Two small bugs

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Two small bugs

Chris Uppal-3
(Both reported as bugs)


Scrolling the instvar list in the debugger doesn't work properly -- I /think/
that the problem is that the scroll position isn't updating correctly.  Eg.
pressing the up/down buttons scrolls the instvars correctly but doesn't move
the scroll-thing itself.

To reproduce, debug into the last send of:
   ClassBrowserShell allInstances first toggleLocalHierarchy
(just an easy way to get a debugger on an object with lots of state).  Now the
vertical scrollbar doesn't work in the variable/value pane (it does work in all
the other panes).

(This is on win2K, but I can't imagine why that should make a difference).


On my machine, opening User-Prefs/Workspace/text writes:
   Error inspecting a SortedCollection: 'Undefined object does not understand
to the Transcript.

This appears to be because Smalltalk class>>defaultTextStyle passes it's
#default (which is nil on my system) to ScintillaTextStyle>>font:, and that
requires a non-nil font.


    -- chris

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Re: Two small bugs

Chris Uppal-3
I wrote:

> Scrolling the instvar list in the debugger doesn't work properly -- I
> /think/ that the problem is that the scroll position isn't updating
> correctly.  Eg. pressing the up/down buttons scrolls the instvars
> correctly but doesn't move the scroll-thing itself.

More on this (but not a solution yet).

The problem appears to be something to do with the #hasFlatScrollbars aspect.
If I inspect a running debugger, and toggle that aspect of the 'instvars'
ListView, then instead of the scrollbar(s) switching between flat and 3d look,
they switch between non-working (but 3d) and working (but 3d).

However it's not as simple as #hasFlatScrollbars not working on W2K.  Creating
a ListView normally works fine, and #hasFlatScrollbars works just as usual.  It
seems that the ListView has to be created with flat scrollbars for the problem
to manifest.  If I change the debugger's view resource to use 3d scrollbars
(which is how I'd prefer it anyway) then they work properly, and continue to
work properly even if I turn on flatness from an inspector.

Strangely, if I then tell the view to #recreate itself (while it has flat
scrollbars that work), then the problem starts to manifest again -- which is
not particularly surprising.  What I don't understand is that a similar
sequence executed from a workspace does not display the bug, i.e. the following
does /not/ reproduce the problem:

    p := ListPresenter show: 'Enhanced list view' on: (0 to: 200).
    p view hasFlatScrollbars: true.
    p view recreate.

The same problem does not manifest with D5 running on the same system.

BTW, does anyone else see this ?  Either on WinXP or Win2K ?

Still investigating...

    -- chris

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Re: Two small bugs

Chris Uppal-3
I wrote:

> Still investigating...

It seems to be the combination of flat scrollbars and non-virtual that's the
culprit.  I.e. the following exhibits the problem:

    p := ListPresenter show: 'Enhanced list view' on: (ListModel on: (0 to:
    v := p view.
    v hasFlatScrollbars: true.
    v isVirtual: false.

It turns out that the problem /does/, after all, occur with D5 running on the
same Win2K box.

Running D5 on WinXP, emulated "classic" look, with a .manifest file, does not
show the problem, but that appears to be because that look ignores the flat
scrollbars flag.  D5 on WinXP, real classic look, with no .manifest behaves
(unsurprisinly) just like W2K.  I have no idea what happens with "new" look XP
(with D5 or D6).

So, I think it's a Windows bug.  Probably not worth bothering about, but if the
flat look isn't necessary for the debugger's 'temps' pane (if the flat look is
ignored on vanilla XP too) then it might be worth turning it off again by

    -- chris

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Re: Two small bugs

Ian Bartholomew-20
In reply to this post by Chris Uppal-3

> BTW, does anyone else see this ?  Either on WinXP or Win2K ?

Seems to work OK here Chris, WinXP SP2.  Using keys or the mouse scroll
updates the scroll bar thumb as expected.
