Unwanted blank lines

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Unwanted blank lines

Schwab,Wilhelm K
Hello all,

In recent weeks, the code that I have exported from Dolphin and imported in Pharo (both via SIF) has ended up double spaced.  In small amounts, it's not a big problem, but I just exported 980k of code and don't look forward to fixing that up after the fact.  This could turn out to be due to cr/lf/lf sequences or something (looking at the .sif file using a hex editor comes to mind).

Any suggestions for where you might look for the problem or a workaround?


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Re: Unwanted blank lines

Henrik Sperre Johansen
Figure out the line ending used by the file, then specify that AS the lineEndingConvention on the stream before you import.


Den 26. juli 2010 kl. 16:58 skrev "Schwab,Wilhelm K" <[hidden email]>

> Hello all,
> In recent weeks, the code that I have exported from Dolphin and imported in Pharo (both via SIF) has ended up double spaced.  In small amounts, it's not a big problem, but I just exported 980k of code and don't look forward to fixing that up after the fact.  This could turn out to be due to cr/lf/lf sequences or something (looking at the .sif file using a hex editor comes to mind).
> Any suggestions for where you might look for the problem or a workaround?
> Bill
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Re: Unwanted blank lines

Schwab,Wilhelm K
I *think* the problem originated when I post-processed the .sif file to remove Dolphin conventions that confuse Monticello.  Rather than set the encoding, I simply put the write stream in binary mode and all was (reasonably) well.  I still had to eventually mess with the encoding because I needed to edit the file, but I did that with a save-as from gedit.


From: [hidden email] [[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Henrik Johansen [[hidden email]]
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2010 11:13 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [Pharo-project] Unwanted blank lines

Figure out the line ending used by the file, then specify that AS the lineEndingConvention on the stream before you import.


Den 26. juli 2010 kl. 16:58 skrev "Schwab,Wilhelm K" <[hidden email]>

> Hello all,
> In recent weeks, the code that I have exported from Dolphin and imported in Pharo (both via SIF) has ended up double spaced.  In small amounts, it's not a big problem, but I just exported 980k of code and don't look forward to fixing that up after the fact.  This could turn out to be due to cr/lf/lf sequences or something (looking at the .sif file using a hex editor comes to mind).
> Any suggestions for where you might look for the problem or a workaround?
> Bill
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