Hello, I'am trying to display the parameters, visualisation of the models (des instances of classes)
and to edit the parameters, add the parameters and updating, visualising the data(EyeSee) by using Glamour - Seaside.
+ I have tried to using Glamour_Seaside, easy to view, show data. However, it is difficult to update the data.(I have looked at the examples of Glamour but i don't find any solution to my problem)
+ I have tried to using Seaside + un library Javascript, difficult to using a news library on Seaside.
I have a question: If i divide 2 interfaces
+ interface 1e: display data, edit parameters et update data by using only Seaside.
+ interface 2e: display, show resultat obtain by interface 1 (the arrays of models as a Collection or Hashtable) as graphically (Use Glamour-Seaside, EyeSeeDiagram)
It is possible to do like this? You can give me a susgestions?
Thanks avance.