Using FFI on linux 64 bits

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Using FFI on linux 64 bits

Daniel Galdames
Hi, i was trying to use FFI plugin on a 64 bits linux, but when I try
the test, or FFI-Examples, the vm crash with a segmentation fault.
I was able to use FFI with a i686 vm, calling 32 bits libraries. Is
there any way to make a 64 bits vm to call 64 bits libraries? or it
isn't supported yet?
  Daniel Galdames G.

Pharo-users mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Using FFI on linux 64 bits

Mariano Martinez Peck

On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 9:25 PM, Daniel Galdames G. <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi, i was trying to use FFI plugin on a 64 bits linux, but when I try
the test, or FFI-Examples, the vm crash with a segmentation fault.
I was able to use FFI with a i686 vm, calling 32 bits libraries. Is
there any way to make a 64 bits vm to call 64 bits libraries? or it
isn't supported yet?

Hi Daniel. As far as I am aware, it is not supported for the moment. I have the same problem with SqueakDBX.
What I had to do is to use everything 32 bits:  squeak image, squeak vm, FFI plugin, OpenDBX library, Database client libraries....all 32 bits.
even if the pc architecture was 64 bits.

There are bugs with the 64 bits. For example, I remember
but there may be more.

Just as an example:



 Daniel Galdames G.

Pharo-users mailing list
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