UnicodeCharacter class ...

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UnicodeCharacter class ...

Marten Feldtmann-2
You wrote in your plans about Unicode support:

"Internal representation of Unicode (image and VM)
  • In the image, we need new classes to represent UTF-8 and WideCharacter (UTF-16) data (subclasses of EsString and others)

After now working with ICU over the last days I would say, that we should have DBCharacter (two bytes - which actually is the implementation of Character) and QBCharacter (4 bytes).

I'm now working on the streaming support of ICU on Unicode streams and there one has instances of characters, which are 4
bytes long.

By the way - where do instances of the class Character (internally) store their "value" ????

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Re: UnicodeCharacter class ...

John O'Keefe-3
Marten -

Characters are immediate objects, so the "value" is tagged and stored in the object header.  The tag takes 4 bits, so 28 bits are left for the "value".


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