Use antlr ".g4" grammars-v4 files to generate parser in pharo?

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Use antlr ".g4" grammars-v4 files to generate parser in pharo?

Julien Delplanque
Hi everyone,

I saw on this repository that there
are a lot of grammar defined. I wonder if someone already managed to
generate a parser in pharo (using any framework you want) from a ".g4" file?

I also saw there is the grammar of ".g4" files
( in the
repository so I guess it would be possible to create a parser that
generate parsers from ".g4" files.



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Re: Use antlr ".g4" grammars-v4 files to generate parser in pharo?

Thierry Goubier
Le 03/05/2015 10:42, Julien Delplanque a écrit :
> Hi everyone,
> I saw on this repository that there
> are a lot of grammar defined. I wonder if someone already managed to
> generate a parser in pharo (using any framework you want) from a ".g4"
> file?

Not me, even if I have spent time pouring over ANTLR-based grammars when
implementing compiler front-ends.

ANTLR-based grammars are LL* (right recursive), so they don't fit very
well with LALR/GLR (SmaCC), they tend to look a bit different from the
programming language official doc or standard (i.e left-recursive), they
are in some cases difficult to reuse because resolution may be done in
ad-hoc fashion (adding arbitrary code to resolve ambiguities), and
whether the grammar is really complete for a given language is hard to
determine (working grammars for real-life complete uses are expensive to
build, so they tend to be kept as company Intellectual Property).

This is my experience.

> I also saw there is the grammar of ".g4" files
> ( in the
> repository so I guess it would be possible to create a parser that
> generate parsers from ".g4" files.

This is correct.


> Regards,
> Julien