Two D5 bugs

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Two D5 bugs

Maxim Fridental

here are some bugs found in Dolphin 5.01 under Windows 2000.

1) When you use the Enhanced List View and sort items via the GUI, the
collection in the ListModel is replaced to a new SortedCollection.
That's OK if your domain layer model has ListModel as an attribute.
But it's not OK if you use a collection in the model and wrap it with
ListModel in the presenter. To reproduce this bug you can use the
Video Library sample. Start Video Library, add two tapes, at the last
tape click on to any column in the recordings list to sort it, add a
new recording, switch to the first tape, switch back to the last tape
- oops, the recording is dissapeared.

2) CompilerLibrary fails to work in a "ToGo" application. How to
reproduce the problem:
        a) Make a subclass of the RuntimeSessionManager with the
following #main method:
                self trace: (Compiler evaluate: 'test passed').
        b) Deploy it as a "ToGo" application
        c) Copy the .exe file to another computer, that hasn't
dolphinCR005.dll. Alternatively one can temporarily rename
        d) Run the programm

Thus a "ToGo" application doesn't need dolphinVM005.dll, but
surprisingly enough depends on dolphinCR005.dll.

Best Regards,
Maxim Fridental, straightec GmbH

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Re: Two D5 bugs

Andy Bower

> 1) When you use the Enhanced List View and sort items via the GUI, the
> collection in the ListModel is replaced to a new SortedCollection.
> That's OK if your domain layer model has ListModel as an attribute.
> But it's not OK if you use a collection in the model and wrap it with
> ListModel in the presenter. To reproduce this bug you can use the
> Video Library sample. Start Video Library, add two tapes, at the last
> tape click on to any column in the recordings list to sort it, add a
> new recording, switch to the first tape, switch back to the last tape
> - oops, the recording is dissapeared.

OK, I have recorded this as defect #1134.

> 2) CompilerLibrary fails to work in a "ToGo" application. How to
> reproduce the problem:
>         a) Make a subclass of the RuntimeSessionManager with the
> following #main method:
>                 self trace: (Compiler evaluate: 'test passed').
>         b) Deploy it as a "ToGo" application
>         c) Copy the .exe file to another computer, that hasn't
> dolphinCR005.dll. Alternatively one can temporarily rename
> dolphinCR005.dll.
>         d) Run the programm
> Thus a "ToGo" application doesn't need dolphinVM005.dll, but
> surprisingly enough depends on dolphinCR005.dll.

This is a "feature" of ToGo deployment.  We don't dynamically generate the
stubs that are used to build the various deployment executables, therefore
we would always have to include the code for the Dolphin compiler in any
ToGo application.  Since most apps don't require the use of the compiler we
thought that including it would unnecessarily inflate the size of the EXEs.
I'm afraid that, for the time being at least, if you want to use the
compiler you'll have to distribute the compiler DLL as a separate file
together with your ToGo EXE.
Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?