Ian it works! I changed that method to |=.
Thank you and best regards
Ian Bartholomew wrote:
> Janko,
>>It seems that Aida works fine even with this error. But it would be nice
>>to get rid of that line in transcript :)
> The notification is appearing because you have a method named != in the
> HtmlRender class. The ! character causes a bit of confusion (in the method
> category chunk) when the package is loaded as it is also used to separate
> chunks in the file.
> Dolphin does allow you to use ! in selector names so I would guess it's a
> problem with the package save process. You can get round it by manually
> editing the pac file to double up the ! i.e. change the line in AIDA
> support.pac
> !HtmlRender categoriesFor: #!=!public! !
> to read
> !HtmlRender categoriesFor: #!!=!public! !