Update table row with ajax

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Update table row with ajax


i have a table with some rows.

Any row is composed by some table data with some anchor , input field ecc....

Now my objective is to update the specific table row when the user click and change some relative data.

For example i have a table row with a  table data defined as:

html tableData:[
html anchor
onClick: ( (html jQuery ajax script: [ :script |
script add: ((( script jQuery: 'tr' ) last ) html:[ :renderer | self renderDataBaseTableDataFor: anItem value: aValue on: renderer ])])]

With this code the last table row is right update when i click the anchor.

But when specific the table row index with: 

html tableData:[
html anchor
onClick: ( (html jQuery ajax script: [ :script |
script add: ((( script jQuery: 'tr' ) at: index ) html:[ :renderer | self renderDataBaseTableDataFor: anItem value: aValue on: renderer ])])]

the browser report an  ajax jq error   as management  by my code:

html document addLoadScript: (html jQuery ajaxSetup onError: ( html javascript alert: 'The session erase a jq error.'; refresh ))

What i wrong ?  Because the at: index   generate the error?

Anyone have some idea how i can manage the ajax row updating ?

Thanks for any consideration.


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Re: Update table row with ajax

Bob Arning-2
I would give the row an id and then the render code can use the id to render in the right place.


On 3/19/14 1:46 PM, [hidden email] wrote:

i have a table with some rows.

Any row is composed by some table data with some anchor , input field ecc....

Now my objective is to update the specific table row when the user click and change some relative data.

For example i have a table row with a  table data defined as:

html tableData:[
html anchor
onClick: ( (html jQuery ajax script: [ :script |
script add: ((( script jQuery: 'tr' ) last ) html:[ :renderer | self renderDataBaseTableDataFor: anItem value: aValue on: renderer ])])]

With this code the last table row is right update when i click the anchor.

But when specific the table row index with: 

html tableData:[
html anchor
onClick: ( (html jQuery ajax script: [ :script |
script add: ((( script jQuery: 'tr' ) at: index ) html:[ :renderer | self renderDataBaseTableDataFor: anItem value: aValue on: renderer ])])]

the browser report an  ajax jq error   as management  by my code:

html document addLoadScript: (html jQuery ajaxSetup onError: ( html javascript alert: 'The session erase a jq error.'; refresh ))

What i wrong ?  Because the at: index   generate the error?

Anyone have some idea how i can manage the ajax row updating ?

Thanks for any consideration.


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