Hi Bill,
I here reported my experience of using your method and found that your
method ( valueHtml:) is not as good as this method ( I called it
streamHtml:, original codes from Steve's post on "HTML simple question ?") :
!URLPresenter methodsFor!
"Set HTML for the receiver; from Steve's posts"
| browser pPersistStream pStream |
browser := self view controlDispatch.
pPersistStream := browser document queryInterface: IPersistStreamInit.
pStream := (IStream onHGLOBAL) nextPutAll: aString asByteArray;
pPersistStream initNew.
pPersistStream Load: pStream ! !
!URLPresenter categoriesFor: #streamHtml:!public! !
The difference is mainly in the effect of embedded javascript codes ,
could be performed using this method but cann't by your method.
Best regards.
Tsun-kuo Kuo.
"Bill Schwab" <
[hidden email]> wrote
[hidden email]...
> Blair,
> Something like the following might make a nice addition to URLPresenter,
> perhaps we need a separate HTML aware value presenter????
> Have a good one,
> Bill
> !URLPresenter methodsFor!
> valueHtml:aString
> "Set HTML for the receiver; shamelessly stolen from one of Blair's posts"
> | browser |
> browser := self view controlDispatch.
> "We must wait until the browser has loaded the blank document..."
> [ browser readyState == "READYSTATE_COMPLETE" 4 ]
> whileFalse:[SessionManager inputState pumpMessages].
> "... and then we can stuff in the HTML"
> browser document body innerHTML:aString.
> ! !
> !URLPresenter categoriesFor: #valueHtml:!public! !
> --
> Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]