Updating non Smallfaces component.

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Updating non Smallfaces component.

Timothy James Ziebart
Hi All,

I have an object SearchInterface, a subclass of WASmallFacesComposite.  
On SearchInterface there are rendered a number of SFListBoxes and
SFButtons.  Included are three listboxes that are cascaded and the
control was created like this:

    |pane panes list|
    list := self session findCodeByParent: 'region'.
    panes := OrderedCollection
        with: ( self paneNamed: 'nhoodList')
        with: ( self paneNamed: 'cityList').
    pane := SFListBox new.
        name: 'regionList';
        items: list;
        lines: 5;
        printSelector: #asString;
        owner: self;
        when: #changed:
            send: #regionSelectionChanged:
            to: self
            refresh: panes.

The listboxes work correctly.  What I need to do is have a GoogleMap
rendered on SearchInterfaces as well.  The map will not be a WAComponent
as I need to render it as new whenever the listbox contents change.  But
not before an Update button is pressed.  Such as:


    | pane panes |
    panes := OrderedCollection with: (*self paneNamed: 'mapDisplay')*.
    pane := SFButton new.
        label: 'Update Map';
        name: 'updateButton';
        when: #clicked
            send: #updateButtonPressed
            to: self
            refresh: panes.

The question is how do I create *mapDisplay*?  mapDisplay is rendered
like this everytime the update button is pressed.


    ^LBCGoogleMap new
        setCenter: model coordinates zoom: model zoom;
        addControl: GControl largeMapControl;

Can I place it on a SmallFace component that will render as I desire or
do I replace it with non SmallFace components?  Thank you for any

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Re: Updating non Smallfaces component.

Burella Juan M.
Hi Tim,
 Let me see if I've understood what are you doing. You need to:

-Create (or modify?) a LBCGoogleMap when a ListBox changes
-Render or update the LBCGoogleMap when a Button is clicked.

You said LBCGoogleMap is not a WAComponent, what it is? If it's a
SFObject, then you can add to your SearcherInterface sending as
argument of #addSubpane: message, as already knows how to answer
#name (remember, it must answer #name properly, that is, not the #name
method in Object).

Then you can have:

  self addSubpane: self map

 ^LBCGoogleMap new
    name: 'mapDisplay';  " configure the mapDisplay's name"
    setCenter: model coordinates zoom: model zoom;
    addControl: GControl largeMapControl;

If when the list changes, you have to re-create the mapDisplay, in the
#regionSelectionChanged "callback" (the message sent when the list is
#changed) you should replace it as follows:

 oldMap := self paneNamed: 'mapDisplay'.
 self replacePane: oldMap with: self map

And to refresh properly the mapDisplay it should be rendered inside a
tag with id equals to its styleId, like this:

LBCGoogleMap >>renderContentOn: aRenderer

           aRenderer div
                    id: self styleId;
                with: [ "render your component" ]

and must answer #refreshOn: (please see #when:send:to:refresh: section
in http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/6093). You can implement it this way:

refreshOn: aRenderer
      "Support for the events"

      self renderContentOn: aRenderer

You will need to preserve the same #styleId, to do this simply send
the message styleId: 'anyId' to the mapDisplay. Another way to solve
this is adding a SFPanel which contains the mapDisplay and refresh it
when the button is clicked.
Juan M.

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 1:02 PM, Timothy James Ziebart <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi All,

I have an object SearchInterface, a subclass of WASmallFacesComposite.  On SearchInterface there are rendered a number of SFListBoxes and SFButtons.  Included are three listboxes that are cascaded and the control was created like this:

  |pane panes list|
    list := self session findCodeByParent: 'region'.
    panes := OrderedCollection
      with: ( self paneNamed: 'nhoodList')
      with: ( self paneNamed: 'cityList').
        pane := SFListBox new.
      name: 'regionList';
      items: list;
      lines: 5;
      printSelector: #asString;
      owner: self;
      when: #changed:
          send: #regionSelectionChanged:
          to: self
          refresh: panes.

The listboxes work correctly.  What I need to do is have a GoogleMap rendered on SearchInterfaces as well.  The map will not be a WAComponent as I need to render it as new whenever the listbox contents change.  But not before an Update button is pressed.  Such as:


  | pane panes |
    panes := OrderedCollection with: (*self paneNamed: 'mapDisplay')*.
  pane := SFButton new.
      label: 'Update Map';
      name: 'updateButton';
      when: #clicked
          send: #updateButtonPressed
          to: self
          refresh: panes.

The question is how do I create *mapDisplay*?  mapDisplay is rendered like this everytime the update button is pressed.


  ^LBCGoogleMap new
      setCenter: model coordinates zoom: model zoom;
      addControl: GControl largeMapControl;

Can I place it on a SmallFace component that will render as I desire or do I replace it with non SmallFace components?  Thank you for any assistance.

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Re: Updating non Smallfaces component.

Timothy James Ziebart
Hi Juan,  thanks for responding.

The google map is an object that implements a renderOn method.  It is
the GoogleMaps package by James Foster.  

I have created WAComponent and non WAComponent versions.  I do not have
a SmallFace equivalent widget.   Maybe that is my question - is it
possible to build a SmallFaces widget that will take advantage of the
features available?


Burella Juan M. wrote:

> Hi Tim,
>  Let me see if I've understood what are you doing. You need to:
> -Create (or modify?) a LBCGoogleMap when a ListBox changes
> -Render or update the LBCGoogleMap when a Button is clicked.
> You said LBCGoogleMap is not a WAComponent, what it is? If it's a
> SFObject, then you can add to your SearcherInterface sending as
> argument of #addSubpane: message, as already knows how to answer
> #name (remember, it must answer #name properly, that is, not the #name
> method in Object).
> Then you can have:
> >>initialize
> ....
>   self addSubpane: self map
> ...
> >>map
>  ^LBCGoogleMap new
>     name: 'mapDisplay';  " configure the mapDisplay's name"
>     setCenter: model coordinates zoom: model zoom;
>     addControl: GControl largeMapControl;
>     setUIToDefault;
>     yourself.
> If when the list changes, you have to re-create the mapDisplay, in the
> #regionSelectionChanged "callback" (the message sent when the list is
> #changed) you should replace it as follows:
>  oldMap := self paneNamed: 'mapDisplay'.
>  self replacePane: oldMap with: self map
> And to refresh properly the mapDisplay it should be rendered inside a
> tag with id equals to its styleId, like this:
> LBCGoogleMap >>renderContentOn: aRenderer
>            aRenderer div
>                     id: self styleId;
>                 with: [ "render your component" ]
> and must answer #refreshOn: (please see #when:send:to:refresh: section
> in http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/6093). You can implement it this way:
> refreshOn: aRenderer
>       "Support for the events"
>       self renderContentOn: aRenderer
> You will need to preserve the same #styleId, to do this simply send
> the message styleId: 'anyId' to the mapDisplay. Another way to solve
> this is adding a SFPanel which contains the mapDisplay and refresh it
> when the button is clicked.
> Regards
> Juan M.
> On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 1:02 PM, Timothy James Ziebart
> <[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:
>     Hi All,
>     I have an object SearchInterface, a subclass of
>     WASmallFacesComposite.  On SearchInterface there are rendered a
>     number of SFListBoxes and SFButtons.  Included are three listboxes
>     that are cascaded and the control was created like this:
>     createRegionListBox
>       |pane panes list|
>         list := self session findCodeByParent: 'region'.
>         panes := OrderedCollection
>           with: ( self paneNamed: 'nhoodList')
>           with: ( self paneNamed: 'cityList').
>             pane := SFListBox new.
>       pane
>           name: 'regionList';
>           items: list;
>           lines: 5;
>           printSelector: #asString;
>           owner: self;
>           when: #changed:
>               send: #regionSelectionChanged:
>               to: self
>               refresh: panes.
>       ^pane
>     The listboxes work correctly.  What I need to do is have a
>     GoogleMap rendered on SearchInterfaces as well.  The map will not
>     be a WAComponent as I need to render it as new whenever the
>     listbox contents change.  But not before an Update button is
>     pressed.  Such as:
>     createUpdateButton
>       | pane panes |
>         panes := OrderedCollection with: (*self paneNamed: 'mapDisplay')*.
>       pane := SFButton new.
>       pane
>           label: 'Update Map';
>           name: 'updateButton';
>           when: #clicked
>               send: #updateButtonPressed
>               to: self
>               refresh: panes.
>       ^pane
>     The question is how do I create *mapDisplay*?  mapDisplay is
>     rendered like this everytime the update button is pressed.
>     map
>       ^LBCGoogleMap new
>           setCenter: model coordinates zoom: model zoom;
>           addControl: GControl largeMapControl;
>           setUIToDefault;
>           yourself.
>     Can I place it on a SmallFace component that will render as I
>     desire or do I replace it with non SmallFace components?  Thank
>     you for any assistance.
>     Tim
>     _______________________________________________
>     seaside mailing list
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>     <mailto:[hidden email]>
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Re: Updating non Smallfaces component.

Hi Tim

2009/8/27 Timothy James Ziebart <[hidden email]>:
> Hi Juan,  thanks for responding.
> The google map is an object that implements a renderOn method.  It is the
> GoogleMaps package by James Foster.
>  http://seaside.gemstone.com/ss/GoogleMaps.
> I have created WAComponent and non WAComponent versions.  I do not have a
> SmallFace equivalent widget.   Maybe that is my question - is it possible to
> build a SmallFaces widget that will take advantage of the features
> available?

Yes, it is possible. There are several ways, we could add to SF a
wrapper with the necessary protocol to refresh some non SF component.
The necessary protocol is:

#name , #name:
#styleId , #styleId:

Or you can make a GoogleMap's subclass with this protocol.

Anyway, in your case and from what I've seen of the GoogleMap
component, I think it works evaluating Javascript, I don't know if it
will be enough just redrawing the component, maybe you need to
evaluate javascript too. In SF, each control knows how to redraw
itself with #refreshOn:. In the next SmallFaces version (available
this weekend in SqS) we updated this message to take as argument a
SUScript, to do such things.



> Tim
> Burella Juan M. wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>>  Let me see if I've understood what are you doing. You need to:
>> -Create (or modify?) a LBCGoogleMap when a ListBox changes
>> -Render or update the LBCGoogleMap when a Button is clicked.
>> You said LBCGoogleMap is not a WAComponent, what it is? If it's a
>> SFObject, then you can add to your SearcherInterface sending as
>> argument of #addSubpane: message, as already knows how to answer
>> #name (remember, it must answer #name properly, that is, not the #name
>> method in Object).
>> Then you can have:
>> >>initialize
>> ....
>>  self addSubpane: self map
>> ...
>> >>map
>>  ^LBCGoogleMap new
>>    name: 'mapDisplay';  " configure the mapDisplay's name"
>>    setCenter: model coordinates zoom: model zoom;
>>    addControl: GControl largeMapControl;
>>    setUIToDefault;
>>    yourself.
>> If when the list changes, you have to re-create the mapDisplay, in the
>> #regionSelectionChanged "callback" (the message sent when the list is
>> #changed) you should replace it as follows:
>>  oldMap := self paneNamed: 'mapDisplay'.
>>  self replacePane: oldMap with: self map
>> And to refresh properly the mapDisplay it should be rendered inside a
>> tag with id equals to its styleId, like this:
>> LBCGoogleMap >>renderContentOn: aRenderer
>>           aRenderer div
>>                    id: self styleId;
>>                with: [ "render your component" ]
>> and must answer #refreshOn: (please see #when:send:to:refresh: section
>> in http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/6093). You can implement it this way:
>> refreshOn: aRenderer
>>      "Support for the events"
>>      self renderContentOn: aRenderer
>> You will need to preserve the same #styleId, to do this simply send
>> the message styleId: 'anyId' to the mapDisplay. Another way to solve
>> this is adding a SFPanel which contains the mapDisplay and refresh it
>> when the button is clicked.
>>  Regards
>> Juan M.
>> On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 1:02 PM, Timothy James Ziebart
>> <[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:
>>    Hi All,
>>    I have an object SearchInterface, a subclass of
>>    WASmallFacesComposite.  On SearchInterface there are rendered a
>>    number of SFListBoxes and SFButtons.  Included are three listboxes
>>    that are cascaded and the control was created like this:
>>    createRegionListBox
>>      |pane panes list|
>>        list := self session findCodeByParent: 'region'.
>>        panes := OrderedCollection
>>          with: ( self paneNamed: 'nhoodList')
>>          with: ( self paneNamed: 'cityList').
>>            pane := SFListBox new.
>>      pane
>>          name: 'regionList';
>>          items: list;
>>          lines: 5;
>>          printSelector: #asString;
>>          owner: self;
>>          when: #changed:
>>              send: #regionSelectionChanged:
>>              to: self
>>              refresh: panes.
>>      ^pane
>>    The listboxes work correctly.  What I need to do is have a
>>    GoogleMap rendered on SearchInterfaces as well.  The map will not
>>    be a WAComponent as I need to render it as new whenever the
>>    listbox contents change.  But not before an Update button is
>>    pressed.  Such as:
>>    createUpdateButton
>>      | pane panes |
>>        panes := OrderedCollection with: (*self paneNamed: 'mapDisplay')*.
>>      pane := SFButton new.
>>      pane
>>          label: 'Update Map';
>>          name: 'updateButton';
>>          when: #clicked
>>              send: #updateButtonPressed
>>              to: self
>>              refresh: panes.
>>      ^pane
>>    The question is how do I create *mapDisplay*?  mapDisplay is
>>    rendered like this everytime the update button is pressed.
>>    map
>>      ^LBCGoogleMap new
>>          setCenter: model coordinates zoom: model zoom;
>>          addControl: GControl largeMapControl;
>>          setUIToDefault;
>>          yourself.
>>    Can I place it on a SmallFace component that will render as I
>>    desire or do I replace it with non SmallFace components?  Thank
>>    you for any assistance.
>>    Tim
>>    _______________________________________________
>>    seaside mailing list
>>    [hidden email]
>>    <mailto:[hidden email]>
>>    http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Re: Updating non Smallfaces component.

Timothy James Ziebart
Thank you Hernán and Juan.

I Implemented the GoogleMap as a subclass of SFObject and did as Juan
suggested.  And you were right in that while the pane was updated
correctly I still need the javascript to update the client  So I am one
step away.  I am a not sure what is the best way to implement the
script.  I have the updateButtonPressed message replace the panes.  How
would evaluateJavacript and the updater get triggered?


Hernán Morales Durand wrote:

> Hi Tim
> 2009/8/27 Timothy James Ziebart <[hidden email]>:
>> Hi Juan,  thanks for responding.
>> The google map is an object that implements a renderOn method.  It is the
>> GoogleMaps package by James Foster.
>>  http://seaside.gemstone.com/ss/GoogleMaps.
>> I have created WAComponent and non WAComponent versions.  I do not have a
>> SmallFace equivalent widget.   Maybe that is my question - is it possible to
>> build a SmallFaces widget that will take advantage of the features
>> available?
> Yes, it is possible. There are several ways, we could add to SF a
> wrapper with the necessary protocol to refresh some non SF component.
> The necessary protocol is:
> #name , #name:
> #styleId , #styleId:
> #refreshOn:
> Or you can make a GoogleMap's subclass with this protocol.
> Anyway, in your case and from what I've seen of the GoogleMap
> component, I think it works evaluating Javascript, I don't know if it
> will be enough just redrawing the component, maybe you need to
> evaluate javascript too. In SF, each control knows how to redraw
> itself with #refreshOn:. In the next SmallFaces version (available
> this weekend in SqS) we updated this message to take as argument a
> SUScript, to do such things.
> Cheers
> Hernán
>> Tim
>> Burella Juan M. wrote:
>>> Hi Tim,
>>>  Let me see if I've understood what are you doing. You need to:
>>> -Create (or modify?) a LBCGoogleMap when a ListBox changes
>>> -Render or update the LBCGoogleMap when a Button is clicked.
>>> You said LBCGoogleMap is not a WAComponent, what it is? If it's a
>>> SFObject, then you can add to your SearcherInterface sending as
>>> argument of #addSubpane: message, as already knows how to answer
>>> #name (remember, it must answer #name properly, that is, not the #name
>>> method in Object).
>>> Then you can have:
>>>>> initialize
>>> ....
>>>  self addSubpane: self map
>>> ...
>>>>> map
>>>  ^LBCGoogleMap new
>>>    name: 'mapDisplay';  " configure the mapDisplay's name"
>>>    setCenter: model coordinates zoom: model zoom;
>>>    addControl: GControl largeMapControl;
>>>    setUIToDefault;
>>>    yourself.
>>> If when the list changes, you have to re-create the mapDisplay, in the
>>> #regionSelectionChanged "callback" (the message sent when the list is
>>> #changed) you should replace it as follows:
>>>  oldMap := self paneNamed: 'mapDisplay'.
>>>  self replacePane: oldMap with: self map
>>> And to refresh properly the mapDisplay it should be rendered inside a
>>> tag with id equals to its styleId, like this:
>>> LBCGoogleMap >>renderContentOn: aRenderer
>>>           aRenderer div
>>>                    id: self styleId;
>>>                with: [ "render your component" ]
>>> and must answer #refreshOn: (please see #when:send:to:refresh: section
>>> in http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/6093). You can implement it this way:
>>> refreshOn: aRenderer
>>>      "Support for the events"
>>>      self renderContentOn: aRenderer
>>> You will need to preserve the same #styleId, to do this simply send
>>> the message styleId: 'anyId' to the mapDisplay. Another way to solve
>>> this is adding a SFPanel which contains the mapDisplay and refresh it
>>> when the button is clicked.
>>>  Regards
>>> Juan M.
>>> On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 1:02 PM, Timothy James Ziebart
>>> <[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:
>>>    Hi All,
>>>    I have an object SearchInterface, a subclass of
>>>    WASmallFacesComposite.  On SearchInterface there are rendered a
>>>    number of SFListBoxes and SFButtons.  Included are three listboxes
>>>    that are cascaded and the control was created like this:
>>>    createRegionListBox
>>>      |pane panes list|
>>>        list := self session findCodeByParent: 'region'.
>>>        panes := OrderedCollection
>>>          with: ( self paneNamed: 'nhoodList')
>>>          with: ( self paneNamed: 'cityList').
>>>            pane := SFListBox new.
>>>      pane
>>>          name: 'regionList';
>>>          items: list;
>>>          lines: 5;
>>>          printSelector: #asString;
>>>          owner: self;
>>>          when: #changed:
>>>              send: #regionSelectionChanged:
>>>              to: self
>>>              refresh: panes.
>>>      ^pane
>>>    The listboxes work correctly.  What I need to do is have a
>>>    GoogleMap rendered on SearchInterfaces as well.  The map will not
>>>    be a WAComponent as I need to render it as new whenever the
>>>    listbox contents change.  But not before an Update button is
>>>    pressed.  Such as:
>>>    createUpdateButton
>>>      | pane panes |
>>>        panes := OrderedCollection with: (*self paneNamed: 'mapDisplay')*.
>>>      pane := SFButton new.
>>>      pane
>>>          label: 'Update Map';
>>>          name: 'updateButton';
>>>          when: #clicked
>>>              send: #updateButtonPressed
>>>              to: self
>>>              refresh: panes.
>>>      ^pane
>>>    The question is how do I create *mapDisplay*?  mapDisplay is
>>>    rendered like this everytime the update button is pressed.
>>>    map
>>>      ^LBCGoogleMap new
>>>          setCenter: model coordinates zoom: model zoom;
>>>          addControl: GControl largeMapControl;
>>>          setUIToDefault;
>>>          yourself.
>>>    Can I place it on a SmallFace component that will render as I
>>>    desire or do I replace it with non SmallFace components?  Thank
>>>    you for any assistance.
>>>    Tim
>>>    _______________________________________________
>>>    seaside mailing list
>>>    [hidden email]
>>>    <mailto:[hidden email]>
>>>    http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Re: Updating non Smallfaces component.

Burella Juan M.

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 5:17 PM, Timothy James Ziebart <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thank you Hernán and Juan.

I Implemented the GoogleMap as a subclass of SFObject and did as Juan suggested.  And you were right in that while the pane was updated correctly I still need the javascript to update the client  So I am one step away.  I am a not sure what is the best way to implement the script.  I have the updateButtonPressed message replace the panes.  How would evaluateJavacript and the updater get triggered?


Hi Tim

When the updater is triggered (with the "press" button), the #refreshOn: message is sent, so just here you should just "update" and "evaluate" the refresh javascript code. In your case, you should do something like :

TimGoogleMap >>refreshOn: aScript
"redrawing the control (generally just to replace the tag)"
    aScript element
            id: self styleId;
            replace: [: render | render render: self ].

"Evaluate JS update code"
aScript add: (SUStream new
                               nextPutAll: ' "updateCode" ';
                               arguments: anArguments;

Please try it with the newest version available on 

Juan M.

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Ajax/Comet? Rendering and buffering

Robert Sirois
I'm building a map app kinda like Google Maps, only more simple. I'd like to center a given region in a viewing component on the page, and buffer it so much on all sides so that, when the user scrolls, it can be smooth (unless they go crazy :p).

As of now I just threw a draggable script on a div within another div (hidden overflow) so it has the feel of what I want, just not the functionality.

I'd love to hear any suggestions, no matter how crazy! Thanks!


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Re: Updating non Smallfaces component.

Timothy James Ziebart
In reply to this post by Burella Juan M.
Ok gentlemen I am hoping you can comment on whether or not this has been done properly.  I have created two subpanes (there are 8 in total).  By the way I have 3 listboxes dynamically changing the list contents -- so it is working perfectly but for one hurdle.

    | pane |
    pane := LBCMapComponent new.
    pane name: 'mapDisplay'.
    pane styleId: self liveMapId.
    pane model: model.

    | pane panes list |
    list := self session findCodeByParent: 'region'.
    panes := OrderedCollection
                with: (self paneNamed: 'nhoodList')
                with: (self paneNamed: 'cityList')
                with: (self paneNamed: 'mapDisplay').
    pane := SFListBox new.
    pane name: 'regionList';
         items: list;
         lines: 5;
         printSelector: #asString;
         owner: self;
        when: #changed:
        send: #regionSelectionChanged:
        to: self
        refresh: panes.
    ^ pane

The map pane is to be updated when a change has been triggered in regionList.  When regionList is change the regionSelectionChanged method is called which in turn calls updatePane when completed.

    self updateRegionPane; updateCityPane; updateHoodPane; updateMapPane

The updateMapPane executes the following:

    | pane newpane|

    pane := self paneNamed: 'mapDisplay'.
    newpane := LBCMapComponent new.
        model: model;
        styleId: self liveMapId;
        name: 'mapDisplay'.
    self replacePane: pane with: newpane.

which in turn fires the refreshOn: method is on LBCMapComponent.

refreshOn: aScript

    aScript element
        id: self styleId;
        replace:[:render | render render: self].

    "I am not sure what needs to be done here"
    aScript add: [ ]

which will in turn execute renderOn:

renderOn: html
    myMap := self map.

    myMap renderOn: html.

where map returns


    ^LBCGoogleMap new
        setCenter: model coordinates zoom: model zoom;

All the components are updated correctly however the map does not redraw.  If I refresh the browser than the map draws correctly -- so it has to do with the script in the refreshOn method, correct?  If so I, my ignorance of javascript has left me at a loss as to what needs to be done.  Do I need to call replace?  Any suggestions?  Thank you in advance.

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Re: Updating non Smallfaces component.

Burella Juan M.
Hi Tim,

Yes, the problem is #refreshOn: and...I think you need to call #replace. From what I've seen of the GoogleMap component,
you could do something like this

LBCMapComponent>>refreshOn: aScript

    aScript element
        id: self styleId;
        replace:[:render | render render: self].

    aScript add: (SUStream new
            nextPutAll:  '(',self map updateMapScript, ').call';
            arguments: #();


    | myStream listenerString functionString |
    myStream := (WriteStream on: String new)
        nextPutAll: 'function ';
        nextPutAll: 'updateMap(){'; cr; tab;
        nextPutAll: 'if(google.maps.BrowserIsCompatible()){'; cr; tab; tab;
        nextPutAll: 'var mapOptions=';
    options printOn: myStream.
        nextPutAll: ';'; cr; tab; tab;
        nextPutAll: 'var map=new google.maps.Map2(document.getElementById("';
        nextPutAll: htmlID;
        nextPutAll: '"),mapOptions);'; cr; tab; tab;
        nextPutAll: '// *** custom script below'; cr;
        nextPutAll: stream contents; cr; tab; tab;
        nextPutAll: '// *** custom script above'; cr; tab; tab;
        nextPutAll: variable;
        nextPutAll: '=map;';
    listenerString := 'google.maps.Event.addListener(' , variable , ', "'.
    functionString := self functionString.
    eventHandlers keysDo: [:event |
        myStream cr; tab; tab;
            nextPutAll: listenerString;
            nextPutAll: event;
            nextPutAll: functionString;
            nextPutAll: event;
            nextPutAll: '&x=" + x + "&y=" + y + "&z=" + z)'; cr; tab; tab;
            nextPutAll: '});    // end anonymous function and addListener()';
    ^myStream cr; tab;
        nextPutAll: '}    // end BrowserIsCompatible()'; cr;
        nextPutAll: '}    // end ';
        nextPutAll: variable;
        nextPutAll: 'Init()'; cr;

Maybe it isn't the best solution, but it should work fine
Juan M.

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 10:05 PM, Timothy James Ziebart <[hidden email]> wrote:
Ok gentlemen I am hoping you can comment on whether or not this has been done properly.  I have created two subpanes (there are 8 in total).  By the way I have 3 listboxes dynamically changing the list contents -- so it is working perfectly but for one hurdle.

    | pane |
    pane := LBCMapComponent new.
    pane name: 'mapDisplay'.
    pane styleId: self liveMapId.
    pane model: model.

    | pane panes list |
    list := self session findCodeByParent: 'region'.
    panes := OrderedCollection
                with: (self paneNamed: 'nhoodList')
                with: (self paneNamed: 'cityList')
                with: (self paneNamed: 'mapDisplay').

    pane := SFListBox new.
    pane name: 'regionList';
         items: list;
         lines: 5;
         printSelector: #asString;
         owner: self;
        when: #changed:
        send: #regionSelectionChanged:
        to: self
        refresh: panes.
    ^ pane

The map pane is to be updated when a change has been triggered in regionList.  When regionList is change the regionSelectionChanged method is called which in turn calls updatePane when completed.

    self updateRegionPane; updateCityPane; updateHoodPane; updateMapPane

The updateMapPane executes the following:

    | pane newpane|

    pane := self paneNamed: 'mapDisplay'.
    newpane := LBCMapComponent new.
        model: model;
        styleId: self liveMapId;
        name: 'mapDisplay'.
    self replacePane: pane with: newpane.

which in turn fires the refreshOn: method is on LBCMapComponent.

refreshOn: aScript

    aScript element
        id: self styleId;
        replace:[:render | render render: self].

    "I am not sure what needs to be done here"
    aScript add: [ ]

which will in turn execute renderOn:

renderOn: html
    myMap := self map.

    myMap renderOn: html.

where map returns


    ^LBCGoogleMap new
        setCenter: model coordinates zoom: model zoom;

All the components are updated correctly however the map does not redraw.  If I refresh the browser than the map draws correctly -- so it has to do with the script in the refreshOn method, correct?  If so I, my ignorance of javascript has left me at a loss as to what needs to be done.  Do I need to call replace?  Any suggestions?  Thank you in advance.

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Re: Updating non Smallfaces component.

Timothy James Ziebart
Hi Juan,

well it is not working so I changed the strategy.  I will not be
replacing the map but want to invoke a method to move the map (message
is moveMap(coordinates).  The function will be created at the same time
as the map pane.  So when the mapPane is  refreshed I want to call the
moveMap javascript function.  Would I invoke the method in the
refreshOn: method.  Such as:

LBCMapComponent>>refreshOn: aScript
     aScript add: (SUStream new
          nextPutAll: 'moveMap';

So the flow would be as the selections change in the listboxes (there
are 3), the map would be instructed to move to the coordinates.  This
way the map is created once and manipulated from injecting the script.  
Thanks for the help.


Burella Juan M. wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> Yes, the problem is #refreshOn: and...I think you need to call
> #replace. From what I've seen of the GoogleMap component,
> you could do something like this
> LBCMapComponent>>refreshOn: aScript
>     aScript element
>         id: self styleId;
>         replace:[:render | render render: self].
>     aScript add: (SUStream new
>             nextPutAll:  '(',self map updateMapScript, ').call';
>             arguments: #();
>             yourself).
> LBCGoogleMap>>updateMapScript
>     | myStream listenerString functionString |
>     myStream := (WriteStream on: String new)
>         nextPutAll: 'function ';
>         nextPutAll: 'updateMap(){'; cr; tab;
>         nextPutAll: 'if(google.maps.BrowserIsCompatible()){'; cr; tab;
> tab;
>         nextPutAll: 'var mapOptions=';
>         yourself.
>     options printOn: myStream.
>     myStream
>         nextPutAll: ';'; cr; tab; tab;
>         nextPutAll: 'var map=new
> google.maps.Map2(document.getElementById("';
>         nextPutAll: htmlID;
>         nextPutAll: '"),mapOptions);'; cr; tab; tab;
>         nextPutAll: '// *** custom script below'; cr;
>         nextPutAll: stream contents; cr; tab; tab;
>         nextPutAll: '// *** custom script above'; cr; tab; tab;
>         nextPutAll: variable;
>         nextPutAll: '=map;';
>         yourself.
>     listenerString := 'google.maps.Event.addListener(' , variable , ', "'.
>     functionString := self functionString.
>     eventHandlers keysDo: [:event |
>         myStream cr; tab; tab;
>             nextPutAll: listenerString;
>             nextPutAll: event;
>             nextPutAll: functionString;
>             nextPutAll: event;
>             nextPutAll: '&x=" + x + "&y=" + y + "&z=" + z)'; cr; tab;
> tab;
>             nextPutAll: '});    // end anonymous function and
> addListener()';
>             yourself.
>     ].
>     ^myStream cr; tab;
>         nextPutAll: '}    // end BrowserIsCompatible()'; cr;
>         nextPutAll: '}    // end ';
>         nextPutAll: variable;
>         nextPutAll: 'Init()'; cr;
>         contents.
> Maybe it isn't the best solution, but it should work fine
> Cheers,
> Juan M.
> On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 10:05 PM, Timothy James Ziebart
> <[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:
>     Ok gentlemen I am hoping you can comment on whether or not this
>     has been done properly.  I have created two subpanes (there are 8
>     in total).  By the way I have 3 listboxes dynamically changing the
>     list contents -- so it is working perfectly but for one hurdle.
>     *createMapPane
>         | pane |
>         pane := LBCMapComponent new.
>         pane name: 'mapDisplay'.
>         pane styleId: self liveMapId.
>         pane model: model.
>         ^pane.*
>     *
>     createRegionListBox
>         | pane panes list |
>         list := self session findCodeByParent: 'region'.
>         panes := OrderedCollection
>                     with: (self paneNamed: 'nhoodList')
>                     with: (self paneNamed: 'cityList')
>                     with: (self paneNamed: 'mapDisplay').
>         pane := SFListBox new.
>         pane name: 'regionList';
>              items: list;
>              lines: 5;
>              printSelector: #asString;
>              owner: self;
>             when: #changed:
>             send: #regionSelectionChanged:
>             to: self
>             refresh: panes.
>         ^ pane
>     *
>     The map pane is to be updated when a change has been triggered in
>     regionList.  When regionList is change the regionSelectionChanged
>     method is called which in turn calls updatePane when completed.
>     *updatePane
>         self updateRegionPane; updateCityPane; updateHoodPane;
>     updateMapPane*
>     The updateMapPane executes the following:
>     *updateMapPane
>         | pane newpane|
>         pane := self paneNamed: 'mapDisplay'.
>         newpane := LBCMapComponent new.
>         newpane
>             model: model;
>             styleId: self liveMapId;
>             name: 'mapDisplay'.
>         self replacePane: pane with: newpane.*
>     which in turn fires the refreshOn: method is on LBCMapComponent.
>     *refreshOn: aScript
>         aScript element
>             id: self styleId;
>             replace:[:render | render render: self].
>         "I am not sure what needs to be done here"
>         aScript add: [ ]*
>     which will in turn execute renderOn:
>     *renderOn: html
>         |myMap|
>         myMap := self map.
>         myMap renderOn: html.*
>     where map returns
>     *
>     map
>         ^LBCGoogleMap new
>             setCenter: model coordinates zoom: model zoom;
>             setUIToDefault;
>             yourself.*
>     All the components are updated correctly however the map does not
>     redraw.  If I refresh the browser than the map draws correctly --
>     so it has to do with the script in the refreshOn method, correct?
>     If so I, my ignorance of javascript has left me at a loss as to
>     what needs to be done.  Do I need to call replace?  Any
>     suggestions?  Thank you in advance.
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