Hello, I'm looking for help with the following problem.
I try to get closer from the C point of view to the problem.
//These are the structures
typedef struct {
unsigned int NumEntries; /* number of entries written to the
pModuleData array */
MODULE_DATA *pModuleData; /* pointer to array containing module infos
and module handles */
typedef struct {
unsigned int ModuleTypeId; /* ModuleTypeId */
unsigned int hMod; /* handle Module assigned */
char *pVendorModuleName; /* Vendor specific information string. */
//this is a function that I call via FFI
unsigned int errorCheck GetModuleIds(MODULE **pModuleIdList)
//memory will be allocated here and the structure will be filled.
Now my questions :-)
I solve the pointer pointer problem with ExternalAddress and MODULE
| result pointerAutoRelease mod|
pointerAutoRelease := ExternalAddress new pointerAutoRelease.
result := call ffiGetModuleIds: pointerAutoRelease.
"inside Methode -> ffiGetModuleIds ^self ffiCall:#(uint32
GetModuleIds( void** pModuleIdList ) )"
"result is unimportant for understanding the problem"
mod := MODULE fromHandle: pointerAutoRelease.
Is this a good way? Or is there a better solution?
And now comes my main problem...
How do I get my array( or Collection) from NumEntries and *pModuleData with
So I would do it roughly in C.
MODULE_DATA *pModuleData;
MODULE *moduleIdList=NULL;
unsigned int retval = GetModuleIds(&moduleIdList);
printf("Number of modules: %d\n\n",moduleIdList->NumEntries);
for (unsigned int i=0;i<moduleIdList->NumEntries;i++)
// Set a pointer to the current ModuleData
pModuleData = &moduleIdList->pModuleData[i]; //is like iterate
through a pointer
//etc. .....
Thanks you for your help.
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