Troubleshooting DLL loading

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Troubleshooting DLL loading

Richard Sargent
I've spun this off from David Pennington's thread so that it can be more easily found.

There is a tool that can be very helpful in diagnosing load problems. It's located at

The following Smalltalk Do It can be helpful, as well. (There are Windows settings that would open a dialogue if there is a problem loading the DLL or its dependencies. The script doesn't mess with those settings, but could. See Microsoft's SetErrorMode function.)
 | module fileName |

:= GbsConfiguration current libraryName. "fileName can be fully qualified"
"get DLL handle to see if it is already loaded"
(module := OSHmodule getModuleHandle: fileName) isNull ifTrue:
["load the DLL"
module := OSHmodule loadLibrary: fileName].
module isNull
: [self error: 'could not load the dll']
: ["free the DLL"
module freeLibrary
: ['success']
: [self error: 'could not unload the dll']]

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Re: Troubleshooting DLL loading

Richard Sargent
I'll add an extra tool to your arsenal. Microsoft's SysInternals tools include Process Monitor. (As of this writing, it can be found at

Set the filter for abt.exe (or even your specific PID). Then try to load the file using the example I provided previously. Process Monitor will generate a lot of output, so be sure to use Edit/Clear Display to eliminate any previous noise.

Here is an example from trying to load the GemStone/S RPC DLL in C:\GemStone\2.4.8\fast\product\bin\libgcirpc64-248.dll. libgs64-248.dll was in the same directory but not getting found. You can see in the image where the system looked for it before finding in %PATH% (after I corrected the %GEMSTONE% environment variable to point at the right place).

On Friday, November 11, 2016 at 10:15:26 AM UTC-8, Richard Sargent wrote:
I've spun this off from David Pennington's thread so that it can be more easily found.

There is a tool that can be very helpful in diagnosing load problems. It's located at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" onmousedown="this.href=&#39;\\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNETTaaXPaIhbDC7oK2tpdwbB9Ku0w&#39;;return true;" onclick="this.href=&#39;\\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNETTaaXPaIhbDC7oK2tpdwbB9Ku0w&#39;;return true;">

The following Smalltalk Do It can be helpful, as well. (There are Windows settings that would open a dialogue if there is a problem loading the DLL or its dependencies. The script doesn't mess with those settings, but could. See Microsoft's SetErrorMode function.)
 | module fileName |

:= GbsConfiguration current libraryName. "fileName can be fully qualified"
"get DLL handle to see if it is already loaded"
(module := OSHmodule getModuleHandle: fileName) isNull ifTrue:
["load the DLL"
module := OSHmodule loadLibrary: fileName].
module isNull
: [self error: 'could not load the dll']
: ["free the DLL"
module freeLibrary
: ['success']
: [self error: 'could not unload the dll']]

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