2009/11/12 Alex Schenkman <
[hidden email]>:
> Hello list:
> I've read "Squeak by Example" and looked at some Morphic tutorials and
> example Morphs.
> I still don't understand how to organize my code with Morphic, =(
> 1) How should I separate the model from the graphical representation?
> Object subclass: #Person
> instanceVariableNames: 'name address email'
> Morph sublcass: #PersonMorph
> instanceVariableNames: 'person'
> The morph can then show and update the model when changed.
> 2) What happens if the model is changed by another class. How does the morph
> gets notified?
The way how you wiring a presenter with model is using dependency.
person addDependant: myMorph.
then in Person class, whenever something is changed, like:
name: aNewName
name := aNewName.
self changed: #name "notify dependants that receiver is changed"
then your morph get notified about such change and could decide to
refresh the displayed data.
There always could be better ways (like using Announcements), but
above one sits there quite a while :)
> What is the preferred approach?
> Thanks in advance!
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