On Sat, 26 Mar 2005 19:22:01 +0100, Fernando <
[hidden email]> wrote:
Forget it. This is what happens when you work on a saturday... ;-)
>When I eval this method (from The Dolphin Smalltalk Companion) to open
>a file dialog:
> "Open a file select dialog to select a picture and
> associate it with the appropriate variable."
> |file|
> file := FileDialog new
> fileTypes: #( ('Pictures' '*.gif; *.jpg')
> ('Bitmaps' '*.bmp'));
> showModal. "<- This message causes the error"
> file notNil ifTrue: [
> picturePresenter value: (OLEPicture fromFile: file)].
>I get a 'subclass responsability' error. However, FileOpenDialog has
>no subclasses... :-?