Ubuntu Developer Edition

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Ubuntu Developer Edition

S Krish

Sorry forgot to mark a subject and beta Google did not prompt me to add one..!

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 11:03 PM, S Krish <[hidden email]> wrote:

I have through last 4 years worked on Ubuntu customizing it for my work.. Never got around to establishing a baseline, I thought of setting up for sharing. Great to hear that Dell has worked on it and brought up a great hardware too to back it.

Will get hold of this laptop... 

Can we rig up Pharo on to this ? Pharo already comes inbuilt with MC repo, Unit Test framework , profiling tools etc.. but eventually will need a lot more towards an enterprise grade deliverable, including Git / SVN, Web dev publishing, etc..  Kind of  connected groovier combination of all elements that plays easy to get it going / deliver