UDP Broadcast Problems on Mac

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UDP Broadcast Problems on Mac

Philippe Marschall-2-3

I have some code that listens to UDP broadcasts. It works on Linux but
on the Mac it never receives anything (the first element in the array is
zero *sigh*). This is with Pharo 1.1 and Cog but also happens on Pharo
1.0 without Cog.

The code looks more or less like this:

socket := Socket newUDP.
socket setPort: 23364.
buffer := String new: 65507.
[ socket isValid ] whileTrue: [
  | datagramm |
  datagramm := socket receiveUDPDataInto: buffer ]

The broadcast happens to on port 23364, tcpdump picks up the
packes on lo0.

I could provide tcpdump output or steps to set up sever that sends the


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Re: UDP Broadcast Problems on Mac

Stéphane Ducasse
If I'm correct noury told me that it was not working when he did some tests.


On Sep 5, 2010, at 9:17 PM, Philippe Marschall wrote:

> Hi
> I have some code that listens to UDP broadcasts. It works on Linux but
> on the Mac it never receives anything (the first element in the array is
> zero *sigh*). This is with Pharo 1.1 and Cog but also happens on Pharo
> 1.0 without Cog.
> The code looks more or less like this:
> socket := Socket newUDP.
> socket setPort: 23364.
> buffer := String new: 65507.
> [ socket isValid ] whileTrue: [
>  | datagramm |
>  datagramm := socket receiveUDPDataInto: buffer ]
> The broadcast happens to on port 23364, tcpdump picks up the
> packes on lo0.
> I could provide tcpdump output or steps to set up sever that sends the
> broadcasts.
> Cheers
> Philippe
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Re: UDP Broadcast Problems on Mac

Noury Bouraqadi-2
Yep. The last time I checked UDP didn't work.

On 5 sept. 2010, at 21:27, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

> If I'm correct noury told me that it was not working when he did some tests.
> Stef
> On Sep 5, 2010, at 9:17 PM, Philippe Marschall wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have some code that listens to UDP broadcasts. It works on Linux but
>> on the Mac it never receives anything (the first element in the array is
>> zero *sigh*). This is with Pharo 1.1 and Cog but also happens on Pharo
>> 1.0 without Cog.
>> The code looks more or less like this:
>> socket := Socket newUDP.
>> socket setPort: 23364.
>> buffer := String new: 65507.
>> [ socket isValid ] whileTrue: [
>> | datagramm |
>> datagramm := socket receiveUDPDataInto: buffer ]
>> The broadcast happens to on port 23364, tcpdump picks up the
>> packes on lo0.
>> I could provide tcpdump output or steps to set up sever that sends the
>> broadcasts.
>> Cheers
>> Philippe
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