> On the tutorial page "PersonalAccountShell: a Presenter for
> PersonalAccount" I believe the line -
> currentBalancePresenter model: (aPersonalAccount aspectValue:
> #currentBalance) aspectTriggersUpdates.
> should be -
> currentBalancePresenter model: ((aPersonalAccount aspectValue:
> #currentBalance) aspectTriggers: #currentBalanceChanged) .
> Also the line -
> (#(editTransaction removeTransaction) includes: aCommandQuery
> command) ifTrue: [ aCommandQuery enabled: self hasSelectedTransaction
> ] should be -
> (#(editTransaction removeTransaction) includes: aCommandQuery command)
> ifTrue: [ aCommandQuery isEnabled: self hasSelectedTransaction ].
Thanks. This has been recorded as part of #2076 and will be fixed in
the next release.
Best regards,
Andy Bower
Dolphin Support