Trouble with printOn: and super

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Trouble with printOn: and super

Fernando Rodríguez

I have a class called Person (direct subclass of Object) that has a
'name' instance variable.

I tried to define a printOn: method like this:

printOn: aStream
                nextPutAll: (name ifNil: [super printOn: aStream]
                                  ifNotNil: [:x| x]).

If the name variable is binded to something else nil, I want to print
it, otherwise I want to print some default stuff(whatever super

Whenever I run it before asigning something to name (when it's binded
to nil) I get a Does not understand error: 'Person does not understand

The culprit seems to be the ifNil block. What am I doing
wrong? O:-)

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Re: Trouble with printOn: and super

Christopher J. Demers
"Fernando" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...

> I tried to define a printOn: method like this:
> printOn: aStream
> aStream
> nextPutAll: (name ifNil: [super printOn: aStream]
>           ifNotNil: [:x| x]).
> Whenever I run it before asigning something to name (when it's binded
> to nil) I get a Does not understand error: 'Person does not understand
> appendToStream:'.
> The culprit seems to be the ifNil block. What am I doing
> wrong? O:-)

Try putting a return before super printOn: aStream ex:
 printOn: aStream
     nextPutAll: (name ifNil: [^super printOn: aStream]
           ifNotNil: [:x| x]).

What is happening is that super printOn: is returning self, which is then
being treated like a string and erroring.
