Bruno wrote:
> CrmLookupShell
> someMethod
> " some code "
> self topShell caption: self updateCaption.
> Regards Bruno
Thanks. I apologize for all of the questions. It's just that after
creating GUI's using Ruby, Python, and some other languages the MVP
specifics in Dolphin Smalltalk threw me a learning curve. Slowly but
surely I am getting past some of my initial hurdles. Plus I figured out
how to have a main shell and subshell both share the same model so that
things work a little cleaner too. That's the toughest part of
unlearning some of my previous habits. I could force Dolphin Smalltalk
to do what I needed it to do, but I would also lose a lot of the MVP
paradigm and OOP beauty of what I would benefit from after I was done.
Thanks again!