Using DBConnection with Oracle (Issues)...

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Using DBConnection with Oracle (Issues)...

Christopher J. Demers
I am using Oracle 9 drivers pointing to a version 8 server, that seems to
work fine.  However when I tried to open the connection from Dolphin I found
that the drivers were returning nulls in the connection string.  This caused
a problem when it was trying to extract data from it.  I worked around the
issue by changing a line in DBConnection<<open to:

self connectString: (connSz copyFrom: 1 to: lenConnSz value) trimNulls
"cdemers - 8/4/2003 trimNulls added"

Has anyone else had to do the above?  I don't doubt that it is an Oracle
quirk, but it may be common enough to handle in the base image if there are
no side effects.

Also I notice that the DBConnection<<tables just returns the table names,
not including table spaces.  It seems that to reference a table in Oracle
one needs to specify the table space as well (ie: TABLE needs to be
TABLESPACE.TABLE).  Does someone know of a portable way to get a list of
complete table names such that they could later be used in SQL code?  I know
I can use an Oracle specific query, but would prefer something portable.
Perhaps the tables message should return full names for databases that
require that.


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Re: Using DBConnection with Oracle (Issues)...

Bill Schwab-2

> Also I notice that the DBConnection<<tables just returns the table names,
> not including table spaces.  It seems that to reference a table in Oracle
> one needs to specify the table space as well (ie: TABLE needs to be
> TABLESPACE.TABLE).  Does someone know of a portable way to get a list of
> complete table names such that they could later be used in SQL code?  I
> I can use an Oracle specific query, but would prefer something portable.
> Perhaps the tables message should return full names for databases that
> require that.

I'm just starting to run into these problems.  So far, I found that at least
with the schema queries, specifying the owner was helpful/necessary;
otherwise, multiple tables would match the criteria, giving the appearance
of multiple columns with the same name in a given "table".

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]