Updating all the browser

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Updating all the browser


Reading the list, I remember some mail about a message to update the
whole browser, but I can't find it again. Which message I have to send
for that?


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Re: Updating all the browser

Tudor Girba-2
update :)


On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 9:59 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]> wrote:

Reading the list, I remember some mail about a message to update the whole browser, but I can't find it again. Which message I have to send for that?


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Re: Updating all the browser

Thanks :-)

So, if I have the following code in a message:

        "Saves the current tree to a file"

        | file writeStream markdownFile |
        file := UITheme builder
                fileSave: 'Guardar archivo como...'
                extensions: #('ston')
                path: nil.
        file ifNil: [ self inform: 'Exportación cancelada'. ^ self ].
        writeStream := file writeStream.
        workingFile := writeStream name asFileReference.
        markdownFile := (workingFile parent) / (workingFile
basenameWithoutExtension, '.markdown').
        [ self exportAsSton: mainTree on: writeStream.
                self exportAsMarkdown: mainTree on: markdownFile ]
                ensure: [ writeStream ifNotNil: #close ].
        browser update.


and I use the saveToFile message to rename the current file, and that
name is showed in the title of a GT browser window, the name should
change with the last line (browser update)?

If that is not intended behaviour, how can I change the title of a GT
browser window if this is taken from a file name that is saved (inside
Moose) with a different name?



El 07/01/15 a las 16:00, Tudor Girba escribió:

> update :)
> Doru
> On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 9:59 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]
> <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:
>      Hi,
>      Reading the list, I remember some mail about a message to update the whole
>      browser, but I can't find it again. Which message I have to send for that?
>      Cheers,
>      Offray
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