Cuis-Solitaire and Cuis-Unicode
Aside from some code cleanups, more Unicode tricks:
"Get Words"
str1 := 'The quick ("brown") fox can''t jump 32.3 feet, right?' asUniString.
str1 wordsBetween: 1 and: str1 size.
==> #( 'The' 'quick' 'brown' 'fox' 'can''t' 'jump' '32.3' 'feet' 'right') ).
"Display possible line breaks in the editor (useful for debug)"
str2 := '123a b567c
d90! foo, Yes bar. then x.
' asUniString.
breakArray := str2 possibleLineBreaksBetween: 1 and: str2 size.
(str2 breakDisplayUniString: breakArray) edit.
Ken [dot] Dickey [at] whidbey [dot] com
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