Unable to find the compiler

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Unable to find the compiler

Mark Neagu

I'm starting my first exrcise in Pharo Mooc. I just wrote the definition of MyCounter (picture 1) and had to compile it by selecting the accept menu item (picture 2).

But I can't find any menu, so i can't compile MyCounter.

Could you help me please?


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Page from Pharo Mooc.jpg (470K) Download Attachment
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Re: Unable to find the compiler

On 10/02/2017 23:58, Mark Neagu wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm starting my first exrcise in Pharo Mooc. I just wrote the definition of MyCounter (picture 1) and had to compile it by selecting the accept menu item (picture 2).


You did a left click on what we call the "world" (the background of
Pharo). To get the right menu you need to do a *right* click on the
*code panel*. (See: https://puu.sh/tXu99/f11df69e74.png)

But if you keep using Pharo you'll end up using the shortcut that is:
CMD + S or CTRL + S depending on the OS :)

> But I can't find any menu, so i can't compile MyCounter.
> Could you help me please?
> Regards,
> Mark

Cyril Ferlicot


2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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Re: Unable to find the compiler

You should replace also NameOfsubclass with MyCounter.

Envoyé de mon iPhone

> Le 11 févr. 2017 à 00:32, Cyril Ferlicot D. <[hidden email]> a écrit :
>> On 10/02/2017 23:58, Mark Neagu wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm starting my first exrcise in Pharo Mooc. I just wrote the definition of MyCounter (picture 1) and had to compile it by selecting the accept menu item (picture 2).
> Hi,
> You did a left click on what we call the "world" (the background of
> Pharo). To get the right menu you need to do a *right* click on the
> *code panel*. (See: https://puu.sh/tXu99/f11df69e74.png)
> But if you keep using Pharo you'll end up using the shortcut that is:
> CMD + S or CTRL + S depending on the OS :)
>> But I can't find any menu, so i can't compile MyCounter.
>> Could you help me please?
>> Regards,
>> Mark
> --
> Cyril Ferlicot
> http://www.synectique.eu
> 2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
> 59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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Re: Unable to find the compiler

In reply to this post by CyrilFerlicot
Le 11/02/2017 à 10:38, Mark Neagu a écrit :

> Hi,
> Thank you for your answer.
> I first tried to find the code panel but I can't see it in my Pharo: no
> panel is titled "code panel" ans nothing looks like
> "https://puu.sh/tXu99/f11df69e74.png".
> I then tried CMD + S or CTRL + S but it didn't work either.
> My computer works Under Windows 7 Édition Familiale Premium 64 bits
> Service Pack 1, that is Windows, isn't it? :)
> To summarize I'm still in trouble.
> Regards,
> Mark
Hi Mark,

Following this link you should find a video showing how I do:


I save a first class using the menu then a second using the shortcut.

Cyril Ferlicot


2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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