Using Pharo 1.1

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Using Pharo 1.1

Sven Van Caekenberghe

Yet another question.

I keep hearing and reading that Pharo 1.1 is quite usable and a lot better than 1.0 that I am currently using. Is that true ?

If I download Pharo-1.1-11367-Betadev10.05.1 how do I then keep up to date with the development that is presumably still going on ?

It seems like only Pharo-Core images have this 'software update' world menu item ?

Or do I just have to keep on downloading the lastest released beta ?

Sorry for all the beginner questions...



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Re: Using Pharo 1.1

Mariano Martinez Peck

On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <[hidden email]> wrote:

Yet another question.

I keep hearing and reading that Pharo 1.1 is quite usable and a lot better than 1.0 that I am currently using. Is that true ?

If I download Pharo-1.1-11367-Betadev10.05.1 how do I then keep up to date with the development that is presumably still going on ?

It seems like only Pharo-Core images have this 'software update' world menu item ?

Or do I just have to keep on downloading the lastest released beta ?

Just download each new PharoDev version. If you want, you can take a core and try to build yourself a dev image on top of that. But that could be unstable.



Sorry for all the beginner questions...



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Re: Using Pharo 1.1

Miguel Cobá
El jue, 10-06-2010 a las 19:44 +0200, Mariano Martinez Peck escribió:

> On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <[hidden email]>
> wrote:
>         Hi,
>         Yet another question.
>         I keep hearing and reading that Pharo 1.1 is quite usable and
>         a lot better than 1.0 that I am currently using. Is that
>         true ?
> yes
>         If I download Pharo-1.1-11367-Betadev10.05.1 how do I then
>         keep up to date with the development that is presumably still
>         going on ?
>         It seems like only Pharo-Core images have this 'software
>         update' world menu item ?
> yes, they don't have it. Read:
>         Or do I just have to keep on downloading the lastest released
>         beta ?
> Just download each new PharoDev version. If you want, you can take a
> core and try to build yourself a dev image on top of that. But that
> could be unstable.

Or you could use a dev image and *only if you know that nothing bad
happens to your code or the packages you use for your app* you could
update manually by opening a workspace and evaluating every so:

Utilities updateFromServer.

But again, that is *only* if you want to track the latest developments,
the common is you take a given vesion, develop your app in there, and
when you have a release, take a new pharo version, update it, load your
code, run your tests and deploy :)


> Cheers
> mariano
>         Sorry for all the beginner questions...
>         Thx,
>         Sven
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Miguel Cobá

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Re: Using Pharo 1.1

Sven Van Caekenberghe
In reply to this post by Mariano Martinez Peck
Thanks for the quick answer, Mariano, I understand now.

I'll work from the published 1.1 images.


On 10 Jun 2010, at 19:44, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Yet another question.
> I keep hearing and reading that Pharo 1.1 is quite usable and a lot better than 1.0 that I am currently using. Is that true ?
> yes
> If I download Pharo-1.1-11367-Betadev10.05.1 how do I then keep up to date with the development that is presumably still going on ?
> It seems like only Pharo-Core images have this 'software update' world menu item ?
> yes, they don't have it. Read: 
> Or do I just have to keep on downloading the lastest released beta ?
> Just download each new PharoDev version. If you want, you can take a core and try to build yourself a dev image on top of that. But that could be unstable.
> Cheers
> mariano
> Sorry for all the beginner questions...
> Thx,
> Sven

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Re: Using Pharo 1.1

Stéphane Ducasse
In reply to this post by Miguel Cobá
> But again, that is *only* if you want to track the latest developments,
> the common is you take a given vesion, develop your app in there, and
> when you have a release, take a new pharo version, update it, load your
> code, run your tests and deploy :)

this model stresses you less. And you can give feedback at check points
and we can integrate potential issues that you discover when you tried to migrate
from one chekc point to the other.


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