I've switched from Leopard to Lion and suddenly I get this exception selecting Seaside->Open Browser on Server. See stack report below. Opening Safari with localhost:7777 is possible without problems. I am using VWNC 7.8 and Mac OS 10.7.2. What can I do? Johannes ============ Unhandled exception: BrowserLaunchFailed OsxBrowserLaunchService(ExternalWebBrowser)>>fallbackBrowserOpen: optimized [] in OsxBrowserLaunchService>>privateOpenBrowserOn: BlockClosure>>cull: OsIllegalOperation(GenericException)>>performHandler: OsIllegalOperation(GenericException)>>propagatePrivateFrom: OsIllegalOperation(GenericException)>>propagateFrom: OsIllegalOperation(GenericException)>>propagate OsIllegalOperation(GenericException)>>raiseRequest HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: HandleRegistry>>registerAllValuesOf: UnixPipeAccessor class(OSHandle class)>>registerAllValuesOf: UnixPipeAccessor class>>openPair UnixProcess(ExternalProcess)>>createPipes UnixProcess(ExternalProcess)>>endOfPipes UnixProcess>>forkJob:arguments:environment: UnixProcess class>>forkJob:arguments: optimized [] in OsxBrowserLaunchService>>privateOpenBrowserOn: BlockClosure>>on:do: OsxBrowserLaunchService>>privateOpenBrowserOn: optimized [] in ExternalWebBrowser>>openBrowserOn: BlockClosure>>on:do: optimized [] in Process class>>forBlock:priority: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OsxBrowserLaunchService(ExternalWebBrowser)>>fallbackBrowserOpen: Receiver: an OsxBrowserLaunchService Instance Variables: activeWindow = nil shouldLaunchNewWindow = nil currentExternalBrowser = nil Arguments: link = 'http://localhost:7777/' Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in OsxBrowserLaunchService>>privateOpenBrowserOn: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Arguments: ex = an OsIllegalOperation Temporaries: .self = an OsxBrowserLaunchService .link = 'http://localhost:7777/' Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>cull: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in OsxBrowserLaunchService>>privateOpenBrowserOn: outerContext = nil copiedValues = an Array[2] Arguments: anObject = an OsIllegalOperation Context PC = 15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OsIllegalOperation(GenericException)>>performHandler: Receiver: an OsIllegalOperation Instance Variables: messageText = 'Inappropriate ioctl for device' originator = UnixPipeAccessor initialContext = HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: firstUnwindContext = nil handlerContext = BlockClosure>>on:do: parameter = a SystemError(#'io error',25) proceedBlock = BlockClosure [] in GenericException>>raiseRequest isResumable = true signal = OSErrorHolder inappropriateOperationSignal searchContext = HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: Arguments: aContext = BlockClosure>>on:do: Temporaries: result = nil oldHandler = BlockClosure>>on:do: Context PC = 39 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OsIllegalOperation(GenericException)>>propagatePrivateFrom: Receiver: an OsIllegalOperation Instance Variables: messageText = 'Inappropriate ioctl for device' originator = UnixPipeAccessor initialContext = HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: firstUnwindContext = nil handlerContext = BlockClosure>>on:do: parameter = a SystemError(#'io error',25) proceedBlock = BlockClosure [] in GenericException>>raiseRequest isResumable = true signal = OSErrorHolder inappropriateOperationSignal searchContext = HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: Arguments: aContext = HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: Temporaries: handler = BlockClosure>>on:do: Context PC = 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OsIllegalOperation(GenericException)>>propagateFrom: Receiver: an OsIllegalOperation Instance Variables: messageText = 'Inappropriate ioctl for device' originator = UnixPipeAccessor initialContext = HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: firstUnwindContext = nil handlerContext = BlockClosure>>on:do: parameter = a SystemError(#'io error',25) proceedBlock = BlockClosure [] in GenericException>>raiseRequest isResumable = true signal = OSErrorHolder inappropriateOperationSignal searchContext = HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: Arguments: startContext = HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: Context PC = 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OsIllegalOperation(GenericException)>>propagate Receiver: an OsIllegalOperation Instance Variables: messageText = 'Inappropriate ioctl for device' originator = UnixPipeAccessor initialContext = HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: firstUnwindContext = nil handlerContext = BlockClosure>>on:do: parameter = a SystemError(#'io error',25) proceedBlock = BlockClosure [] in GenericException>>raiseRequest isResumable = true signal = OSErrorHolder inappropriateOperationSignal searchContext = HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: Context PC = 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OsIllegalOperation(GenericException)>>raiseRequest Receiver: an OsIllegalOperation Instance Variables: messageText = 'Inappropriate ioctl for device' originator = UnixPipeAccessor initialContext = HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: firstUnwindContext = nil handlerContext = BlockClosure>>on:do: parameter = a SystemError(#'io error',25) proceedBlock = BlockClosure [] in GenericException>>raiseRequest isResumable = true signal = OSErrorHolder inappropriateOperationSignal searchContext = HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: Context PC = 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: Receiver: a HandleRegistry Instance Variables: tally = 3 valueArray = a WeakArray[79] executors = an Array[79] accessLock = a RecursionLock Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in HandleRegistry>>registerAllValuesOf: Temporaries: exception = an OsIllegalOperation return = nil newException = an OsIllegalOperation Context PC = 39 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HandleRegistry>>registerAllValuesOf: Receiver: a HandleRegistry Instance Variables: tally = 3 valueArray = a WeakArray[79] executors = an Array[79] accessLock = a RecursionLock Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in UnixPipeAccessor class>>openPair Context PC = 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UnixPipeAccessor class(OSHandle class)>>registerAllValuesOf: Receiver: an UnixPipeAccessor class Instance Variables: superclass = UnixIOAccessor methodDict = a MethodDictionary[1] format = 16386 subclasses = nil instanceVariables = nil organization = ('API' #beNonInheriting) name = #UnixPipeAccessor classPool = nil environment = a NameSpace[99] Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in UnixPipeAccessor class>>openPair Temporaries: registry = a HandleRegistry[3] Context PC = 14 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UnixPipeAccessor class>>openPair Receiver: an UnixPipeAccessor class Instance Variables: superclass = UnixIOAccessor methodDict = a MethodDictionary[1] format = 16386 subclasses = nil instanceVariables = nil organization = ('API' #beNonInheriting) name = #UnixPipeAccessor classPool = nil environment = a NameSpace[99] Context PC = 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UnixProcess(ExternalProcess)>>createPipes Receiver: an UnixProcess Instance Variables: errorCode = nil handle = nil exitStatus = nil inputPipe = nil outputPipe = nil errorPipe = nil lineEndConvention = 2 encoding = #utf8 writeStream = nil readStream = nil errorStream = nil exitSemaphore = a Semaphore[0] Context PC = 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UnixProcess(ExternalProcess)>>endOfPipes Receiver: an UnixProcess Instance Variables: errorCode = nil handle = nil exitStatus = nil inputPipe = nil outputPipe = nil errorPipe = nil lineEndConvention = 2 encoding = #utf8 writeStream = nil readStream = nil errorStream = nil exitSemaphore = a Semaphore[0] Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UnixProcess>>forkJob:arguments:environment: Receiver: an UnixProcess Instance Variables: errorCode = nil handle = nil exitStatus = nil inputPipe = nil outputPipe = nil errorPipe = nil lineEndConvention = 2 encoding = #utf8 writeStream = nil readStream = nil errorStream = nil exitSemaphore = a Semaphore[0] Arguments: progName = 'open' args = an Array[1] env = nil Context PC = 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UnixProcess class>>forkJob:arguments: Receiver: an UnixProcess class Instance Variables: superclass = ExternalProcess methodDict = a MethodDictionary[20] format = 16396 subclasses = nil instanceVariables = an Array[1] organization = ('accessing' #exitStatus #status) ('testing' #getCommandLineInterpreter #isActive #isCrashed #isExited #isOK #isZombie) ('synchronization' #kill #kill: #wait) ('printing' #printOn:) ('private-initialize/release' #done:with: #initialize #isMac) ('private' #forkJob:arguments:environment: #forkJob:arguments:environment:descriptors: #primFork:arguments:environment:descriptors: #startProcess:arguments:) ('initialize-release' #voidState) name = #UnixProcess classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0] environment = a NameSpace[99] Arguments: progName = 'open' args = an Array[1] Context PC = 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in OsxBrowserLaunchService>>privateOpenBrowserOn: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .link = 'http://localhost:7777/' Context PC = 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in OsxBrowserLaunchService>>privateOpenBrowserOn: outerContext = nil copiedValues = 'http://localhost:7777/' Arguments: anExceptionSelector = Error handlerBlock = BlockClosure [] in OsxBrowserLaunchService>>privateOpenBrowserOn: Context PC = 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OsxBrowserLaunchService>>privateOpenBrowserOn: Receiver: an OsxBrowserLaunchService Instance Variables: activeWindow = nil shouldLaunchNewWindow = nil currentExternalBrowser = nil Arguments: link = 'http://localhost:7777/' Context PC = 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in ExternalWebBrowser>>openBrowserOn: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .self = an OsxBrowserLaunchService .link = 'http://localhost:7777/' Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in ExternalWebBrowser>>openBrowserOn: outerContext = nil copiedValues = an Array[2] Arguments: anExceptionSelector = TerminateException handlerBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in Process class>>forBlock:priority: Context PC = 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in Process class>>forBlock:priority: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .aBlock = BlockClosure [] in ExternalWebBrowser>>openBrowserOn: Context PC = 9 ________________________________ Staatlich anerkannte private Fachhochschule NORDAKADEMIE Gemeinnützige Aktiengesellschaft Köllner Chaussee 11 25337 Elmshorn Vorstand: Prof. Dr. Georg Plate (Vorsitzender), Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Meier (stellv. Vorstand) Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Dr. h.c. Hans-Heinrich Bruns Sitz: Elmshorn, Amtsgericht Elmshorn, HRB 1682 _______________________________________________ vwnc mailing list [hidden email] http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/mailman/listinfo/vwnc |
Please see attached email discussing the cause recently. -Boris -----Original Message----- From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Johannes Brauer Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 10:04 AM To: vwnc Subject: [vwnc] Unhandled exception: BrowserLaunchFailed Hi! I've switched from Leopard to Lion and suddenly I get this exception selecting Seaside->Open Browser on Server. See stack report below. Opening Safari with localhost:7777 is possible without problems. I am using VWNC 7.8 and Mac OS 10.7.2. What can I do? Johannes ============ Unhandled exception: BrowserLaunchFailed OsxBrowserLaunchService(ExternalWebBrowser)>>fallbackBrowserOpen: optimized [] in OsxBrowserLaunchService>>privateOpenBrowserOn: BlockClosure>>cull: OsIllegalOperation(GenericException)>>performHandler: OsIllegalOperation(GenericException)>>propagatePrivateFrom: OsIllegalOperation(GenericException)>>propagateFrom: OsIllegalOperation(GenericException)>>propagate OsIllegalOperation(GenericException)>>raiseRequest HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: HandleRegistry>>registerAllValuesOf: UnixPipeAccessor class(OSHandle class)>>registerAllValuesOf: UnixPipeAccessor class>>openPair UnixProcess(ExternalProcess)>>createPipes UnixProcess(ExternalProcess)>>endOfPipes UnixProcess>>forkJob:arguments:environment: UnixProcess class>>forkJob:arguments: optimized [] in OsxBrowserLaunchService>>privateOpenBrowserOn: BlockClosure>>on:do: OsxBrowserLaunchService>>privateOpenBrowserOn: optimized [] in ExternalWebBrowser>>openBrowserOn: BlockClosure>>on:do: optimized [] in Process class>>forBlock:priority: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OsxBrowserLaunchService(ExternalWebBrowser)>>fallbackBrowserOpen: Receiver: an OsxBrowserLaunchService Instance Variables: activeWindow = nil shouldLaunchNewWindow = nil currentExternalBrowser = nil Arguments: link = 'http://localhost:7777/' Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in OsxBrowserLaunchService>>privateOpenBrowserOn: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Arguments: ex = an OsIllegalOperation Temporaries: .self = an OsxBrowserLaunchService .link = 'http://localhost:7777/' Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>cull: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in OsxBrowserLaunchService>>privateOpenBrowserOn: outerContext = nil copiedValues = an Array[2] Arguments: anObject = an OsIllegalOperation Context PC = 15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OsIllegalOperation(GenericException)>>performHandler: Receiver: an OsIllegalOperation Instance Variables: messageText = 'Inappropriate ioctl for device' originator = UnixPipeAccessor initialContext = HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: firstUnwindContext = nil handlerContext = BlockClosure>>on:do: parameter = a SystemError(#'io error',25) proceedBlock = BlockClosure [] in GenericException>>raiseRequest isResumable = true signal = OSErrorHolder inappropriateOperationSignal searchContext = HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: Arguments: aContext = BlockClosure>>on:do: Temporaries: result = nil oldHandler = BlockClosure>>on:do: Context PC = 39 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OsIllegalOperation(GenericException)>>propagatePrivateFrom: Receiver: an OsIllegalOperation Instance Variables: messageText = 'Inappropriate ioctl for device' originator = UnixPipeAccessor initialContext = HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: firstUnwindContext = nil handlerContext = BlockClosure>>on:do: parameter = a SystemError(#'io error',25) proceedBlock = BlockClosure [] in GenericException>>raiseRequest isResumable = true signal = OSErrorHolder inappropriateOperationSignal searchContext = HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: Arguments: aContext = HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: Temporaries: handler = BlockClosure>>on:do: Context PC = 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OsIllegalOperation(GenericException)>>propagateFrom: Receiver: an OsIllegalOperation Instance Variables: messageText = 'Inappropriate ioctl for device' originator = UnixPipeAccessor initialContext = HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: firstUnwindContext = nil handlerContext = BlockClosure>>on:do: parameter = a SystemError(#'io error',25) proceedBlock = BlockClosure [] in GenericException>>raiseRequest isResumable = true signal = OSErrorHolder inappropriateOperationSignal searchContext = HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: Arguments: startContext = HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: Context PC = 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OsIllegalOperation(GenericException)>>propagate Receiver: an OsIllegalOperation Instance Variables: messageText = 'Inappropriate ioctl for device' originator = UnixPipeAccessor initialContext = HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: firstUnwindContext = nil handlerContext = BlockClosure>>on:do: parameter = a SystemError(#'io error',25) proceedBlock = BlockClosure [] in GenericException>>raiseRequest isResumable = true signal = OSErrorHolder inappropriateOperationSignal searchContext = HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: Context PC = 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OsIllegalOperation(GenericException)>>raiseRequest Receiver: an OsIllegalOperation Instance Variables: messageText = 'Inappropriate ioctl for device' originator = UnixPipeAccessor initialContext = HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: firstUnwindContext = nil handlerContext = BlockClosure>>on:do: parameter = a SystemError(#'io error',25) proceedBlock = BlockClosure [] in GenericException>>raiseRequest isResumable = true signal = OSErrorHolder inappropriateOperationSignal searchContext = HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: Context PC = 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HandleRegistry>>evaluateWithFullProtection: Receiver: a HandleRegistry Instance Variables: tally = 3 valueArray = a WeakArray[79] executors = an Array[79] accessLock = a RecursionLock Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in HandleRegistry>>registerAllValuesOf: Temporaries: exception = an OsIllegalOperation return = nil newException = an OsIllegalOperation Context PC = 39 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HandleRegistry>>registerAllValuesOf: Receiver: a HandleRegistry Instance Variables: tally = 3 valueArray = a WeakArray[79] executors = an Array[79] accessLock = a RecursionLock Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in UnixPipeAccessor class>>openPair Context PC = 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UnixPipeAccessor class(OSHandle class)>>registerAllValuesOf: Receiver: an UnixPipeAccessor class Instance Variables: superclass = UnixIOAccessor methodDict = a MethodDictionary[1] format = 16386 subclasses = nil instanceVariables = nil organization = ('API' #beNonInheriting) name = #UnixPipeAccessor classPool = nil environment = a NameSpace[99] Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in UnixPipeAccessor class>>openPair Temporaries: registry = a HandleRegistry[3] Context PC = 14 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UnixPipeAccessor class>>openPair Receiver: an UnixPipeAccessor class Instance Variables: superclass = UnixIOAccessor methodDict = a MethodDictionary[1] format = 16386 subclasses = nil instanceVariables = nil organization = ('API' #beNonInheriting) name = #UnixPipeAccessor classPool = nil environment = a NameSpace[99] Context PC = 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UnixProcess(ExternalProcess)>>createPipes Receiver: an UnixProcess Instance Variables: errorCode = nil handle = nil exitStatus = nil inputPipe = nil outputPipe = nil errorPipe = nil lineEndConvention = 2 encoding = #utf8 writeStream = nil readStream = nil errorStream = nil exitSemaphore = a Semaphore[0] Context PC = 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UnixProcess(ExternalProcess)>>endOfPipes Receiver: an UnixProcess Instance Variables: errorCode = nil handle = nil exitStatus = nil inputPipe = nil outputPipe = nil errorPipe = nil lineEndConvention = 2 encoding = #utf8 writeStream = nil readStream = nil errorStream = nil exitSemaphore = a Semaphore[0] Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UnixProcess>>forkJob:arguments:environment: Receiver: an UnixProcess Instance Variables: errorCode = nil handle = nil exitStatus = nil inputPipe = nil outputPipe = nil errorPipe = nil lineEndConvention = 2 encoding = #utf8 writeStream = nil readStream = nil errorStream = nil exitSemaphore = a Semaphore[0] Arguments: progName = 'open' args = an Array[1] env = nil Context PC = 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UnixProcess class>>forkJob:arguments: Receiver: an UnixProcess class Instance Variables: superclass = ExternalProcess methodDict = a MethodDictionary[20] format = 16396 subclasses = nil instanceVariables = an Array[1] organization = ('accessing' #exitStatus #status) ('testing' #getCommandLineInterpreter #isActive #isCrashed #isExited #isOK #isZombie) ('synchronization' #kill #kill: #wait) ('printing' #printOn:) ('private-initialize/release' #done:with: #initialize #isMac) ('private' #forkJob:arguments:environment: #forkJob:arguments:environment:descriptors: #primFork:arguments:environment:descriptors: #startProcess:arguments:) ('initialize-release' #voidState) name = #UnixProcess classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0] environment = a NameSpace[99] Arguments: progName = 'open' args = an Array[1] Context PC = 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in OsxBrowserLaunchService>>privateOpenBrowserOn: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .link = 'http://localhost:7777/' Context PC = 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in OsxBrowserLaunchService>>privateOpenBrowserOn: outerContext = nil copiedValues = 'http://localhost:7777/' Arguments: anExceptionSelector = Error handlerBlock = BlockClosure [] in OsxBrowserLaunchService>>privateOpenBrowserOn: Context PC = 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OsxBrowserLaunchService>>privateOpenBrowserOn: Receiver: an OsxBrowserLaunchService Instance Variables: activeWindow = nil shouldLaunchNewWindow = nil currentExternalBrowser = nil Arguments: link = 'http://localhost:7777/' Context PC = 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in ExternalWebBrowser>>openBrowserOn: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .self = an OsxBrowserLaunchService .link = 'http://localhost:7777/' Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in ExternalWebBrowser>>openBrowserOn: outerContext = nil copiedValues = an Array[2] Arguments: anExceptionSelector = TerminateException handlerBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in Process class>>forBlock:priority: Context PC = 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in Process class>>forBlock:priority: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .aBlock = BlockClosure [] in ExternalWebBrowser>>openBrowserOn: Context PC = 9 ________________________________ Staatlich anerkannte private Fachhochschule NORDAKADEMIE Gemeinnützige Aktiengesellschaft Köllner Chaussee 11 25337 Elmshorn Vorstand: Prof. Dr. Georg Plate (Vorsitzender), Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Meier (stellv. Vorstand) Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Dr. h.c. Hans-Heinrich Bruns Sitz: Elmshorn, Amtsgericht Elmshorn, HRB 1682 _______________________________________________ vwnc mailing list [hidden email] http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/mailman/listinfo/vwnc Lion is the first version of OSX to boot the 64-bit kernel by default. There is a difference between how the 64-bit kernel and the 32-bit kernel handle ioctls. In particular one of the ioctl's used to condition a pipe file descriptor does returns an error on the 64-bit kernel. This has been addressed in the 7.8.1 source code base, and this point release is currently in release candidate status. Short answer, is that a more Lion friendly vm will be available upon release of 7.8.1. John Sarkela On 12/9/2011 9:41 PM, sst wrote: > Downloaded the latest (as of Dec 9, 2011) non-commercial version (7.8) and > when running the LaunchPad app on OSX Lion 10.7.2, it produces an error > after creating a project. > > The error says: > > Unhandled exception: Inappropriate ioctl for device > > and the only option is to hit Ok and the app terminates. The project does > get created however, and can be launched via its own image file without > using LaunchPad, but hopefully this can be fixed soon? > > Tried to notify Cincom Smalltalk support from their website, but you seem to > be able to submit a ticket only if you are an existing Cincom customer? If > you just want to let them know something is broken (I'm not looking for > support because I'm not a paying customer<yet> and I understand that > concept) it seems to be not so easy to just let them know a problem exists. > Hence the reason I'm posting here. > > Anyone else experiencing this? vwnc mailing list [hidden email] http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/mailman/listinfo/vwnc _______________________________________________ vwnc mailing list [hidden email] http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/mailman/listinfo/vwnc |
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