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Jerome Chan
Is there a way to upgrade from a 4.0 standard edition to a 4.0
professional version?

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Re: Upgrades?

Andy Bower

> Is there a way to upgrade from a 4.0 standard edition to a 4.0
> professional version?

Yes. Go to the upgrades page at our web site and follow the link for
upgrading to Dolphin Professional. At the bottom of the dropdown for the
possible upgrades you'll see, "Upgrade from Dolphin 4.0 Standard Edition".
Alternatively, you can follow this link:


Please note: We have recently discovered a small bug in our order processing
system. If you order an upgrade from one Dolphin 4.0 product to another, you
will receive an error message in the confirmation e-mail instead of your
serial number. This should not be a problem, however, since we are
immediately notified of the situation and will send out the serial number

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support

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