Unexpected right-click behavior in a tree view

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Unexpected right-click behavior in a tree view

Don Rylander
I noticed that if I right click below the last item in a TreeView, I get a
#selectionChanged event and the selection is nil.  If I then change focus to a
different window, and change it back (whether by mouse-click or ALT-Tab), the
first item in the list is selected.  Right-clicking below the last item,
however, seems to have no effect.  I also noticed that right and left clicks
work slightly differently when clicking to the right of an object in the list:
left-clicking doesn't change the selection, while right clicking does.  It's
certainly something that you can work around, but seems like the behavior
should be consistent.


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Re: Unexpected right-click behavior in a tree view

Don Rylander
"Don Rylander" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:9i57sq$golsc$[hidden email]...
> first item in the list is selected.  Right-clicking below the last item,
Make that second one *left-clicking*.  Oops.