
works better and start to deal with other parts of the project and keep
the community posted (and myself reading).

Here is my code:

(by the way, Tabs look nice on Pharo/Moose, but they're look terrible on
email. There is any way to get them replace by spaces?)

| browser mainTree |

mainTree := UbakyeNode new.
mainTree becomeDefaultTree.

browser := GLMTabulator new.
        column: #tree;
        column: [ :c |
                                        row: #body;
                                        row: #plugins ].
(browser transmit)
        to: #tree;
        andShow: [ :a |
                                (a tree)
                                        title: mainTree header;
                                        children: [ :eachNode |
                                                (eachNode children) isNil
                                                        ifTrue: [ #() ]
                                                        ifFalse:[ eachNode children ] ];
                                        format:[:eachNode |
                                                (eachNode header) isNil
                                                        ifTrue: [ '' ]
                                                        ifFalse: [ eachNode header ] ].
                                        "Children must return a collection" ].
(browser transmit)
        to: #body;
        from: #tree;
        andShow: [ :a |
                                (a text)
                                        title: 'Cuerpo | Body ';
                                        format:[:eachNode |
                                                (eachNode body) isNil
                                                  ifTrue: [ '' ]
                                                        ifFalse: [ eachNode body ] ]
(browser transmit)
        to: #plugins;
        andShow: [ :a | a text title: 'Plugins | Extensiones' ].
browser openOn: mainTree children.

On 08/09/2014 04:05 AM, PBKResearch wrote:

> Hi Offray
> Well, none of the experts has come forward to help, so maybe I can comment as almost a complete beginner. I think you need two additional bits of specification in your example to get the output you want:
> a. To show the node titles in the #tree pane, you need to add a format: clause, which is a block taking the node as argument and returning the text to be output.
> b. To show the body of the selected tree node in the #body pane, you need a display: clause, which is a similar block generating the body details that you want.
> To give you a specific example, here is some code I have used. I am using a GlamorousBrowser to examine the tree representation of an HTML page generated by Todd Blanchard's superb HTMLCSS parser. The browser I produce is similar to yours, but without the #plugins pane.
> domBrowser := GLMTabulator new.
> domBrowser
>     column:  #details;
> column: #nodeDetails.
> domBrowser transmit to: #details; andShow: [ :a |
>     a tree
>        display: [ :model | model nodesSelect: [ :each | each tag = 'html'] ];
>        children: [ :node | node children ];
>        format: [ :node ||nid| node tag,' ', ((nid := node id) isNil ifTrue:[''] ifFalse:['id=',nid,' '])] ].
> domBrowser transmit from: #details; to: #nodeDetails;
> andShow: [ :each| each text display: [:node| node innerContents ]].
> domBrowser title: 'Browse HTML'.
> I hope this makes it clear; if not, ask again.
> Best wishes
> Peter Kenny
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pharo-users [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
> Sent: 09 August 2014 05:08
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: [Pharo-users] Rephrasing my question on Stackoverflow (Re: [Moose-dev] Re: Tree/Outliners of playgrounds, markdown inside comments and some quick medium size dreams for Pharo/Smalltalk)
> Hi again,
> I'm testing my luck in Stackoverflow to see if I can get more eyes and keep the conversation going:
> This community is very responsive but I feel I'm not understanding quickly/properly enough the main logic of tree-like browsers on Moose.
> So, any extra help is welcomed.
> Cheers,
> Offray
> On 08/07/2014 03:28 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>> Hi Doru and Community :-),
>> In the screenshot at [1] you can see my explorations. I took the code
>> from treeWithChildrenByeLevel in the GLMBasicExamples and modified it
>> until I got this:
>> [1]
>> So I have now a browser which shows a tree made of UbakyeNodes (a tree
>> like data structure I defined), but I would like not to show the
>> Ubakye Nodes, but the titles of each node (headers) and the contents
>> (bodies) of them when selected. With your help I have understood that
>> I need to pass the collection of all children (not just the headers of
>> them), but I don't know who to sellect something particular in that
>> collection to be shown on the browser, like headers of nodes in the
>> #tree panel or bodies in the #body panel.
>> I would like to change also the size of each panel to be more like the
>> shown in the screenshot, instead of the default one and be relative to
>> window size. Is this possible?
>> Thanks,
>> Offray
>> Below is the code, for easiness of reading:
>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>> "
>> Another exploration of Outliners provided by Glamorous Toolkit and
>> browsers. This code was obtained by running 'GLMBasicExamples open'
>> and then browsing until 'treeWithChildrenByLevel'. Some code was
>> modified to open explicitely the browser on the world and starting to
>> hack on it.
>> "
>>       | browser mainTree |
>>       mainTree := UbakyeNode new.
>>       mainTree becomeDefaultTree.
>>       browser := GLMTabulator new.
>>       browser
>>           column: #tree;
>>           column: [ :c |
>>                       c
>>                           row: #body;
>>                           row: #plugins ].
>>       (browser transmit)
>>           to: #tree;
>>           andShow: [ :a |
>>                       (a tree)
>>                           title: mainTree header;
>>                           children: [ :eachNode |
>>                                       eachNode children. ]    "Children
>> must return a collection" ].
>>       (browser transmit)
>>           to: #body;
>>           from: #tree;
>>           andShow: [ :a | a text title: 'Cuerpo | Body ' ].
>>       (browser transmit)
>>           to: #plugins;
>>           from: #tree port: #selectionPath;
>>           andShow: [ :a | a text title: 'Plugins | Extensiones' ].
>>       browser openOn: mainTree children.
>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>> On 08/05/2014 12:19 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> You probably need this:
>>> explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
>>>                    a tree
>>>                            display: headers;
>>> *children: [:eachNode | eachNode
>>> theMessageYouUseToGoToTheChildrenOfANode ]*].
>>> A tree is a recursive structure, and to describe it you need:
>>> - a way to construct the root elements. This is the result of
>>> applying
>>> display:
>>> to the input object. So, display: either takes a collection or a
>>> block that will return a collection when executed.
>>> - a way to define the children for each node. This is the result of
>>> applying
>>> children:
>>> You should also take a look at the examples from:
>>> GLMBasicExamples open
>>> Does this help now?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Doru
>>> On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 4:59 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
>>> <[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:
>>>       Hi,
>>>       Answering to myself: I have solved the code that selects the
>>> headers of the
>>>       main tree. The key is to create a new collection containing only
>>> node names.
>>>       Here is the code:
>>>       "*************************"
>>>       | mainTree node1 node2 explorer headers  |
>>>       mainTree := UbakyeNode
>>>                header: 'Arbol raíz'
>>>                body: ''.
>>>       node1 := UbakyeNode
>>>                header: 'Nodo 1'
>>>                body:  'Texto 1'.
>>>       node2 := UbakyeNode
>>>                header: 'Nodo 2'
>>>                body:  'Texto 2'.
>>>       mainTree
>>>                addNode: node1;
>>>                addNode: node2.
>>>       explorer := GLMTabulator new
>>>                        title: (mainTree header).
>>>       explorer column: #tree;
>>>                 column: #body.
>>>       headers := (mainTree children)
>>>                collect: [:node |  node header].
>>>       explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
>>>                        a tree
>>>                                display: headers].
>>>       explorer openOn: mainTree.
>>>       "*************************"
>>>       Now I need to make the children sellectable, and that all the
>>> contents of
>>>       the tree can be updated with a shortcut.
>>>       I will keep you posted.
>>>       Cheers,
>>>       Offray
>>>       On 07/26/2014 09:01 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>>>           Hi again,
>>>           I will be using this thread to update my advances and
>>> questions about
>>>           how to build an outliner in Pharo Smalltalk. If there is a
>>> better method
>>>           like starting a new thread for particular questions, or a
>>> less narrative
>>>           style, please let me know.
>>>           The idea is to use the tools provided by Moose to build a
>>> quick outliner
>>>           that can be extended to suit my needs on academical writing.
>>> This is
>>>           kind of a strange approach in the sense that I'm not
>>> following the
>>>           tutorials with a predefined problems (make a game and so)
>>> but trying to
>>>           start with a real (in the sense of closer) problem (making
>>> an
>>> outliner)
>>>           and to see which knowledge I need to solve this necessity.
>>> In that sense
>>>           is more like the Freire's alphabetization of adults in Brazil.
>>>           So, the things I have done so far was to search for a good
>>> model to
>>>           start with. Something already done that can be used as
>>> scaffolding for
>>>           my outliner. The Help System seems like a good start for an
>>> outliner (in
>>>           fact it is already one), so I have taken the Help-Core
>>> system and start
>>>           to use it as a base for my project.
>>>           After that I have used the Moose browsers to build a simple
>>> interface,
>>>           as seen here:
>>> akye-browser.jpg
>>> <
>>> e-browser.jpg>
>>>           The part I want to deal with is this:
>>>           ===============
>>>           explorer := GLMTabulator new
>>>                             title: (mainTree header).
>>>           explorer column: #tree;
>>>                         column: #body.
>>>           explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
>>>                     a tree
>>>                         display: mainTree children ].
>>>           explorer openOn: mainTree.
>>>           ===============
>>>           So, instead of "display: mainTree children" I need something
>>> that takes
>>>           the get names (headers) of the two nodes and the contents in
>>> the right
>>>           panel. For that I think that I need to learn some iterators.
>>> I have
>>>           already a "header" method for the nodes. Any clue would be
>>> appreciated
>>>           and I will keep you posted on my advances.
>>>           Cheers,
>>>           Offray
>>>           On 07/21/2014 12:58 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>>>               Hi Damien,
>>>               Thanks for your answer. Comments below.
>>>               On 07/21/2014 11:09 AM, Damien Cassou wrote:
>>>                   On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 2:47 AM, Offray Vladimir
>>> Luna Cárdenas
>>>                   <[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:
>>>                       The first idea that comes to mind is using STON
>>> for storage
>>>                       nodes and
>>>                       tree
>>>                       information, so I can interchange it with the
>>> flatland files
>>>                       world
>>>                       and keep
>>>                       it readable. Sounds that reasonable?
>>>                   without more information, it is hard to stay. Try
>>> with STON and
>>>                   change
>>>                   if that does not work :-). We have XML and JSON
>>> generators as well.
>>>               This is a kind of raw preview of I'm talking about:
>>> <>
>>>               Of course in this case, it is just a Help browser with a
>>> Playground
>>>               window over it, but I would like to have something like
>>> Playgrounds
>>>               inside the help browser. I was trying to build a custom
>>> browser with
>>>               Glamour, but seems that Help Browser already has the
>>> machinery I'm
>>>               looking for.
>>>               So my first question is how to use the Help Browser
>>> class as a template
>>>               for my outliner class? And can I put a Playground where
>>> the plain text
>>>               is located right now?
>>>                       The second thing I would like to do is to add
>>> pandoc's
>>>                       markdown inside
>>>                       comments, but I don't like the syntax of comments in
>>>                       Smalltalk because
>>>                       single quotes are fairly easy to find in light
>>> markup
>>>                       language like
>>>                       markdown. Is difficult to change it to create
>>> something more
>>>                       like
>>>                       python
>>>                       (with """) or Lua (with -[]- )?
>>>                   There is only one syntax for comments in Pharo.
>>> Instead of Markdown,
>>>                   you might want to have a look at Pillar which is
>>> implemented in
>>>                   Pharo
>>>                   and can generate Markdown (and html, and pdf) :
>>> <>
>>>               I have seen Pillar. Seems really interesting, but
>>> Pandocs markdown
>>>               support academic citation in several formats and I have
>>> already long
>>>               docs wrote on that format integrated in my workflow from
>>> Zotero and even
>>>               there is a growing community working on Scholarly
>>> Markdown[1][2] so I
>>>               would like to stick with it as much as I can for my own
>>> writing.
>>>               That being said. I would like also a better integration
>>> between
>>>               Smalltalk outliners and all the academic publication
>>> work flow,
>>>               including working better with pandoc as a external library.
>>>               [1]
>>>               <>
>>>               [2]
>>> kdown/
>>> <>
>>>               [3]
>>> http://programminghistorian.__org/lessons/sustainable-__authorship-in
>>> -plain-text-__using-pandoc-and-markdown
>>> <
>>> ain-text-using-pandoc-and-markdown>
>>>               Thanks again, this conversation with people in the
>>> community is very
>>>               valuable to me,
>>>               Offray
>>>       _________________________________________________
>>>       Moose-dev mailing list
>>>       [hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>
>>>       <>
>>> --
>>> <>
>>> "Every thing has its own flow"

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Re: Rephrasing my question on Stackoverflow (Re: [Moose-dev] Re: Tree/Outliners of playgrounds, markdown inside comments and some quick medium size dreams for Pharo/Smalltalk)

Hi again,

Well, after adding the code to the proper object I don't get any error
stacks. So far, so good. I'll keep you posted.

Thanks again,


On 08/12/2014 02:08 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

> Hi Peter and community,
> First thanks Perter for your quick answer and sorry for my late one.
> Your advice worked like a charm and now I can see node information
> (headers and body in any panel I want). The only thing is that I get a
> lot of error message in a stack. They're referred to:
> - NonBooleanReceiver: proceed for truth
> - MessageNotUnderstood: AnObsoleteGLMPagerCircleButtonMorph >> isFocused
> (I got this one twice).
> I don't know how to debug the stacks and, at the beginning I was
> thinking that they're related with how to deal with empty values while
> traversing the tree, so I put some ifTrue, ifFalse messages to deal with
> them. Still I get the same errors. The main difference with the
> structure of Peter's code is that I'm not using "display:" keyword, but
> I don't see it used either on the treeWithChildrenByLevel example.
> Anyway I will replace my current GUI implementation with this code that
> works better and start to deal with other parts of the project and keep
> the community posted (and myself reading).
> Here is my code:
> (by the way, Tabs look nice on Pharo/Moose, but they're look terrible on
> email. There is any way to get them replace by spaces?)
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> | browser mainTree |
> mainTree := UbakyeNode new.
> mainTree becomeDefaultTree.
> browser := GLMTabulator new.
> browser
>      column: #tree;
>      column: [ :c |
>                  c
>                      row: #body;
>                      row: #plugins ].
> (browser transmit)
>      to: #tree;
>      andShow: [ :a |
>                  (a tree)
>                      title: mainTree header;
>                      children: [ :eachNode |
>                          (eachNode children) isNil
>                              ifTrue: [ #() ]
>                              ifFalse:[ eachNode children ] ];
>                      format:[:eachNode |
>                          (eachNode header) isNil
>                              ifTrue: [ '' ]
>                              ifFalse: [ eachNode header ] ].
>                      "Children must return a collection" ].
> (browser transmit)
>      to: #body;
>      from: #tree;
>      andShow: [ :a |
>                  (a text)
>                      title: 'Cuerpo | Body ';
>                      format:[:eachNode |
>                          (eachNode body) isNil
>                               ifTrue: [ '' ]
>                              ifFalse: [ eachNode body ] ]
>                  ].
> (browser transmit)
>      to: #plugins;
>      andShow: [ :a | a text title: 'Plugins | Extensiones' ].
> browser openOn: mainTree children.
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> On 08/09/2014 04:05 AM, PBKResearch wrote:
>> Hi Offray
>> Well, none of the experts has come forward to help, so maybe I can
>> comment as almost a complete beginner. I think you need two additional
>> bits of specification in your example to get the output you want:
>> a. To show the node titles in the #tree pane, you need to add a
>> format: clause, which is a block taking the node as argument and
>> returning the text to be output.
>> b. To show the body of the selected tree node in the #body pane, you
>> need a display: clause, which is a similar block generating the body
>> details that you want.
>> To give you a specific example, here is some code I have used. I am
>> using a GlamorousBrowser to examine the tree representation of an HTML
>> page generated by Todd Blanchard's superb HTMLCSS parser. The browser
>> I produce is similar to yours, but without the #plugins pane.
>> domBrowser := GLMTabulator new.
>> domBrowser
>>        column:  #details;
>>     column: #nodeDetails.
>> domBrowser transmit to: #details; andShow: [ :a |
>>     a tree
>>        display: [ :model | model nodesSelect: [ :each | each tag =
>> 'html'] ];
>>        children: [ :node | node children ];
>>        format: [ :node ||nid| node tag,' ', ((nid := node id) isNil
>> ifTrue:[''] ifFalse:['id=',nid,' '])] ].
>> domBrowser transmit from: #details; to: #nodeDetails;
>>          andShow: [ :each| each text display: [:node| node
>> innerContents ]].
>> domBrowser title: 'Browse HTML'.
>> I hope this makes it clear; if not, ask again.
>> Best wishes
>> Peter Kenny
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Pharo-users [mailto:[hidden email]] On
>> Behalf Of Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
>> Sent: 09 August 2014 05:08
>> To: [hidden email]
>> Subject: [Pharo-users] Rephrasing my question on Stackoverflow (Re:
>> [Moose-dev] Re: Tree/Outliners of playgrounds, markdown inside
>> comments and some quick medium size dreams for Pharo/Smalltalk)
>> Hi again,
>> I'm testing my luck in Stackoverflow to see if I can get more eyes and
>> keep the conversation going:
>> This community is very responsive but I feel I'm not understanding
>> quickly/properly enough the main logic of tree-like browsers on Moose.
>> So, any extra help is welcomed.
>> Cheers,
>> Offray
>> On 08/07/2014 03:28 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>>> Hi Doru and Community :-),
>>> In the screenshot at [1] you can see my explorations. I took the code
>>> from treeWithChildrenByeLevel in the GLMBasicExamples and modified it
>>> until I got this:
>>> [1]
>>> So I have now a browser which shows a tree made of UbakyeNodes (a tree
>>> like data structure I defined), but I would like not to show the
>>> Ubakye Nodes, but the titles of each node (headers) and the contents
>>> (bodies) of them when selected. With your help I have understood that
>>> I need to pass the collection of all children (not just the headers of
>>> them), but I don't know who to sellect something particular in that
>>> collection to be shown on the browser, like headers of nodes in the
>>> #tree panel or bodies in the #body panel.
>>> I would like to change also the size of each panel to be more like the
>>> shown in the screenshot, instead of the default one and be relative to
>>> window size. Is this possible?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Offray
>>> Below is the code, for easiness of reading:
>>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>>> "
>>> Another exploration of Outliners provided by Glamorous Toolkit and
>>> browsers. This code was obtained by running 'GLMBasicExamples open'
>>> and then browsing until 'treeWithChildrenByLevel'. Some code was
>>> modified to open explicitely the browser on the world and starting to
>>> hack on it.
>>> "
>>>       | browser mainTree |
>>>       mainTree := UbakyeNode new.
>>>       mainTree becomeDefaultTree.
>>>       browser := GLMTabulator new.
>>>       browser
>>>           column: #tree;
>>>           column: [ :c |
>>>                       c
>>>                           row: #body;
>>>                           row: #plugins ].
>>>       (browser transmit)
>>>           to: #tree;
>>>           andShow: [ :a |
>>>                       (a tree)
>>>                           title: mainTree header;
>>>                           children: [ :eachNode |
>>>                                       eachNode children. ]    "Children
>>> must return a collection" ].
>>>       (browser transmit)
>>>           to: #body;
>>>           from: #tree;
>>>           andShow: [ :a | a text title: 'Cuerpo | Body ' ].
>>>       (browser transmit)
>>>           to: #plugins;
>>>           from: #tree port: #selectionPath;
>>>           andShow: [ :a | a text title: 'Plugins | Extensiones' ].
>>>       browser openOn: mainTree children.
>>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>>> On 08/05/2014 12:19 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> You probably need this:
>>>> explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
>>>>                    a tree
>>>>                            display: headers;
>>>> *children: [:eachNode | eachNode
>>>> theMessageYouUseToGoToTheChildrenOfANode ]*].
>>>> A tree is a recursive structure, and to describe it you need:
>>>> - a way to construct the root elements. This is the result of
>>>> applying
>>>> display:
>>>> to the input object. So, display: either takes a collection or a
>>>> block that will return a collection when executed.
>>>> - a way to define the children for each node. This is the result of
>>>> applying
>>>> children:
>>>> You should also take a look at the examples from:
>>>> GLMBasicExamples open
>>>> Does this help now?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Doru
>>>> On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 4:59 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
>>>> <[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:
>>>>       Hi,
>>>>       Answering to myself: I have solved the code that selects the
>>>> headers of the
>>>>       main tree. The key is to create a new collection containing only
>>>> node names.
>>>>       Here is the code:
>>>>       "*************************"
>>>>       | mainTree node1 node2 explorer headers  |
>>>>       mainTree := UbakyeNode
>>>>                header: 'Arbol raíz'
>>>>                body: ''.
>>>>       node1 := UbakyeNode
>>>>                header: 'Nodo 1'
>>>>                body:  'Texto 1'.
>>>>       node2 := UbakyeNode
>>>>                header: 'Nodo 2'
>>>>                body:  'Texto 2'.
>>>>       mainTree
>>>>                addNode: node1;
>>>>                addNode: node2.
>>>>       explorer := GLMTabulator new
>>>>                        title: (mainTree header).
>>>>       explorer column: #tree;
>>>>                 column: #body.
>>>>       headers := (mainTree children)
>>>>                collect: [:node |  node header].
>>>>       explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
>>>>                        a tree
>>>>                                display: headers].
>>>>       explorer openOn: mainTree.
>>>>       "*************************"
>>>>       Now I need to make the children sellectable, and that all the
>>>> contents of
>>>>       the tree can be updated with a shortcut.
>>>>       I will keep you posted.
>>>>       Cheers,
>>>>       Offray
>>>>       On 07/26/2014 09:01 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>>>>           Hi again,
>>>>           I will be using this thread to update my advances and
>>>> questions about
>>>>           how to build an outliner in Pharo Smalltalk. If there is a
>>>> better method
>>>>           like starting a new thread for particular questions, or a
>>>> less narrative
>>>>           style, please let me know.
>>>>           The idea is to use the tools provided by Moose to build a
>>>> quick outliner
>>>>           that can be extended to suit my needs on academical writing.
>>>> This is
>>>>           kind of a strange approach in the sense that I'm not
>>>> following the
>>>>           tutorials with a predefined problems (make a game and so)
>>>> but trying to
>>>>           start with a real (in the sense of closer) problem (making
>>>> an
>>>> outliner)
>>>>           and to see which knowledge I need to solve this necessity.
>>>> In that sense
>>>>           is more like the Freire's alphabetization of adults in
>>>> Brazil.
>>>>           So, the things I have done so far was to search for a good
>>>> model to
>>>>           start with. Something already done that can be used as
>>>> scaffolding for
>>>>           my outliner. The Help System seems like a good start for an
>>>> outliner (in
>>>>           fact it is already one), so I have taken the Help-Core
>>>> system and start
>>>>           to use it as a base for my project.
>>>>           After that I have used the Moose browsers to build a simple
>>>> interface,
>>>>           as seen here:
>>>> akye-browser.jpg
>>>> <
>>>> e-browser.jpg>
>>>>           The part I want to deal with is this:
>>>>           ===============
>>>>           explorer := GLMTabulator new
>>>>                             title: (mainTree header).
>>>>           explorer column: #tree;
>>>>                         column: #body.
>>>>           explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
>>>>                     a tree
>>>>                         display: mainTree children ].
>>>>           explorer openOn: mainTree.
>>>>           ===============
>>>>           So, instead of "display: mainTree children" I need something
>>>> that takes
>>>>           the get names (headers) of the two nodes and the contents in
>>>> the right
>>>>           panel. For that I think that I need to learn some iterators.
>>>> I have
>>>>           already a "header" method for the nodes. Any clue would be
>>>> appreciated
>>>>           and I will keep you posted on my advances.
>>>>           Cheers,
>>>>           Offray
>>>>           On 07/21/2014 12:58 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>>>>               Hi Damien,
>>>>               Thanks for your answer. Comments below.
>>>>               On 07/21/2014 11:09 AM, Damien Cassou wrote:
>>>>                   On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 2:47 AM, Offray Vladimir
>>>> Luna Cárdenas
>>>>                   <[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:
>>>>                       The first idea that comes to mind is using STON
>>>> for storage
>>>>                       nodes and
>>>>                       tree
>>>>                       information, so I can interchange it with the
>>>> flatland files
>>>>                       world
>>>>                       and keep
>>>>                       it readable. Sounds that reasonable?
>>>>                   without more information, it is hard to stay. Try
>>>> with STON and
>>>>                   change
>>>>                   if that does not work :-). We have XML and JSON
>>>> generators as well.
>>>>               This is a kind of raw preview of I'm talking about:
>>>> <>
>>>>               Of course in this case, it is just a Help browser with a
>>>> Playground
>>>>               window over it, but I would like to have something like
>>>> Playgrounds
>>>>               inside the help browser. I was trying to build a custom
>>>> browser with
>>>>               Glamour, but seems that Help Browser already has the
>>>> machinery I'm
>>>>               looking for.
>>>>               So my first question is how to use the Help Browser
>>>> class as a template
>>>>               for my outliner class? And can I put a Playground where
>>>> the plain text
>>>>               is located right now?
>>>>                       The second thing I would like to do is to add
>>>> pandoc's
>>>>                       markdown inside
>>>>                       comments, but I don't like the syntax of
>>>> comments in
>>>>                       Smalltalk because
>>>>                       single quotes are fairly easy to find in light
>>>> markup
>>>>                       language like
>>>>                       markdown. Is difficult to change it to create
>>>> something more
>>>>                       like
>>>>                       python
>>>>                       (with """) or Lua (with -[]- )?
>>>>                   There is only one syntax for comments in Pharo.
>>>> Instead of Markdown,
>>>>                   you might want to have a look at Pillar which is
>>>> implemented in
>>>>                   Pharo
>>>>                   and can generate Markdown (and html, and pdf) :
>>>> <>
>>>>               I have seen Pillar. Seems really interesting, but
>>>> Pandocs markdown
>>>>               support academic citation in several formats and I have
>>>> already long
>>>>               docs wrote on that format integrated in my workflow from
>>>> Zotero and even
>>>>               there is a growing community working on Scholarly
>>>> Markdown[1][2] so I
>>>>               would like to stick with it as much as I can for my own
>>>> writing.
>>>>               That being said. I would like also a better integration
>>>> between
>>>>               Smalltalk outliners and all the academic publication
>>>> work flow,
>>>>               including working better with pandoc as a external
>>>> library.
>>>>               [1]
>>>>               <>
>>>>               [2]
>>>> kdown/
>>>> <>
>>>>               [3]
>>>> http://programminghistorian.__org/lessons/sustainable-__authorship-in
>>>> -plain-text-__using-pandoc-and-markdown
>>>> <
>>>> ain-text-using-pandoc-and-markdown>
>>>>               Thanks again, this conversation with people in the
>>>> community is very
>>>>               valuable to me,
>>>>               Offray
>>>>       _________________________________________________
>>>>       Moose-dev mailing list
>>>>       [hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>
>>>>       <>
>>>> --
>>>> <>
>>>> "Every thing has its own flow"

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Re: Rephrasing my question on Stackoverflow (Re: [Moose-dev] Re: Tree/Outliners of playgrounds, markdown inside comments and some quick medium size dreams for Pharo/Smalltalk)

Tudor Girba-2
Exactly. To customize the label that appears in the tree, you need to specify a format block that will take each node as an input and should produce a string or text as an output.


On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 9:45 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi again,

Well, after adding the code to the proper object I don't get any error stacks. So far, so good. I'll keep you posted.

Thanks again,


On 08/12/2014 02:08 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
Hi Peter and community,

First thanks Perter for your quick answer and sorry for my late one.
Your advice worked like a charm and now I can see node information
(headers and body in any panel I want). The only thing is that I get a
lot of error message in a stack. They're referred to:

- NonBooleanReceiver: proceed for truth
- MessageNotUnderstood: AnObsoleteGLMPagerCircleButtonMorph >> isFocused
(I got this one twice).

I don't know how to debug the stacks and, at the beginning I was
thinking that they're related with how to deal with empty values while
traversing the tree, so I put some ifTrue, ifFalse messages to deal with
them. Still I get the same errors. The main difference with the
structure of Peter's code is that I'm not using "display:" keyword, but
I don't see it used either on the treeWithChildrenByLevel example.

Anyway I will replace my current GUI implementation with this code that
works better and start to deal with other parts of the project and keep
the community posted (and myself reading).

Here is my code:

(by the way, Tabs look nice on Pharo/Moose, but they're look terrible on
email. There is any way to get them replace by spaces?)

| browser mainTree |

mainTree := UbakyeNode new.
mainTree becomeDefaultTree.

browser := GLMTabulator new.
     column: #tree;
     column: [ :c |
                     row: #body;
                     row: #plugins ].
(browser transmit)
     to: #tree;
     andShow: [ :a |
                 (a tree)
                     title: mainTree header;
                     children: [ :eachNode |
                         (eachNode children) isNil
                             ifTrue: [ #() ]
                             ifFalse:[ eachNode children ] ];
                     format:[:eachNode |
                         (eachNode header) isNil
                             ifTrue: [ '' ]
                             ifFalse: [ eachNode header ] ].
                     "Children must return a collection" ].
(browser transmit)
     to: #body;
     from: #tree;
     andShow: [ :a |
                 (a text)
                     title: 'Cuerpo | Body ';
                     format:[:eachNode |
                         (eachNode body) isNil
                              ifTrue: [ '' ]
                             ifFalse: [ eachNode body ] ]

(browser transmit)
     to: #plugins;
     andShow: [ :a | a text title: 'Plugins | Extensiones' ].

browser openOn: mainTree children.

On 08/09/2014 04:05 AM, PBKResearch wrote:
Hi Offray

Well, none of the experts has come forward to help, so maybe I can
comment as almost a complete beginner. I think you need two additional
bits of specification in your example to get the output you want:

a. To show the node titles in the #tree pane, you need to add a
format: clause, which is a block taking the node as argument and
returning the text to be output.

b. To show the body of the selected tree node in the #body pane, you
need a display: clause, which is a similar block generating the body
details that you want.

To give you a specific example, here is some code I have used. I am
using a GlamorousBrowser to examine the tree representation of an HTML
page generated by Todd Blanchard's superb HTMLCSS parser. The browser
I produce is similar to yours, but without the #plugins pane.

domBrowser := GLMTabulator new.
       column:  #details;
    column: #nodeDetails.
domBrowser transmit to: #details; andShow: [ :a |
    a tree
       display: [ :model | model nodesSelect: [ :each | each tag =
'html'] ];
       children: [ :node | node children ];
       format: [ :node ||nid| node tag,' ', ((nid := node id) isNil
ifTrue:[''] ifFalse:['id=',nid,' '])] ].
domBrowser transmit from: #details; to: #nodeDetails;
         andShow: [ :each| each text display: [:node| node
innerContents ]].
domBrowser title: 'Browse HTML'.

I hope this makes it clear; if not, ask again.

Best wishes

Peter Kenny

-----Original Message-----
From: Pharo-users [mailto:[hidden email]] On
Behalf Of Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
Sent: 09 August 2014 05:08
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [Pharo-users] Rephrasing my question on Stackoverflow (Re:
[Moose-dev] Re: Tree/Outliners of playgrounds, markdown inside
comments and some quick medium size dreams for Pharo/Smalltalk)

Hi again,

I'm testing my luck in Stackoverflow to see if I can get more eyes and
keep the conversation going:

This community is very responsive but I feel I'm not understanding
quickly/properly enough the main logic of tree-like browsers on Moose.
So, any extra help is welcomed.



On 08/07/2014 03:28 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
Hi Doru and Community :-),

In the screenshot at [1] you can see my explorations. I took the code
from treeWithChildrenByeLevel in the GLMBasicExamples and modified it
until I got this:


So I have now a browser which shows a tree made of UbakyeNodes (a tree
like data structure I defined), but I would like not to show the
Ubakye Nodes, but the titles of each node (headers) and the contents
(bodies) of them when selected. With your help I have understood that
I need to pass the collection of all children (not just the headers of
them), but I don't know who to sellect something particular in that
collection to be shown on the browser, like headers of nodes in the
#tree panel or bodies in the #body panel.

I would like to change also the size of each panel to be more like the
shown in the screenshot, instead of the default one and be relative to
window size. Is this possible?



Below is the code, for easiness of reading:

Another exploration of Outliners provided by Glamorous Toolkit and
browsers. This code was obtained by running 'GLMBasicExamples open'
and then browsing until 'treeWithChildrenByLevel'. Some code was
modified to open explicitely the browser on the world and starting to
hack on it.

      | browser mainTree |

      mainTree := UbakyeNode new.
      mainTree becomeDefaultTree.

      browser := GLMTabulator new.
          column: #tree;
          column: [ :c |
                          row: #body;
                          row: #plugins ].
      (browser transmit)
          to: #tree;
          andShow: [ :a |
                      (a tree)
                          title: mainTree header;
                          children: [ :eachNode |
                                      eachNode children. ]    "Children
must return a collection" ].
      (browser transmit)
          to: #body;
          from: #tree;
          andShow: [ :a | a text title: 'Cuerpo | Body ' ].
      (browser transmit)
          to: #plugins;
          from: #tree port: #selectionPath;
          andShow: [ :a | a text title: 'Plugins | Extensiones' ].

      browser openOn: mainTree children.

On 08/05/2014 12:19 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:

You probably need this:

explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
                   a tree
                           display: headers;
*children: [:eachNode | eachNode
theMessageYouUseToGoToTheChildrenOfANode ]*].

A tree is a recursive structure, and to describe it you need:
- a way to construct the root elements. This is the result of
to the input object. So, display: either takes a collection or a
block that will return a collection when executed.
- a way to define the children for each node. This is the result of

You should also take a look at the examples from:
GLMBasicExamples open

Does this help now?


On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 4:59 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
<[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:


      Answering to myself: I have solved the code that selects the
headers of the
      main tree. The key is to create a new collection containing only
node names.
      Here is the code:

      | mainTree node1 node2 explorer headers  |

      mainTree := UbakyeNode
               header: 'Arbol raíz'
               body: ''.

      node1 := UbakyeNode
               header: 'Nodo 1'
               body:  'Texto 1'.

      node2 := UbakyeNode
               header: 'Nodo 2'
               body:  'Texto 2'.

               addNode: node1;
               addNode: node2.

      explorer := GLMTabulator new
                       title: (mainTree header).
      explorer column: #tree;
                column: #body.

      headers := (mainTree children)
               collect: [:node |  node header].

      explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
                       a tree
                               display: headers].

      explorer openOn: mainTree.


      Now I need to make the children sellectable, and that all the
contents of
      the tree can be updated with a shortcut.

      I will keep you posted.



      On 07/26/2014 09:01 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

          Hi again,

          I will be using this thread to update my advances and
questions about
          how to build an outliner in Pharo Smalltalk. If there is a
better method
          like starting a new thread for particular questions, or a
less narrative
          style, please let me know.

          The idea is to use the tools provided by Moose to build a
quick outliner
          that can be extended to suit my needs on academical writing.
This is
          kind of a strange approach in the sense that I'm not
following the
          tutorials with a predefined problems (make a game and so)
but trying to
          start with a real (in the sense of closer) problem (making
          and to see which knowledge I need to solve this necessity.
In that sense
          is more like the Freire's alphabetization of adults in

          So, the things I have done so far was to search for a good
model to
          start with. Something already done that can be used as
scaffolding for
          my outliner. The Help System seems like a good start for an
outliner (in
          fact it is already one), so I have taken the Help-Core
system and start
          to use it as a base for my project.

          After that I have used the Moose browsers to build a simple
          as seen here:


          The part I want to deal with is this:


          explorer := GLMTabulator new
                            title: (mainTree header).
          explorer column: #tree;
                        column: #body.

          explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
                    a tree
                        display: mainTree children ].

          explorer openOn: mainTree.


          So, instead of "display: mainTree children" I need something
that takes
          the get names (headers) of the two nodes and the contents in
the right
          panel. For that I think that I need to learn some iterators.
I have
          already a "header" method for the nodes. Any clue would be
          and I will keep you posted on my advances.



          On 07/21/2014 12:58 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

              Hi Damien,

              Thanks for your answer. Comments below.

              On 07/21/2014 11:09 AM, Damien Cassou wrote:

                  On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 2:47 AM, Offray Vladimir
Luna Cárdenas
                  <[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:

                      The first idea that comes to mind is using STON
for storage
                      nodes and
                      information, so I can interchange it with the
flatland files
                      and keep
                      it readable. Sounds that reasonable?

                  without more information, it is hard to stay. Try
with STON and
                  if that does not work :-). We have XML and JSON
generators as well.

              This is a kind of raw preview of I'm talking about:


              Of course in this case, it is just a Help browser with a
              window over it, but I would like to have something like
              inside the help browser. I was trying to build a custom
browser with
              Glamour, but seems that Help Browser already has the
machinery I'm
              looking for.

              So my first question is how to use the Help Browser
class as a template
              for my outliner class? And can I put a Playground where
the plain text
              is located right now?

                      The second thing I would like to do is to add
                      markdown inside
                      comments, but I don't like the syntax of
comments in
                      Smalltalk because
                      single quotes are fairly easy to find in light
                      language like
                      markdown. Is difficult to change it to create
something more
                      (with """) or Lua (with -[]- )?

                  There is only one syntax for comments in Pharo.
Instead of Markdown,
                  you might want to have a look at Pillar which is
implemented in
                  and can generate Markdown (and html, and pdf) :


              I have seen Pillar. Seems really interesting, but
Pandocs markdown
              support academic citation in several formats and I have
already long
              docs wrote on that format integrated in my workflow from
Zotero and even
              there is a growing community working on Scholarly
Markdown[1][2] so I
              would like to stick with it as much as I can for my own
              That being said. I would like also a better integration
              Smalltalk outliners and all the academic publication
work flow,
              including working better with pandoc as a external






              Thanks again, this conversation with people in the
community is very
              valuable to me,


      Moose-dev mailing list
      [hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>

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Re: Rephrasing my question on Stackoverflow (Re: [Moose-dev] Re: Tree/Outliners of playgrounds, markdown inside comments and some quick medium size dreams for Pharo/Smalltalk)

In reply to this post by Offray
By the way, I updated the answer on Stack Overflow, with the proper
credits to Peter:

And just for curiosity. Why adding the code to the object message on the
class browser ended with error stacks?



On 08/12/2014 02:45 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

> Hi again,
> Well, after adding the code to the proper object I don't get any error
> stacks. So far, so good. I'll keep you posted.
> Thanks again,
> Offray
> On 08/12/2014 02:08 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>> Hi Peter and community,
>> First thanks Perter for your quick answer and sorry for my late one.
>> Your advice worked like a charm and now I can see node information
>> (headers and body in any panel I want). The only thing is that I get a
>> lot of error message in a stack. They're referred to:
>> - NonBooleanReceiver: proceed for truth
>> - MessageNotUnderstood: AnObsoleteGLMPagerCircleButtonMorph >> isFocused
>> (I got this one twice).
>> I don't know how to debug the stacks and, at the beginning I was
>> thinking that they're related with how to deal with empty values while
>> traversing the tree, so I put some ifTrue, ifFalse messages to deal with
>> them. Still I get the same errors. The main difference with the
>> structure of Peter's code is that I'm not using "display:" keyword, but
>> I don't see it used either on the treeWithChildrenByLevel example.
>> Anyway I will replace my current GUI implementation with this code that
>> works better and start to deal with other parts of the project and keep
>> the community posted (and myself reading).
>> Here is my code:
>> (by the way, Tabs look nice on Pharo/Moose, but they're look terrible on
>> email. There is any way to get them replace by spaces?)
>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>> | browser mainTree |
>> mainTree := UbakyeNode new.
>> mainTree becomeDefaultTree.
>> browser := GLMTabulator new.
>> browser
>>      column: #tree;
>>      column: [ :c |
>>                  c
>>                      row: #body;
>>                      row: #plugins ].
>> (browser transmit)
>>      to: #tree;
>>      andShow: [ :a |
>>                  (a tree)
>>                      title: mainTree header;
>>                      children: [ :eachNode |
>>                          (eachNode children) isNil
>>                              ifTrue: [ #() ]
>>                              ifFalse:[ eachNode children ] ];
>>                      format:[:eachNode |
>>                          (eachNode header) isNil
>>                              ifTrue: [ '' ]
>>                              ifFalse: [ eachNode header ] ].
>>                      "Children must return a collection" ].
>> (browser transmit)
>>      to: #body;
>>      from: #tree;
>>      andShow: [ :a |
>>                  (a text)
>>                      title: 'Cuerpo | Body ';
>>                      format:[:eachNode |
>>                          (eachNode body) isNil
>>                               ifTrue: [ '' ]
>>                              ifFalse: [ eachNode body ] ]
>>                  ].
>> (browser transmit)
>>      to: #plugins;
>>      andShow: [ :a | a text title: 'Plugins | Extensiones' ].
>> browser openOn: mainTree children.
>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>> On 08/09/2014 04:05 AM, PBKResearch wrote:
>>> Hi Offray
>>> Well, none of the experts has come forward to help, so maybe I can
>>> comment as almost a complete beginner. I think you need two additional
>>> bits of specification in your example to get the output you want:
>>> a. To show the node titles in the #tree pane, you need to add a
>>> format: clause, which is a block taking the node as argument and
>>> returning the text to be output.
>>> b. To show the body of the selected tree node in the #body pane, you
>>> need a display: clause, which is a similar block generating the body
>>> details that you want.
>>> To give you a specific example, here is some code I have used. I am
>>> using a GlamorousBrowser to examine the tree representation of an HTML
>>> page generated by Todd Blanchard's superb HTMLCSS parser. The browser
>>> I produce is similar to yours, but without the #plugins pane.
>>> domBrowser := GLMTabulator new.
>>> domBrowser
>>>        column:  #details;
>>>     column: #nodeDetails.
>>> domBrowser transmit to: #details; andShow: [ :a |
>>>     a tree
>>>        display: [ :model | model nodesSelect: [ :each | each tag =
>>> 'html'] ];
>>>        children: [ :node | node children ];
>>>        format: [ :node ||nid| node tag,' ', ((nid := node id) isNil
>>> ifTrue:[''] ifFalse:['id=',nid,' '])] ].
>>> domBrowser transmit from: #details; to: #nodeDetails;
>>>          andShow: [ :each| each text display: [:node| node
>>> innerContents ]].
>>> domBrowser title: 'Browse HTML'.
>>> I hope this makes it clear; if not, ask again.
>>> Best wishes
>>> Peter Kenny
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Pharo-users [mailto:[hidden email]] On
>>> Behalf Of Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
>>> Sent: 09 August 2014 05:08
>>> To: [hidden email]
>>> Subject: [Pharo-users] Rephrasing my question on Stackoverflow (Re:
>>> [Moose-dev] Re: Tree/Outliners of playgrounds, markdown inside
>>> comments and some quick medium size dreams for Pharo/Smalltalk)
>>> Hi again,
>>> I'm testing my luck in Stackoverflow to see if I can get more eyes and
>>> keep the conversation going:
>>> This community is very responsive but I feel I'm not understanding
>>> quickly/properly enough the main logic of tree-like browsers on Moose.
>>> So, any extra help is welcomed.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Offray
>>> On 08/07/2014 03:28 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>>>> Hi Doru and Community :-),
>>>> In the screenshot at [1] you can see my explorations. I took the code
>>>> from treeWithChildrenByeLevel in the GLMBasicExamples and modified it
>>>> until I got this:
>>>> [1]
>>>> So I have now a browser which shows a tree made of UbakyeNodes (a tree
>>>> like data structure I defined), but I would like not to show the
>>>> Ubakye Nodes, but the titles of each node (headers) and the contents
>>>> (bodies) of them when selected. With your help I have understood that
>>>> I need to pass the collection of all children (not just the headers of
>>>> them), but I don't know who to sellect something particular in that
>>>> collection to be shown on the browser, like headers of nodes in the
>>>> #tree panel or bodies in the #body panel.
>>>> I would like to change also the size of each panel to be more like the
>>>> shown in the screenshot, instead of the default one and be relative to
>>>> window size. Is this possible?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Offray
>>>> Below is the code, for easiness of reading:
>>>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>>>> "
>>>> Another exploration of Outliners provided by Glamorous Toolkit and
>>>> browsers. This code was obtained by running 'GLMBasicExamples open'
>>>> and then browsing until 'treeWithChildrenByLevel'. Some code was
>>>> modified to open explicitely the browser on the world and starting to
>>>> hack on it.
>>>> "
>>>>       | browser mainTree |
>>>>       mainTree := UbakyeNode new.
>>>>       mainTree becomeDefaultTree.
>>>>       browser := GLMTabulator new.
>>>>       browser
>>>>           column: #tree;
>>>>           column: [ :c |
>>>>                       c
>>>>                           row: #body;
>>>>                           row: #plugins ].
>>>>       (browser transmit)
>>>>           to: #tree;
>>>>           andShow: [ :a |
>>>>                       (a tree)
>>>>                           title: mainTree header;
>>>>                           children: [ :eachNode |
>>>>                                       eachNode children. ]    "Children
>>>> must return a collection" ].
>>>>       (browser transmit)
>>>>           to: #body;
>>>>           from: #tree;
>>>>           andShow: [ :a | a text title: 'Cuerpo | Body ' ].
>>>>       (browser transmit)
>>>>           to: #plugins;
>>>>           from: #tree port: #selectionPath;
>>>>           andShow: [ :a | a text title: 'Plugins | Extensiones' ].
>>>>       browser openOn: mainTree children.
>>>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>>>> On 08/05/2014 12:19 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> You probably need this:
>>>>> explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
>>>>>                    a tree
>>>>>                            display: headers;
>>>>> *children: [:eachNode | eachNode
>>>>> theMessageYouUseToGoToTheChildrenOfANode ]*].
>>>>> A tree is a recursive structure, and to describe it you need:
>>>>> - a way to construct the root elements. This is the result of
>>>>> applying
>>>>> display:
>>>>> to the input object. So, display: either takes a collection or a
>>>>> block that will return a collection when executed.
>>>>> - a way to define the children for each node. This is the result of
>>>>> applying
>>>>> children:
>>>>> You should also take a look at the examples from:
>>>>> GLMBasicExamples open
>>>>> Does this help now?
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Doru
>>>>> On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 4:59 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
>>>>> <[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:
>>>>>       Hi,
>>>>>       Answering to myself: I have solved the code that selects the
>>>>> headers of the
>>>>>       main tree. The key is to create a new collection containing only
>>>>> node names.
>>>>>       Here is the code:
>>>>>       "*************************"
>>>>>       | mainTree node1 node2 explorer headers  |
>>>>>       mainTree := UbakyeNode
>>>>>                header: 'Arbol raíz'
>>>>>                body: ''.
>>>>>       node1 := UbakyeNode
>>>>>                header: 'Nodo 1'
>>>>>                body:  'Texto 1'.
>>>>>       node2 := UbakyeNode
>>>>>                header: 'Nodo 2'
>>>>>                body:  'Texto 2'.
>>>>>       mainTree
>>>>>                addNode: node1;
>>>>>                addNode: node2.
>>>>>       explorer := GLMTabulator new
>>>>>                        title: (mainTree header).
>>>>>       explorer column: #tree;
>>>>>                 column: #body.
>>>>>       headers := (mainTree children)
>>>>>                collect: [:node |  node header].
>>>>>       explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
>>>>>                        a tree
>>>>>                                display: headers].
>>>>>       explorer openOn: mainTree.
>>>>>       "*************************"
>>>>>       Now I need to make the children sellectable, and that all the
>>>>> contents of
>>>>>       the tree can be updated with a shortcut.
>>>>>       I will keep you posted.
>>>>>       Cheers,
>>>>>       Offray
>>>>>       On 07/26/2014 09:01 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>>>>>           Hi again,
>>>>>           I will be using this thread to update my advances and
>>>>> questions about
>>>>>           how to build an outliner in Pharo Smalltalk. If there is a
>>>>> better method
>>>>>           like starting a new thread for particular questions, or a
>>>>> less narrative
>>>>>           style, please let me know.
>>>>>           The idea is to use the tools provided by Moose to build a
>>>>> quick outliner
>>>>>           that can be extended to suit my needs on academical writing.
>>>>> This is
>>>>>           kind of a strange approach in the sense that I'm not
>>>>> following the
>>>>>           tutorials with a predefined problems (make a game and so)
>>>>> but trying to
>>>>>           start with a real (in the sense of closer) problem (making
>>>>> an
>>>>> outliner)
>>>>>           and to see which knowledge I need to solve this necessity.
>>>>> In that sense
>>>>>           is more like the Freire's alphabetization of adults in
>>>>> Brazil.
>>>>>           So, the things I have done so far was to search for a good
>>>>> model to
>>>>>           start with. Something already done that can be used as
>>>>> scaffolding for
>>>>>           my outliner. The Help System seems like a good start for an
>>>>> outliner (in
>>>>>           fact it is already one), so I have taken the Help-Core
>>>>> system and start
>>>>>           to use it as a base for my project.
>>>>>           After that I have used the Moose browsers to build a simple
>>>>> interface,
>>>>>           as seen here:
>>>>> akye-browser.jpg
>>>>> <
>>>>> e-browser.jpg>
>>>>>           The part I want to deal with is this:
>>>>>           ===============
>>>>>           explorer := GLMTabulator new
>>>>>                             title: (mainTree header).
>>>>>           explorer column: #tree;
>>>>>                         column: #body.
>>>>>           explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
>>>>>                     a tree
>>>>>                         display: mainTree children ].
>>>>>           explorer openOn: mainTree.
>>>>>           ===============
>>>>>           So, instead of "display: mainTree children" I need something
>>>>> that takes
>>>>>           the get names (headers) of the two nodes and the contents in
>>>>> the right
>>>>>           panel. For that I think that I need to learn some iterators.
>>>>> I have
>>>>>           already a "header" method for the nodes. Any clue would be
>>>>> appreciated
>>>>>           and I will keep you posted on my advances.
>>>>>           Cheers,
>>>>>           Offray
>>>>>           On 07/21/2014 12:58 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>>>>>               Hi Damien,
>>>>>               Thanks for your answer. Comments below.
>>>>>               On 07/21/2014 11:09 AM, Damien Cassou wrote:
>>>>>                   On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 2:47 AM, Offray Vladimir
>>>>> Luna Cárdenas
>>>>>                   <[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>                       The first idea that comes to mind is using STON
>>>>> for storage
>>>>>                       nodes and
>>>>>                       tree
>>>>>                       information, so I can interchange it with the
>>>>> flatland files
>>>>>                       world
>>>>>                       and keep
>>>>>                       it readable. Sounds that reasonable?
>>>>>                   without more information, it is hard to stay. Try
>>>>> with STON and
>>>>>                   change
>>>>>                   if that does not work :-). We have XML and JSON
>>>>> generators as well.
>>>>>               This is a kind of raw preview of I'm talking about:
>>>>> <>
>>>>>               Of course in this case, it is just a Help browser with a
>>>>> Playground
>>>>>               window over it, but I would like to have something like
>>>>> Playgrounds
>>>>>               inside the help browser. I was trying to build a custom
>>>>> browser with
>>>>>               Glamour, but seems that Help Browser already has the
>>>>> machinery I'm
>>>>>               looking for.
>>>>>               So my first question is how to use the Help Browser
>>>>> class as a template
>>>>>               for my outliner class? And can I put a Playground where
>>>>> the plain text
>>>>>               is located right now?
>>>>>                       The second thing I would like to do is to add
>>>>> pandoc's
>>>>>                       markdown inside
>>>>>                       comments, but I don't like the syntax of
>>>>> comments in
>>>>>                       Smalltalk because
>>>>>                       single quotes are fairly easy to find in light
>>>>> markup
>>>>>                       language like
>>>>>                       markdown. Is difficult to change it to create
>>>>> something more
>>>>>                       like
>>>>>                       python
>>>>>                       (with """) or Lua (with -[]- )?
>>>>>                   There is only one syntax for comments in Pharo.
>>>>> Instead of Markdown,
>>>>>                   you might want to have a look at Pillar which is
>>>>> implemented in
>>>>>                   Pharo
>>>>>                   and can generate Markdown (and html, and pdf) :
>>>>> <>
>>>>>               I have seen Pillar. Seems really interesting, but
>>>>> Pandocs markdown
>>>>>               support academic citation in several formats and I have
>>>>> already long
>>>>>               docs wrote on that format integrated in my workflow from
>>>>> Zotero and even
>>>>>               there is a growing community working on Scholarly
>>>>> Markdown[1][2] so I
>>>>>               would like to stick with it as much as I can for my own
>>>>> writing.
>>>>>               That being said. I would like also a better integration
>>>>> between
>>>>>               Smalltalk outliners and all the academic publication
>>>>> work flow,
>>>>>               including working better with pandoc as a external
>>>>> library.
>>>>>               [1]
>>>>>               <>
>>>>>               [2]
>>>>> kdown/
>>>>> <>
>>>>>               [3]
>>>>> http://programminghistorian.__org/lessons/sustainable-__authorship-in
>>>>> -plain-text-__using-pandoc-and-markdown
>>>>> <
>>>>> ain-text-using-pandoc-and-markdown>
>>>>>               Thanks again, this conversation with people in the
>>>>> community is very
>>>>>               valuable to me,
>>>>>               Offray
>>>>>       _________________________________________________
>>>>>       Moose-dev mailing list
>>>>>       [hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>
>>>>>       <>
>>>>> --
>>>>> <>
>>>>> "Every thing has its own flow"

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Re: Rephrasing my question on Stackoverflow (Re: [Moose-dev] Re: Tree/Outliners of playgrounds, markdown inside comments and some quick medium size dreams for Pharo/Smalltalk)

Tudor Girba-2
I do not understand exactly what you did. Could you be more explicit about where the error happened?

Also, the code you provide depends on the data you have. This makes it difficult for us to reproduce the issue. If you want to have quicker answers you could try providing an example that works with simpler objects, or at least provide a script to setup the data as you need it.


On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 10:03 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]> wrote:
By the way, I updated the answer on Stack Overflow, with the proper credits to Peter:

And just for curiosity. Why adding the code to the object message on the class browser ended with error stacks?



On 08/12/2014 02:45 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
Hi again,

Well, after adding the code to the proper object I don't get any error
stacks. So far, so good. I'll keep you posted.

Thanks again,


On 08/12/2014 02:08 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
Hi Peter and community,

First thanks Perter for your quick answer and sorry for my late one.
Your advice worked like a charm and now I can see node information
(headers and body in any panel I want). The only thing is that I get a
lot of error message in a stack. They're referred to:

- NonBooleanReceiver: proceed for truth
- MessageNotUnderstood: AnObsoleteGLMPagerCircleButtonMorph >> isFocused
(I got this one twice).

I don't know how to debug the stacks and, at the beginning I was
thinking that they're related with how to deal with empty values while
traversing the tree, so I put some ifTrue, ifFalse messages to deal with
them. Still I get the same errors. The main difference with the
structure of Peter's code is that I'm not using "display:" keyword, but
I don't see it used either on the treeWithChildrenByLevel example.

Anyway I will replace my current GUI implementation with this code that
works better and start to deal with other parts of the project and keep
the community posted (and myself reading).

Here is my code:

(by the way, Tabs look nice on Pharo/Moose, but they're look terrible on
email. There is any way to get them replace by spaces?)

| browser mainTree |

mainTree := UbakyeNode new.
mainTree becomeDefaultTree.

browser := GLMTabulator new.
     column: #tree;
     column: [ :c |
                     row: #body;
                     row: #plugins ].
(browser transmit)
     to: #tree;
     andShow: [ :a |
                 (a tree)
                     title: mainTree header;
                     children: [ :eachNode |
                         (eachNode children) isNil
                             ifTrue: [ #() ]
                             ifFalse:[ eachNode children ] ];
                     format:[:eachNode |
                         (eachNode header) isNil
                             ifTrue: [ '' ]
                             ifFalse: [ eachNode header ] ].
                     "Children must return a collection" ].
(browser transmit)
     to: #body;
     from: #tree;
     andShow: [ :a |
                 (a text)
                     title: 'Cuerpo | Body ';
                     format:[:eachNode |
                         (eachNode body) isNil
                              ifTrue: [ '' ]
                             ifFalse: [ eachNode body ] ]

(browser transmit)
     to: #plugins;
     andShow: [ :a | a text title: 'Plugins | Extensiones' ].

browser openOn: mainTree children.

On 08/09/2014 04:05 AM, PBKResearch wrote:
Hi Offray

Well, none of the experts has come forward to help, so maybe I can
comment as almost a complete beginner. I think you need two additional
bits of specification in your example to get the output you want:

a. To show the node titles in the #tree pane, you need to add a
format: clause, which is a block taking the node as argument and
returning the text to be output.

b. To show the body of the selected tree node in the #body pane, you
need a display: clause, which is a similar block generating the body
details that you want.

To give you a specific example, here is some code I have used. I am
using a GlamorousBrowser to examine the tree representation of an HTML
page generated by Todd Blanchard's superb HTMLCSS parser. The browser
I produce is similar to yours, but without the #plugins pane.

domBrowser := GLMTabulator new.
       column:  #details;
    column: #nodeDetails.
domBrowser transmit to: #details; andShow: [ :a |
    a tree
       display: [ :model | model nodesSelect: [ :each | each tag =
'html'] ];
       children: [ :node | node children ];
       format: [ :node ||nid| node tag,' ', ((nid := node id) isNil
ifTrue:[''] ifFalse:['id=',nid,' '])] ].
domBrowser transmit from: #details; to: #nodeDetails;
         andShow: [ :each| each text display: [:node| node
innerContents ]].
domBrowser title: 'Browse HTML'.

I hope this makes it clear; if not, ask again.

Best wishes

Peter Kenny

-----Original Message-----
From: Pharo-users [mailto:[hidden email]] On
Behalf Of Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
Sent: 09 August 2014 05:08
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [Pharo-users] Rephrasing my question on Stackoverflow (Re:
[Moose-dev] Re: Tree/Outliners of playgrounds, markdown inside
comments and some quick medium size dreams for Pharo/Smalltalk)

Hi again,

I'm testing my luck in Stackoverflow to see if I can get more eyes and
keep the conversation going:

This community is very responsive but I feel I'm not understanding
quickly/properly enough the main logic of tree-like browsers on Moose.
So, any extra help is welcomed.



On 08/07/2014 03:28 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
Hi Doru and Community :-),

In the screenshot at [1] you can see my explorations. I took the code
from treeWithChildrenByeLevel in the GLMBasicExamples and modified it
until I got this:


So I have now a browser which shows a tree made of UbakyeNodes (a tree
like data structure I defined), but I would like not to show the
Ubakye Nodes, but the titles of each node (headers) and the contents
(bodies) of them when selected. With your help I have understood that
I need to pass the collection of all children (not just the headers of
them), but I don't know who to sellect something particular in that
collection to be shown on the browser, like headers of nodes in the
#tree panel or bodies in the #body panel.

I would like to change also the size of each panel to be more like the
shown in the screenshot, instead of the default one and be relative to
window size. Is this possible?



Below is the code, for easiness of reading:

Another exploration of Outliners provided by Glamorous Toolkit and
browsers. This code was obtained by running 'GLMBasicExamples open'
and then browsing until 'treeWithChildrenByLevel'. Some code was
modified to open explicitely the browser on the world and starting to
hack on it.

      | browser mainTree |

      mainTree := UbakyeNode new.
      mainTree becomeDefaultTree.

      browser := GLMTabulator new.
          column: #tree;
          column: [ :c |
                          row: #body;
                          row: #plugins ].
      (browser transmit)
          to: #tree;
          andShow: [ :a |
                      (a tree)
                          title: mainTree header;
                          children: [ :eachNode |
                                      eachNode children. ]    "Children
must return a collection" ].
      (browser transmit)
          to: #body;
          from: #tree;
          andShow: [ :a | a text title: 'Cuerpo | Body ' ].
      (browser transmit)
          to: #plugins;
          from: #tree port: #selectionPath;
          andShow: [ :a | a text title: 'Plugins | Extensiones' ].

      browser openOn: mainTree children.

On 08/05/2014 12:19 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:

You probably need this:

explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
                   a tree
                           display: headers;
*children: [:eachNode | eachNode
theMessageYouUseToGoToTheChildrenOfANode ]*].

A tree is a recursive structure, and to describe it you need:
- a way to construct the root elements. This is the result of
to the input object. So, display: either takes a collection or a
block that will return a collection when executed.
- a way to define the children for each node. This is the result of

You should also take a look at the examples from:
GLMBasicExamples open

Does this help now?


On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 4:59 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
<[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:


      Answering to myself: I have solved the code that selects the
headers of the
      main tree. The key is to create a new collection containing only
node names.
      Here is the code:

      | mainTree node1 node2 explorer headers  |

      mainTree := UbakyeNode
               header: 'Arbol raíz'
               body: ''.

      node1 := UbakyeNode
               header: 'Nodo 1'
               body:  'Texto 1'.

      node2 := UbakyeNode
               header: 'Nodo 2'
               body:  'Texto 2'.

               addNode: node1;
               addNode: node2.

      explorer := GLMTabulator new
                       title: (mainTree header).
      explorer column: #tree;
                column: #body.

      headers := (mainTree children)
               collect: [:node |  node header].

      explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
                       a tree
                               display: headers].

      explorer openOn: mainTree.


      Now I need to make the children sellectable, and that all the
contents of
      the tree can be updated with a shortcut.

      I will keep you posted.



      On 07/26/2014 09:01 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

          Hi again,

          I will be using this thread to update my advances and
questions about
          how to build an outliner in Pharo Smalltalk. If there is a
better method
          like starting a new thread for particular questions, or a
less narrative
          style, please let me know.

          The idea is to use the tools provided by Moose to build a
quick outliner
          that can be extended to suit my needs on academical writing.
This is
          kind of a strange approach in the sense that I'm not
following the
          tutorials with a predefined problems (make a game and so)
but trying to
          start with a real (in the sense of closer) problem (making
          and to see which knowledge I need to solve this necessity.
In that sense
          is more like the Freire's alphabetization of adults in

          So, the things I have done so far was to search for a good
model to
          start with. Something already done that can be used as
scaffolding for
          my outliner. The Help System seems like a good start for an
outliner (in
          fact it is already one), so I have taken the Help-Core
system and start
          to use it as a base for my project.

          After that I have used the Moose browsers to build a simple
          as seen here:


          The part I want to deal with is this:


          explorer := GLMTabulator new
                            title: (mainTree header).
          explorer column: #tree;
                        column: #body.

          explorer transmit to: #tree; andShow: [:a |
                    a tree
                        display: mainTree children ].

          explorer openOn: mainTree.


          So, instead of "display: mainTree children" I need something
that takes
          the get names (headers) of the two nodes and the contents in
the right
          panel. For that I think that I need to learn some iterators.
I have
          already a "header" method for the nodes. Any clue would be
          and I will keep you posted on my advances.



          On 07/21/2014 12:58 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

              Hi Damien,

              Thanks for your answer. Comments below.

              On 07/21/2014 11:09 AM, Damien Cassou wrote:

                  On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 2:47 AM, Offray Vladimir
Luna Cárdenas
                  <[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>>

                      The first idea that comes to mind is using STON
for storage
                      nodes and
                      information, so I can interchange it with the
flatland files
                      and keep
                      it readable. Sounds that reasonable?

                  without more information, it is hard to stay. Try
with STON and
                  if that does not work :-). We have XML and JSON
generators as well.

              This is a kind of raw preview of I'm talking about:


              Of course in this case, it is just a Help browser with a
              window over it, but I would like to have something like
              inside the help browser. I was trying to build a custom
browser with
              Glamour, but seems that Help Browser already has the
machinery I'm
              looking for.

              So my first question is how to use the Help Browser
class as a template
              for my outliner class? And can I put a Playground where
the plain text
              is located right now?

                      The second thing I would like to do is to add
                      markdown inside
                      comments, but I don't like the syntax of
comments in
                      Smalltalk because
                      single quotes are fairly easy to find in light
                      language like
                      markdown. Is difficult to change it to create
something more
                      (with """) or Lua (with -[]- )?

                  There is only one syntax for comments in Pharo.
Instead of Markdown,
                  you might want to have a look at Pillar which is
implemented in
                  and can generate Markdown (and html, and pdf) :


              I have seen Pillar. Seems really interesting, but
Pandocs markdown
              support academic citation in several formats and I have
already long
              docs wrote on that format integrated in my workflow from
Zotero and even
              there is a growing community working on Scholarly
Markdown[1][2] so I
              would like to stick with it as much as I can for my own
              That being said. I would like also a better integration
              Smalltalk outliners and all the academic publication
work flow,
              including working better with pandoc as a external






              Thanks again, this conversation with people in the
community is very
              valuable to me,


      Moose-dev mailing list
      [hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>

-- <>

"Every thing has its own flow"


"Every thing has its own flow"
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Re: Rephrasing my question on Stackoverflow (Re: [Moose-dev] Re: Tree/Outliners of playgrounds, markdown inside comments and some quick medium size dreams for Pharo/Smalltalk)


On 08/12/2014 03:13 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:
> I do not understand exactly what you did. Could you be more explicit about where
> the error happened?

I'm not able to reproduce it again. But as soon as I can catch it again,
I will be doing it.

> Also, the code you provide depends on the data you have. This makes it difficult
> for us to reproduce the issue. If you want to have quicker answers you could try
> providing an example that works with simpler objects, or at least provide a
> script to setup the data as you need it.

That's why I was asking (in other thread) how to point to my code
online. I'm using SmalltalkHub to share this learning project here:!/~Offray/Ubakye/

but would be nice to point to a published snippets of code about this
questions. May be I just don't understand how to point to specific code
online like usually happens with DVCS like fossil or git.

Anyway if you can load my code from this repository you can then open a
Playground and run:

UbakyeBrowser open.

to see the context I'm talking about.

Meanwhile, let me illustrate my next question with a image. I have
already a browser with three panels, as shown here:

- The tree panel, at the left for showing node titles (headers).
- The content panel, at the top right for showing node content (bodies).
- The code panel, at the bottom right for writing Smalltalk code.

I'm able to send message from code panel to another "external" objects,
like the usual Transcript, but I would like to be able to send messages
from the code panel to the tree that is being shown in the browser. I
would like to start with adding nodes to the current tree, and changing
its values. How can be this done?

Thanks for Glamorous Toolkit. I'm really enjoying being able to
prototype new tools as fast, despite of being  a newbie (¡Power to the
(newbie) user! --also).



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Updatable trees in Moose browsers (It was Re: Rephrasing my question on Stackoverflow ...)

Hi again,

I'm looking at the code at Updataeble Browser in the Basic Examples and
I have done some small modifications. The code I have (see below) is
running without error, so I suppose that nodes are being added, but the
tree view is not updated. My guess is that this is done with "updateOn:"
message, but I would like to know, what I'm missing.

Here is my code

| browser mainTree |
mainTree := UbakyeNode new.
mainTree becomeDefaultTree.
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser column: #preview.
        act: [:newNode |
                        newNode := UbakyeNode
                                                header: 'nuevoNodo' body: ''.
                        mainTree addNode: newNode.]
        icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousAdd
        entitled: 'Add an item in the collection'.
        act: [:b | b entity removeLast. b update ]
        icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousRemove
        entitled: 'Remove last item from the collection'.
        updateOn: GLMItemAdded from: #yourself;
        updateOn: GLMItemRemoved from: #yourself.
(browser transmit)
        to: #preview;
        andShow: [ :a |
                a tree
                        title: mainTree header;
                        children: [:eachNode | eachNode children ];
                        format: [:eachNode | eachNode header ].
                a text
                        title: 'Text'].
browser openOn: mainTree.

An UbakyeNode is a simple data structure with a header (text), a body
(text) and a list of children, wich are also Ubakye nodes.

Any advice is welcomed, as always,


On 08/12/2014 04:42 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

> Hi,
> On 08/12/2014 03:13 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:
>> I do not understand exactly what you did. Could you be more explicit
>> about where
>> the error happened?
> I'm not able to reproduce it again. But as soon as I can catch it again,
> I will be doing it.
>> Also, the code you provide depends on the data you have. This makes it
>> difficult
>> for us to reproduce the issue. If you want to have quicker answers you
>> could try
>> providing an example that works with simpler objects, or at least
>> provide a
>> script to setup the data as you need it.
> That's why I was asking (in other thread) how to point to my code
> online. I'm using SmalltalkHub to share this learning project here:
> but would be nice to point to a published snippets of code about this
> questions. May be I just don't understand how to point to specific code
> online like usually happens with DVCS like fossil or git.
> Anyway if you can load my code from this repository you can then open a
> Playground and run:
> UbakyeBrowser open.
> to see the context I'm talking about.
> Meanwhile, let me illustrate my next question with a image. I have
> already a browser with three panels, as shown here:
> - The tree panel, at the left for showing node titles (headers).
> - The content panel, at the top right for showing node content (bodies).
> - The code panel, at the bottom right for writing Smalltalk code.
> I'm able to send message from code panel to another "external" objects,
> like the usual Transcript, but I would like to be able to send messages
> from the code panel to the tree that is being shown in the browser. I
> would like to start with adding nodes to the current tree, and changing
> its values. How can be this done?
> Thanks for Glamorous Toolkit. I'm really enjoying being able to
> prototype new tools as fast, despite of being  a newbie (¡Power to the
> (newbie) user! --also).
> Cheers,
> Offray

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Re: Updatable trees in Moose browsers (It was Re: Rephrasing my question on Stackoverflow ...)

Tudor Girba-2

Please take a look at the examples from GLMBasicExamples. Here are some related methods::


On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 2:19 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi again,

I'm looking at the code at Updataeble Browser in the Basic Examples and I have done some small modifications. The code I have (see below) is running without error, so I suppose that nodes are being added, but the tree view is not updated. My guess is that this is done with "updateOn:" message, but I would like to know, what I'm missing.

Here is my code

| browser mainTree |
mainTree := UbakyeNode new.
mainTree becomeDefaultTree.
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser column: #preview.
        act: [:newNode |
                        newNode := UbakyeNode
                                                header: 'nuevoNodo' body: ''.
                        mainTree addNode: newNode.]    
        icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousAdd
        entitled: 'Add an item in the collection'.
        act: [:b | b entity removeLast. b update ]
        icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousRemove
        entitled: 'Remove last item from the collection'.
        updateOn: GLMItemAdded from: #yourself;
        updateOn: GLMItemRemoved from: #yourself.
(browser transmit)
        to: #preview;
        andShow: [ :a |
                a tree
                        title: mainTree header;
                        children: [:eachNode | eachNode children ];
                        format: [:eachNode | eachNode header ].
                a text
                        title: 'Text'].
browser openOn: mainTree.

An UbakyeNode is a simple data structure with a header (text), a body (text) and a list of children, wich are also Ubakye nodes.

Any advice is welcomed, as always,


On 08/12/2014 04:42 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

On 08/12/2014 03:13 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:
I do not understand exactly what you did. Could you be more explicit
about where
the error happened?

I'm not able to reproduce it again. But as soon as I can catch it again,
I will be doing it.

Also, the code you provide depends on the data you have. This makes it
for us to reproduce the issue. If you want to have quicker answers you
could try
providing an example that works with simpler objects, or at least
provide a
script to setup the data as you need it.

That's why I was asking (in other thread) how to point to my code
online. I'm using SmalltalkHub to share this learning project here:!/~Offray/Ubakye/

but would be nice to point to a published snippets of code about this
questions. May be I just don't understand how to point to specific code
online like usually happens with DVCS like fossil or git.

Anyway if you can load my code from this repository you can then open a
Playground and run:

UbakyeBrowser open.

to see the context I'm talking about.

Meanwhile, let me illustrate my next question with a image. I have
already a browser with three panels, as shown here:

- The tree panel, at the left for showing node titles (headers).
- The content panel, at the top right for showing node content (bodies).
- The code panel, at the bottom right for writing Smalltalk code.

I'm able to send message from code panel to another "external" objects,
like the usual Transcript, but I would like to be able to send messages
from the code panel to the tree that is being shown in the browser. I
would like to start with adding nodes to the current tree, and changing
its values. How can be this done?

Thanks for Glamorous Toolkit. I'm really enjoying being able to
prototype new tools as fast, despite of being  a newbie (¡Power to the
(newbie) user! --also).




"Every thing has its own flow"
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Re: Updatable trees in Moose browsers (It was Re: Rephrasing my question on Stackoverflow ...)

Usman Bhatti
In reply to this post by Offray
Hi Offray, 

As Doru mentioned, without a complete example it is difficult to reproduce and analyze your problem.

For the tree to get updated on node addition or removal, you need to use GLMAnnouncingCollection to group your nodes. Hence, when you add a new node in your announcing collection object, this code comes into effect:

updateOn: GLMItemAdded from: #yourself;  

So, make sure you are using appropriate collection object.


On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 2:19 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi again,

I'm looking at the code at Updataeble Browser in the Basic Examples and I have done some small modifications. The code I have (see below) is running without error, so I suppose that nodes are being added, but the tree view is not updated. My guess is that this is done with "updateOn:" message, but I would like to know, what I'm missing.

Here is my code

| browser mainTree |
mainTree := UbakyeNode new.
mainTree becomeDefaultTree.
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser column: #preview.
        act: [:newNode |
                        newNode := UbakyeNode
                                                header: 'nuevoNodo' body: ''.
                        mainTree addNode: newNode.]    
        icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousAdd
        entitled: 'Add an item in the collection'.
        act: [:b | b entity removeLast. b update ]
        icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousRemove
        entitled: 'Remove last item from the collection'.
        updateOn: GLMItemAdded from: #yourself;
        updateOn: GLMItemRemoved from: #yourself.
(browser transmit)
        to: #preview;
        andShow: [ :a |
                a tree
                        title: mainTree header;
                        children: [:eachNode | eachNode children ];
                        format: [:eachNode | eachNode header ].
                a text
                        title: 'Text'].
browser openOn: mainTree.

An UbakyeNode is a simple data structure with a header (text), a body (text) and a list of children, wich are also Ubakye nodes.

Any advice is welcomed, as always,


On 08/12/2014 04:42 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

On 08/12/2014 03:13 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:
I do not understand exactly what you did. Could you be more explicit
about where
the error happened?

I'm not able to reproduce it again. But as soon as I can catch it again,
I will be doing it.

Also, the code you provide depends on the data you have. This makes it
for us to reproduce the issue. If you want to have quicker answers you
could try
providing an example that works with simpler objects, or at least
provide a
script to setup the data as you need it.

That's why I was asking (in other thread) how to point to my code
online. I'm using SmalltalkHub to share this learning project here:!/~Offray/Ubakye/

but would be nice to point to a published snippets of code about this
questions. May be I just don't understand how to point to specific code
online like usually happens with DVCS like fossil or git.

Anyway if you can load my code from this repository you can then open a
Playground and run:

UbakyeBrowser open.

to see the context I'm talking about.

Meanwhile, let me illustrate my next question with a image. I have
already a browser with three panels, as shown here:

- The tree panel, at the left for showing node titles (headers).
- The content panel, at the top right for showing node content (bodies).
- The code panel, at the bottom right for writing Smalltalk code.

I'm able to send message from code panel to another "external" objects,
like the usual Transcript, but I would like to be able to send messages
from the code panel to the tree that is being shown in the browser. I
would like to start with adding nodes to the current tree, and changing
its values. How can be this done?

Thanks for Glamorous Toolkit. I'm really enjoying being able to
prototype new tools as fast, despite of being  a newbie (¡Power to the
(newbie) user! --also).



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Re: Updatable trees in Moose browsers (It was Re: Rephrasing my question on Stackoverflow ...)

Hi Usman,

On 08/13/2014 02:16 AM, Usman Bhatti wrote:
> Hi Offray,
> As Doru mentioned, without a complete example it is difficult to reproduce and
> analyze your problem.

My main issue is that I don't know how to share a complete example
except by sharing this url:!/~Offray/Ubakye/

and advising to upload the code and run "UbakyeBrowser open". In file
based frameworks I can point to a  specific file which contains the
model of my defined objects, but I don't know how to share my own
defined objects/messages in Smalltalk except by this or by manually
cutting and pasting to email (it should be a better way).

Anyway this is the part where I define a UbakyeNode:

Object subclass: #UbakyeNode
        instanceVariableNames: 'header headers key icon body children parent node'
        classVariableNames: ''
        category: 'Ubakye-Model'

and the children method is the one which uses a colection:

        "Returns the receivers list of children"
        ^ children ifNil: [children := OrderedCollection new]

> For the tree to get updated on node addition or removal, you need to use
> GLMAnnouncingCollection to group your nodes. Hence, when you add a new node in
> your announcing collection object, this code comes into effect:
> updateOn: GLMItemAdded from: #yourself;
> So, make sure you are using appropriate collection object.

I tried changing OrderedCollection in the children message by
GLMAnnouncingCollection, but the header message started to fail. Can I
pass my children collection to a GLMAnnouncingCollection just in the
interface or need I to change the object definition for the UbakyeNode,
and if this is the case, how can I access the header of a UbakyeNode
stored in this kind of collection? I know is kind of dumb to ask without
proper context, but I hope that the SmalltalkHub repository (or other
method) can be used to share my own defined object to make better questions.

> usman

