Typing a | character with a French AZERTY keybord : problem solved

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Typing a | character with a French AZERTY keybord : problem solved

Mark Neagu
Hi Everybody,

Someone gave me the unique proper way to type a | , and I want to make it available to every person confronted to this problem.

It's enough to maintaind the key AltGR and hit the kay 6 of the KBD (not the numeric pad).

I'm not sure it will help anyone since I'm not sure someone as simple as me does exist. But who knows?  :|


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Re: Typing a | character with a French AZERTY keybord : problem solved

Thanks mark.
I hope that now you will have fun exploring Pharo and building great  
Do not hesitate to ask questions.


> Hi Everybody,
> Someone gave me the unique proper way to type a | , and I want to make  
> it available to every person confronted to this problem.
> It's enough to maintaind the key AltGR and hit the kay 6 of the KBD (not  
> the numeric pad).
> I'm not sure it will help anyone since I'm not sure someone as simple as  
> me does exist. But who knows?  :|
> Regards
> Mark

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