Two suggestions

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Two suggestions

Chris Uppal-3
Two suggestions relating to controlling slow evaluations.  They would be useful
for me, perhaps other people would find them useful too ?

The status bar of workspace is largely unused unless there's a compilation
error/warning.  Could it display the time taken for the last evaluation ?

When I interrupt a long lived computation which is executed by the "main"
Process, it looses it's main-ness as the debugger gets a grip on it.  It would
be nice to be able to resume the process without letting it take the main-ness
back -- i.e. resume it as a background process.

    -- chris

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Re: Two suggestions

Sebastián Sastre
I like those !



Chris Uppal escreveu:

> Two suggestions relating to controlling slow evaluations.  They would be useful
> for me, perhaps other people would find them useful too ?
> The status bar of workspace is largely unused unless there's a compilation
> error/warning.  Could it display the time taken for the last evaluation ?
> When I interrupt a long lived computation which is executed by the "main"
> Process, it looses it's main-ness as the debugger gets a grip on it.  It would
> be nice to be able to resume the process without letting it take the main-ness
> back -- i.e. resume it as a background process.
>     -- chris