Usability issue with Pharo 5

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Usability issue with Pharo 5

Playing with Pharo5 with Phratch, I just noted two usability problems:

- Short cut for class ref does not work (CTRL+SHIFT+B)
- selecting a word by double clicking in text editor is not as good as
before, you need to be fast on your double click. It worked as a charm
with Pharo 3.
- when right clicking on a class name, you may lose the source code view
on the bottom, it is a 1/2 event

It is depressing to see these usability regressions release after release...

Dr. Geo

Dr. Geo

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Re: Usability issue with Pharo 5

...another one

In an implementor view, when selecting a method in the top list, then
clicking somewhere in the text view, the carret does not follow, you
have to clic again! Another regression compare to Pharo3.

Dr. Geo